PQ FINAL Flashcards
The vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi are
Soft ticks
Kissing bugs
Hard ticks
Kissing bugs
What is characteristics of “Dollar-spots”?
Predilection site: genitalia
10-15 cm diameter
They always appear in dourine
Dourine –> trypanosoma Equiperdum 16-35microm
What is the most frequent cause of death following the 4th phase of dourine?
Collapse of circulation
Facial paralysis
- Genitalia
- Urticaripahase
- Paralysis phase
- Recumbancy –> Cahexia, Decubital inf, Pneumonia (With 50% morality)
Which Giardia genotype(s) is (are) zoonotic? (more than one answer maybe correct!)
* A
* B
* C
* D
A and B
In which of the following is Toxoplasma gondii highly foetopathogenic?
* Cattle
* Sheep
* Horse
* Pig
Early embryonic death
Foetal death/mummification
Neonatal death
Infects most warm blooded mammals - Definitive Host felidae
Which species will frequently cause haemorrhages?
* T. brucei brucei
* R. Vivax
* T. Congolense
* None of these
- T. brucei brucei –> Inflamatory necrotic change
- **T. vivax –> cause located in the Blood
** - T. congolense –> Glomerulonephritis
What is the approx.. size of giardia cyst?
* 10-20 micrometers
* Nearly 100 micrometers
* 30-40 micrometers
* 20-30 micrometers
- 10-20 micrometers
Which Eimeria sp. is highly pathogenic in chicken?
* E. maxima
* E. intestinalis
* E. necatrix
* E. mitis
*** E. necatrix
Of which Eimeria sp./spp. can the praepatent period be 4 days or shorter? (more than one answer may be right!)
- E. praecox
- E.maxima
- E. acervuline
- E.mitis
- E. praecox –> Less than 4 days
- E. acervuline –> 4-5 days
- E.mitis –> 3-4 days
E.Maxima = 5-6days
E. Tenella and Necatrix = 6-7Days
E. Brunetti = 5days
Which of the following pair of Eimeria species has complementary location in the small intestine?
E. intestinalis & E. magna
E. duodenalis & E. media
E. magna & E. magna
E. exigua & E. intestinalis
**E. intestinalis (ileum+jejenum) & E. magna(Ileum+jejenum)
- G. duodenalis & E. media –> Duodenum & Jejenum
- E. exigua (whole small int) & E. intestinalis (ileum & Jejenum)
What is the characteristic lesion on the hepatic form of pigeon trichomonosis?
* Pea size necroses
* Fibrinous perihepatitis
* Abscess
* Pinpoint necroses
- Pea size necroses
Which species will cause mucosal thickening distally in the small intestine?
* Eimeria ovinoidalis
* Eimeria crandallis
* Eimeria parva
* Eimeria bakuensis
- Eimeria ovinoidalis
Which Cryptosporidium sp./spp. occur(s) frequently in post-weaned or older calves? (more than one answer maybe correct!)
* C. Baileyi
* C. Bovis
* C. Andersoni
* C. Parvum
* C. Bovis
* C. Andersoni
- C. Baileyi –> Avian chryptorchism
- C. Bovis –> Weaned calves
- C. Andersoni –> Adults/Older calves
- C. Parvum –> Praeweaned young calves
C.Ryanae –> Post weaning calves
In which age group are bulls more susceptible to Tritrichomonas foetus?
* 1-2 years of age
* Below 3 years
* Above 3 years
* 2-4 years of age
- Above 3 years
How does Histomonas meleagridis spread to the liver?
* Haematogenously
* From the cloaca
* From the skin
* From the navel
Which Eimeria sp. is highly pathogenic in chicken?
* E. acervuline
* E. mitis
* E. tenella
* E. flavescens
*** E. tenella **+ E.Brunetti & E.Necatrix
Which protozoon is frequently carried by nutria or coypu?
* Giardia
* Trichomonas
* Toxoplasma
* Babesia
- Toxoplasma
Large Beaver like rodent
How does Trichomonas gallinae reach the liver?
* Spreading from heart apex
* Spreading from the navel
* Spreading from oesophagus
* Haematogenously
- Spreading from the navel
Which grographical region has serious problems with cattle tritrichomonosis?
* None of these
* Certain US states
* Europe
* Hungary
- Certain US states
Which dog breed is predisposed to subclinical babesiosis (carrier state)?
* Spaniel predisposed
* Irish setter predisposed
* German shepherd
* Dalmatiner
*** German shepherd
- Spaniel = predisposed
- Irish setter = predisposed
- German shepherd = SUBCLINICAL
- Dalmatiner
More resistant==>
* Beagles
* Foxterrier
In which “aberrant” host species is Sarcocystis neurona highly pathogenic?
* Cattle
* Sheep
* Pig
* Horse
“aberrant” = Diverging from normal type
- Horse
Please select the moderately pathogenic Eimeria sp./spp. for which the location is indicated properly?
E. irresidua – duodenum
E. intestinalis – ileum
E. piriformis – colon
E. magna – ileum
Rabit coccidiosis
**E. piriformis – colon
- E. irresidua – duodenum = Jejenum +/- Ileum = moderate
- E. intestinalis – ileum = High pathogenicity
E. piriformis – colon =
E. magna – ileum = + Jejenum
Which of the following pair of Eimeria species has complementary location on the small intestine?
* E. brunetti & E. mitis
* E. maxima & E. necatrix
* E. acervulina & E. mitis
* E. acervulina & E. precox
*** E. acervulina & E. mitis
Brunetti = colorectal
Mitis = Ileum
Maxima = Jejenum
Necatrix = Jejenum
Acervulina = Duodenum
Precox = Duodenum
Also E. Intestinalis and E. Magna
There is no sporocyst in its sporulated oocyst (more than one answer maybe correct)
* Cryptosporidium
* Plasmodium
* Hepatozoon
* Isospora
- Cryptosporidium = No sporocyst, but 4 free sporozoites
- Plasmodium = No sporocyst or Conoids = Fertilized motile zygote –> Ookinete
- Hepatozoon = 30-50 sporocysts
- Isospora = 2 sporocysts & 4 sporozoites
Eimeria = 4 sporocyst & 2 sporozoites
What is the most pathogenic stage of Eimeria acervuline?
* Second schizont
* Gamont
* First schizont
* Oocyst
4* Schizogony and Gametogony
- Oocyst
Which are the predisposing factors of pigeon Trichomonosis? (more than one answer may be correct)
* A-vitamin deficiency
* Giardiasis
* Ammonia from litter
* Iron deficiency
Cappillaria Nematodes
- A-vitamin deficiency
- Ammonia from litter
What plays a central role in the pathogenesis of biliary coccidiosis?
* Cirrhosis
* Biliary hyperplasia
* Anaemia
* Hepatomegaly
- Biliary hyperplasia
Which statement is true for Klossiellosis?
* Oocysts form, but are not shed
* There is no oocysts
* Oocysts are of the Isospora-type
* Oocysts pass with the urine
- Oocysts form, but are not shed - sporocysts are shed withe urine
- Oocysts are of the Isospora-type - 2*4 40-60 thin walled sporocyst w/free Luminal sporozoites
- Oocysts pass with the urine - sporocysts are
What is not caused by Trypanosoma cruzi?
* Meningoencephalitis
* Megalomania
* Myocarditis
* Oedema
Oedema –> Palpebral
Which plasmodium species is not human pathogenic?
* P. vivax
* P. simium
* P. knowlesi
* P.ovale
* P. simium (monkeys+P.knowlesi)
* P. knowlesi monkeys too
Mostly where does the first schizogony of Leucocytozoon species take place?
* In liver parenchyma cells
* In endothelial cells
* In renal tubular epithelial cells
* In muscle
*** In liver parenchyma cells
What is the size range of Trypanosomes?
* 60-100 μm
* 30-50 μm
* 10-20 μm
* 10-40 μm
* 10-40 μm
8-39micrometer Heteroxenous
How can infection with Encephalitozoon cuniculi typically be acquired?
* With coprophagy
* By vectors
* With eating transport hosts
* Prenatally
Where does exoerythrocytaer schizogony of Plasmodium species take place in mammals?
* Liver
* White blood cells
* Lymph node
* Skin
White blood cells = Birds
Skin = Birds
Birds –> skin mps cells
Which host has asymptomatic Trypanosoma brucei evansi infection?
* Cattle
* Horse
* Camel
* Dog
* Horse = int fever, weakness, meningoencephalitis, HL paralysis, oedema
* Camel = very pathogenic
* Dog = Sc + laryngeal oedema, Occular signs, Mucosal Haemorrhage
(Evansi) - Surrae Hindi for Rotten
What may predispose a dog to entamoebosis?
* Living together with cats which pass cysts in their faeces
* Eating raw pork
* Drinking from trophozoite-containing water
* Entamoebosis of the owner
* Entamoebosis of the owner
The Hepatozoon canis gamont: what is the shape and what cell type is it in?
* Elliptic, neutrophilic grc.
* Oval, monocyte
* Onion-like, splenocyte
* Round, neutrophilic grc
*** Elliptic, neutrophilic grc.
Which of the following is an opportunistic pathogen that is taxonomically a protozoon but not a member of phylum Apicomplexa?
* Cryptosporidium parvum
* Toxoplasma gondii
* Acanthamoeba castellani
* Encephalitozoon cuniculi
*** Acanthamoeba castellani
Which Eimeria sp. May have high pathogenicity similar to that of Eimeria zuernii?
* E. alabemensis
* E. ellipsoidalis
* E. subspherical
* E. auburnensis
*** E. alabemensis
What plays a central role in the background of waving parasitaemia in the case of nagana?
* Superinfection
* Exflaggellation
* VSG expression
* Immunosuppression
*** VSG expression
How many Eimeria spp. May cause either haemorrhagic or fibrinous lesions in the caeca of chickens?
* Two
* One
* Four
* Three
- Two
E. Tenella + ?
How many Eimeria spp. Cause haemorrhagic lesions in the small intestine of the chicken?
* Five
* Four
* Two
* Three
* Two
E.Necatrix? & E. Brunetti
(Distal end of SI)
Which Eimeria sp. Has low pathogenicity in chickens?
* E. acervulina
* E. tenella
* E. duodenalis xpheasantcoccidiosis
* E. flavescens coccidiosis
* E. acervulina
* E. tenella = High pathogenesis
* E. duodenalis = Pheasantcoccidiosis
* E. flavescens = Rabbit coccidiosis**
How can we get infected with giardia from natural water in Central Europe (minimal infectious dose in 10 cysts)?
* There is no way, because beavers are rare
* Rarely by drinking natural water
* During swimming
* My washing food in natural water
*** Rarely by drinking natural water
Which does not have cyst?
* Trichomonas gallinae
* Giardia duodenalis
* Acanthomoeba castellani
* Entamoebahistolytica
Trichomonas gallinae
- No sexual stages, No cysts
Please select the highly pathogenic Eimeria sp. For which the location is indicated properly:
* E. irresidua - jejunum
* E. flavescens - caecum
* E. intestinalis - caecum
* E. magna - duodenum
*** E. flavescens - Caecum
What is the characteristic lesion of Eimeria bakuensis infection, and in which part of the gut?
* Haemorrhages in duodenum
* Colon ulcers
* Foci in ileum
* Pseudomembrane in jejunum
*** Foci in ileum
Of which Eimeria sp. Is it characteristic to cause haemorrhages in a ladder-like pattern?
* E. tenella
* E. necatrix
* E. maxima
* E. brunetti
- **E. brunetti **
= Rectal coccidiosios of chickens
What is the characteristic gestation period for neosporosis-related abortions in cows?
* 2-4 months
* 4-6 months
* 8-9 months
* 6-8 months
*** 4-6 months
What is the main clinical type of cryptosporidiosis in the birds?
- Digestive
- Renal
- Respiratory
- Ocular
*** Respiratory
Which are the ways of attenuation in the case of Paracox, Livacox?
* Making subunits
* Selection for early maturation
* Gamma irradiation
* Adaptation to CAM
- Selection for early maturation
- Adaptation to CAM
Which Eimeria species occurs typically in breeding and replacement flocks, but less in broilers?
* E. acervulina
* E. mitis
* E. maxima
* E. brunetti
*** E. maxima
Which Trypanosoma sp. Does the causative agent of dourine belong to?
* T. brucei
* T. equiperdum
* T. equinum
* T. evansi
T. brucei
& T. evansi
Which protozoon is frequently carried by beavers?
* Giardia
* Sarcocystis
* Trichomonas
* Babesia
Cysts from Beavers + Man –> Infect Dogs
What are the routes of infection with Leishmania spp.?
* All of these
* With biting
* Venereal, transplacental
* Vector borne
All of these
Which Eimeria sp./spp. Cause(s) typically coagulation necrosis?
* E. tenella
* E. brunetti
* E. maxima
* E. Necatrix
** E. brunetti** –> Colon, Rectum and cloaca
- E. Tenella –> Caecum
- E. Maxima –> Jejenum
- E. Necatrix –> SI
Coagulation necrosis –> Rough rectal mucosal surface
Which Eimeria sp./spp. Cause(s) typically coagulation necrosis?
* E. tenella
* E. brunetti
* E. maxima
* E. Necatrix
** E. brunetti**
–> Colon, Rectum and cloaca
- E. Tenella –> Caecum
- E. Maxima –> Jejenum
- E. Necatrix –> SI
Coagulation necrosis –> Rough rectal mucosal surface
Which species will cause mucosal thickening in the colon?
* Eimeria bakuensis
* Eimeria arloingi
* Eimeria ellipsoidalis
* Entamoeba histolytica
* Entamoeba histolytica
What is characteristic of the pathology of turkey Histomonosis?
* Generalized form
* Dry liver necrosis
* Bloody caecal contents
* Moist liver necrosis
*** Dry liver necrosis
Which is the staining method to distinguish Encephalitozoon cuniculi from protozoan parasites belonging to other groups?
* Ziehl-neelsen
* Kinyoun
* Gram
*** Ziehl-neelsen
Which Eimeria species does not occur behind the small intestine?
* E. meleagridis
* E. meleagrimitis
* E. gallopavonis
* E. adenoeides
*** E. meleagridis
Which phenotype is not characteristic of Trypanosoma cruzi?
* Amastigote
* Promastigote
* Epimastigote
* Trypomastigote
Which of the following lives intracellularly
* Promastigote
* Amastigote
* Trypomastigote
* Epimastigote
Infection with which Eimeria species results in sunken eyes, vertigo?
E. truncata
E. anatis
E. anseris
E. danailovi
+ Torticollis
What should be demonstrated in blood smears in order to diagnose haemoproteosis?
* Spindle shape Gamont next to the nucleus of white blood cells
* Spindle shape Gamont next to the nucleus of red blood cells
* Sausage like Gamont next to the nucleus of red blood cells
* Sausage-like Gamont next to the nucleus of white blood cells
**Sausage like Gamont next to the nucleus of red blood cells **
Blood smear with Giemsa
What is the host of Eimeria Kotlani?
* Pheasant
* Duck
* Goose
* Turkery
*** Goose
Eimeria Kotlani = Renal coccidiosis of geese
Which is the main zoonotic Babesia sp. (sensu stricto) in Europe?
* B. ovis
* B. bovis
* B. divergens
* B. microti
*** B. divergens
What is he main location of Eimeria maxima?
* Ileum
* Rectum
* Duodenum
* Jejenum
**Jejenum **
Rectum –> Brunetti
Duodenum –> Acervulina
What is he main location of Eimeria maxima?
* Ileum
* Rectum
* Duodenum
* Jejenum
**Jejenum **
Rectum –> Brunetti
Duodenum –> Acervulina
Which domestic animal is susceptible for the highest number of Cryptosporidium species?
* Sheep
* Cattle
* Pig
* Dog
Which can shed oocysts of Eimeria coecicola?
* Rabbit
* Mouse
* Cat
* Dog
Which of the following species develops also extraintestinally?
* Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae
* Eimeria ovinoidalis
* Eimeria parva
* Eimeria crandallis
** Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae**
How can a dog become infected with Neospora caninum? (more than one answer may be correct!)
* From raw pork
* With oocysts
* Galactogenically
* Transplacentally
From raw pork & Transplacentally
With oocysts??
Please select the Cryptosporidium sp./spp. For which the location is indicated properly
* C. muris – small intestine
* C. parvum – stomach
* C. adnersoni – colon
* C. bovis – small intestine
C. bovis – small intestine
Muris = Stomach/abomasum
Parvum = SI
Andersoni = Stomach/abomasum
Which Eimeria sp./spp. Have 6 days of prepatent period (More than one may be right!)
* E. maxima
* E. brunetti
* E. necatrix
* E. tenella
E.Necatrix and E.Tenella
Maxima = 5-6
Brunetti = 5
Necatrix = 6-7
Tenella = 6-7
What is the incubation period of dourine?
* 1-2 months
* 3-4 weeks
* 14-16 days
* Can be several years
1-2 months
Where do besnoitia cysts occur in cattle? (More than one may be right!)
* Respiratory mucosae
* Epidermis
* Sclera
* Genital mucosae
- Respiratory mucosae
- Epidermis
- Sclera
- Genital mucosae
Which Eimeria sp. Is highly pathogenic in cattle?
* E. necatrix
* E. ellipsoidalis
* E. zuernii
* E. bakuensis
** E. zuernii**
Which Sarcocystis sp. Has carnivores as intermediate hosts?
* S. rileyi
* S. procifelis
* S. cruzi
* S. neurona
S. neurona
What is the main location of Eimeria tenella?
* Duodenum
* Caecum
* Rectum
* Jejunum
Duodenum = Acervulina
Rectum = Brunetti
Jejunum = Maxima
What is the most frequent cause of death in the case of nagana?
* Heart failure
* Pneumonia
* Rupture of spleen
* Renal failure
Heart failure
What is the incubation period of canine babesiosis?
* 1 day (also peracute)
* 4-21 days
* 1-2 weeks
* 14-16 days
4-21 days
Approx 5-20Days
Which tick genus includes the main vector of the large babesia of the dog in Europe?
* Hyalomma
* Ixodes
* Haemaphysalis
* Dermacentor
* Large = B.canis
(R. sanguineus, D. Reticulatus)
* Small = B.Gibsoni (R.Sanguineus)
Which tick can be the carrier for small babesia in dogs?
Breed disposition to Babesia: (more than one may be right)
* Dalmatian
* Spaniel
* German Shepherd
* Irish setter
Spaniel and Irish setter
Which Giardia genotype occurs frequently in cattle?
* C
* D
* E
* F
What is the end stage of Hepatozoon canis in ticks?
* Oocysts
* Syzygium
* Sporokinetes
* Free sporozoites
- IM host = Dog, Coyote, Cat, Mink, Racoon (asex reprod.)
- Final host = Rhipicephalus sanguinis
In what can Encephalitozoon spores be found? (more than one answer maybe correct)
* Faeces
* Urine
* Sweating
* Respiratory secretion
Which one is not a characteristic sign of surra?
* Anorexia
* Anaemia and haemorrhage
* Paralysis of hind quarters
* Diarrhoea
**Paralysis of hind quarters **
= surra, T.evansi
(neospora sometimes)
Which characteristic of Klossiella species is exceptional among haemogregarines?
* Development is not restricted to cells of the haemolymphatic system
* They are homoxenous
* There may be 40-60 sporocysts in the oocysts
* Klossiella species are not haemogregarines
They are homoxenous
* Haemogregarines –> Mainly in cold Blooded Hosts (in RBC’s).
* Usually: Obligatory Heteroxenons
* 10-15 sporocysts in oocyst
What is the form Naegleria fowleri does not have?
* Provided with two flagella
* Amoebic
* Cyst
* Provided with one flagellum
Provided with one flagellum
It is biflagelated
In which animal does klossiellosis usually have pathogenic significance?
* Mouse
* Donkey
* Rat
* Horse
- K.muris more pathogenic
- K. equi mostly apathogenic
Which domestic animals do not have Eimeria species?
* Ducks
* Carnivores
* Horses
* Pigs
* I. Canis
* I.Felis
* I.Rivolta
* I.Ohioensis
* I. Burrows
Pig has: E.Deblicki, E.Polita, E.Scabra, E.Spinosa, I.Suis
Which of the following does not cause haemorrhages?
* Eimeria anatis
* Tyzzeria perniciosa
* Eimeria danailovi
* Wenyonella philiplevinei
**Eimeria anatis **
= Is apathogenic
Which clinical sign is not characteristic of encephalitozoonosis?
* Spasms
* Ataxy
* Posterior paralysis
* Torticollis
* Posterior paralysis common in rabbits
What is the most frequent cause of death during leishmaniasis?
* Septicemia
* Asphyxia
* Heart failure
* Renal failure
Renal failure
What can typically result from the infection with cryptosporidium parvum?
* Crypt hypoplasia
* Fibrinous pseudomembranes
* Apoptosis
* Necrosis
Parasite induced Apoptosis