MT --> Flatworms Flashcards
Flatworms can de grouped into?
- Trematodes (Flukes)
- Cestodes (Tapeworms)
What are the different Trematodes?
- Fascialosis = Liverfluke
- Dicrocoeliosis = Lancet fluke
- Paramphistomidosis = Rumen fluke
- Schistosomatidosis = Blood flukes
= Unsegmented parasitic worms with two suckers and a branching intestinal canal!
Dorsoventral flattend
How to detect eggs from the flatworms?
Sedimentation and flotation
Fasciola Hepatica
Genital organs
They are hemaphrodites = 2 different genitals in their body
What does Fasciola Hepatica feed on?
Morphology Fasciola Hepatica
- Grayish/brownish,
- Can reach 2cm in size,
- Leaflike, conical head,
- ventral->2 suckers,
- dorsal side ->intestinal part
- 2 genital openings = Hemaphrodites
Life cycle Fasciola Hepatica
Miracidium - Sporocyst - Redia - Cercaria - Metacercaria
Fasciola Hepatica
What happens in the final host?
Eggs are shed
Fasciola Hepatica
Requirement for their survival/growth?
Moisty areas, (in dry areas nothing happens)
Fasciola Hepatica
Lifecycle untill the intermediate host
* Where are eggs shedd from?
* Whats inside the egg?
* What developes from the egg in watery environment?
* What hatched from the egg?
Eggs shedd from the final host
From the egg, MIRACIDIUM wil develop
Mirazidium hatches from the egg
Mirazidium finds intermediate host.
Fasciola Hepatica
Lifecycle when the Miracidium meets the intermediate host
- Mirazidium has cillated body surface –> Penetrates into the intermediate host(snail)
- Inside the intermediate host generation of mother and daugther radia, and cercaria
- Cercaria has tail, and when fresg water is coming it tells the cercaria to get out from the snail.
- (asexual reproduction –> one egg and 1000 of cercaria)
- Inside cyst –> 1000 radiae –> Inside Cercariae (multiply them self)
- 1000 of cercaria swarm out. Swim and attach to solid surface (vegetation). Loose tail, create double wall.
- Animals eat vegetation
Intermediate host Faciola Hepatica
Fresh water snail (Pulmonated, “coiled staircase”)
Galba Truncatula
Final host Faciola Hepatica
Small ruminants
Larvastage Faciola Hepatica
Eggs of Liverfluke
- Big (more than 100 micrometers)
- Dark yellowish colour (characteistic)
- Thin wall
- Zygone inside
- Has operculum
Fasciola Hepatica
- Inside egg
- In water they swarm out/hatch
- Infects the snail (snail body to the right)
Habitat of Fasciola Hepatica
Primary Habitat
Primary habitat = Brooks, lakes (natural habitat of the snails, but cannot make dense populations, so not the usual sourse of the F.Hepatica infection)
(induvidials are scattered)
Secondary habitat(biotopes) of Fasciola Hepatica
More importaint to us!
Pature, puddles
More dense populations in small areas
- Thick wall (resistant to circumstances)
What happens when F.Hepatica is ingested by the final host?
Juvenile flukes develop in the small intestines
Gets through the intestinal lobes, through the body cavity.
Enters the capsule and migrate there for 4-6 weeks.
Damage the liver tisue (Liver parenchyma) due to the spikes on their surface.
Picture = When fluke is in the billiary duct!!
Symptoms F.Hepatica
Acute form
* Most dangerous
* Fast
* Juvenile is probebly the one that causing it.
* Sudden death
* Losing weight
Sub acute and chronic not that dangerous:
* Asymptomatic
* Mild symptoms
* Anaemia
* Submandibular oedema
Diagnosis F.Hepatica
- Characteristic eggs
- Praepatent period 6-12 weeks (=the time for the eggs to appear in the feces)
- Flotation and sedimentation test
Dicrocoeliosus (Lancet fluke) morphology
- Smaller than F. hepatica (other than that its hard to distuinguish)
- Elongated body
- Suckers in same position as F.Hepatica
- Anterior part is quite similar to F.Hepatica.
- Between suckers –> Genital opening
- ORGANS different
- You can see the 2 testis (pink bigger circless) and ovary gland between. And the rest is uterus(smaller snircles).
- On the 2 sides you find the yolk glands.
- The metacercaria can have a stylet on top of the head - and due to that they can infitrate into the snail tissue.
Life cycle of Lancet fluke (Dicrocoeliosus)
Main difference between FASCIOLA HEPATICA and DICROCOELIOSUS life cycle (Common liver fluke and lancet fluke)
- No redia in LANCET
- 2 intermed host in LANCET
- LIVER FLUKE develops = Whet environment
- LANCET FLUKE develops = Dry environment to = dont need water to develop.
- LANCET –> Intermediate host need to inget the egg to be infected!
- Slime wall –> Sneezed out from the respiratory system. In the slime, several cercaria will be found.
- 2ndary intermediate host = ANTS eat slima because its good in protein.
- Cercaria will penetrate the intestinal wall and get to the body cavity.
- Most of the Cercara will develop into metacercaria(double walled) in the body cavity, but some of them will get to the ganglion of the suboesophageal ganglia in the head part.
- Some of the ants climb on top of the grasses –> Because animals graze early in the morning.
- But why? Evolutionary reason, more chance to be eaten.
End host of Dicrocoeliosis (Lancet fluke)
Same as common liver fluke
What does juvenile lancet flukes do/where do they go? And how do they get there?
Go to the liver and the bile ducts (same as common)
They get to the liver through ductus choledochus from duodenum. Does not destroy the liver parenchyma and they dont migrate through the parenchyma, but migrate through the ductus choledochus and to the gallbladder and bilary ducts.
How does the parenchyma look after lancet fluke infestation?
No blody distroyed parenchyma or dilations in the histopath in this case.
Life cycle of the lancet fluke.
Sneezed out!!
Incidental human infection can happen too
Egg of dicocoelium sp compared do fasciola hepatica
- Much smaller (1/3 of the size)
- Dark brown
- Thick wall
- Inside: Two eyes like spots are from the MIRACIDIUM
Intermediate host of Dicrocoelium (Lancet fluke)?
1st intermed –> Landsnails
2nd intermed –> Formica ants
Acure form never occurs!!!
Subacute and chronic forms
* Usually asymptomatic
* No seasonality
* In severe cases = ANAEMIA, OEDEMA, WEIGHT LOSS
Pathology/Necroscopic findings of LANCET FLUKE
Never destroyed parenchyma
No bleeding
Only dilated/thickened whiteish walls
Diagnosis lancet fluke
- Flotation and sedimentation
- Praepatent period=7-9 weeks
- Dark brown asymatric oval eggs
Raw meat diet - looking for protozoa –> why flue eggs in dogs? Eat liver = Pseudoparaste
Dicrocoelium Dendriticum eggs
Lancet fluke eggs
Less dark = Not mature
Lancet fluke
To see the body with the suckers and organs
Histopath cross section of Lancet fluke
Filling the billiary duct
No spikes on the surface
Red darked coloured eggs
Big spot in the middle is the testis, but its dependong on the slide on where it is cut
What are the two genera causing PARAMPHISTOMIDOSIS in europe?
- Paramphistomum
- Calicophoron
Where can the Paramphisumum or rumen fluke be found?
Usually in 4-stomachs
* Rumen
* Reticulum
Other animans
- large intestines.(Liver)?
Morphology of the rumen fluke (Paramphistomum)
- Pinkish/redish colour
- Attech them self to the rumen mucosa
In which species
In cattles
In which species
* Sheep goat and whild ruminants - PARAMPHISTOMUN ISCHIKAVAWAI
* Wild ruminants and buffalo
Morphology of the PARAMPHISTOMUM species
NOT dorsoventral flattened, but ROUND
Oral sucker in the anterior part
Posterior part = huge sucker = acetabulum
(Suckers help them to easily attach to the four stomach)
Between the 2 suckers = Genital opening
Uterus wit 2 testis
And yolk glands
explained compared to other flukes.
Rounded headpart (harder to penetrate snail?)
- MIRACIDIUM wil penetrate into the snai
- Sporocyst, Redia and Cercaria (exception not more redia stages)
- BUT –> What happens when the METACERCARIA gets into the host?
- Juvenile flukes will develop
- And what will they do?
- Go to the duodenum
- But how do they get to the liver?
- Stay in the GI tract, but under the mucosal layer
- Due to the migration of the duodenal mucosal layer there will be a ACUTE SYMPTOMS with this migration.
- Most dangerous form = ACUTE FORM
- Flukes can cause severe diarrhoea and catharal inflamation and haemorrhagic inflamation can be found.
Egg of rumen fluke
- Similar to F.Hepatica
- BUT COLOURLESS or Greyish!!
- You cant really see the excentrical zygote.
- Youlk gland is not that fine granulated, but coarse granulated.
- They have operculum (Cap where miracidium can hatch)
What is the intermediate host of the Paramphistomum species (Rumen fluke)
Coin shaped red blooded pulmonate fresh water snails
= PLANORBIS species
What is the intermediate host of the CALICOPHORON species (Rumen fluke)
Galba Truncatula
Paramphistomum (rumen fluke)
Adult flukes morphology
- Redish pinkish alive
- More faded after death (picture)
Structure of the paramphistomum (rumen fluke) –> Adult
- Oral sucker
- ## Ventral huge acetabulum
Symptoms paramphistomidosis
ACUTE FORM (sheeps)
* Dangerous (due to migration of juveniles IN the duodenum)
* Profuse Diarrhoea(sheeps–>Anal prolapse), Anorexia, thirst, anemia, oedema
- Usually asymptomatic
Pathology Paramphistomidosis
- How they attach to the mucosa and causing:
1. Erosion on the duodenal mucosa
2. Catharral to haemorhagic enteritis (inflamation)
3. Watery, stinky intestinal content (Diarrhoea)
- Pinkish flukes in the rumen and reticulum
Rumen fluke (Paramphistomidosis)
Praepatent period = 16-18weeks (longer than F. Hepatica)
Eggs =
* Coulouless/greyish
* Big
In which species can you find blood flukes (Schistomatidosis)
Ruminants (wild mostly) and Humans
Tropical disease in humans
Schistomatidosis life cycle
- When eggs shedds from the feces or urin
- Some of the eggs has spikes
- MIRACIDIUM will develop in the eggs and hatch
- INTERMEDIATE HOST is snails(water)
- SPOROCYST develop in the snail
- CERCARIA swarm out in the water
- FURCOCERCARIA due to the special tail
- FURCOCERCARIA are able to penetrate the SKIN (swiming in natural tropical water)
- FURCOCERCARIA gets to the blood circulation and migrating to the vessels and surounding viscerals.
- They live in pairs and leave the eggs in the circulation(spikes of the eggs attaches to the moving viscerals).
- Then they can get to the intestinal tract or the bladder.
- Then shedd by feces.
- Males are bigger
Schistosoma species (Blood fluke)
Schistosoma Bovis
Schistosoma Turkestanicum
- They have larva form (found in intervertebrates or vertebrates)
- Distinguish between
1. CESTODOSIS (Adult form cause symptoms)
2. METACESTODOSIS (Larva cause symptoms)
Morphological appearance of TAPEWORMS
Headpart = Scolex
Armed or unarmed scolex
Rostellum allways covered with HOOKS
Rostellum can be protruuded or pushed back regarding to the the attachement to the SI wall.
Armed = 4 suckers
Unarmed = no Rostellum, only suckers (4 or 2)
SCOLEX produce the segments
1. First the neck (unsegmented) and from the neck
2. The segments (PROGLOTTIS)
3. More segments togetter = STROBILA
MATURE = Sexual organs can be found and
GRAVID SEGMENTS = containing only eggs (sexual organs disapear becuse its full of eggs)
Where do you find the oldest segments of a tapeworm?
At the end of the STROBILA
Colour and size change of a tapeworm
From pink and tiny(young) to paler/white and larger (adults)
Depending on species –> Longer or wider etc
What happens to the last segment(gravid) of the STROBILA?
Can detach and be shedd with the feces or eggs can come out and be shed.
How to detect eggs of TAPE WORMS?
6-oncosphare or Teniatype eggs
In Flotation you cannot se the PROGLOTTIS, but on the feces or in the feces.
But if you flotete and see this TENIATYPE eggs (6-hoock oncosphare)
Tape worms
What is 6-hook oncosphare
1st larvastage of the tape worm
If rostellum –> What about hooks?
They are there too
They can anchor them self to the small intestines
If 4 suckers –> What about hooks?
Hooks are there too
Tape worms
How does a mature segment look like
- Sexual organs
- Bilobed overies
- Vitellarium
- Uterus
- Testis
- Spemduct
- Vagina
- Cerus (they are hemaphrodites-fertilize them self)
Tenia Type eggs
Tape worm
6-hocked oncosphare
Thick wall
Inside the 1st stage larva form (6-hooked oncosphare)
Tapeworms of Ruminants
- MONIEZIA species
1. Moniezia EXPANSA
2. Moniezia BENEDENI
Unarmed scolex with 4 suckers
Interproglottidal lines found between the segments
How to distinguish Moniezia EXPANSA from Moniezia BENEDENI
With the interproglottideal lines
EXPANSA = Scattered lines
BENEDENI = Obvious line
Lifecycle of MONIEZIA
- From ruminants - Proglottid segement or eggs is shedd
- Eggs consumed by intermediate host (Box mites/soil mites)
- In thieir bodies, from the 6oncosphare the 2nd larva stage will develop = CYSTICERCOID (tiny spherical larva stage) = Invaginated head
- Soil mites will be ingested accidently by the final host (Ruminants)
- In their Small intestines –> CYSTICERCOID will turn into adult tape worm.
Which species is the most succeptible to MONIEZIOSIS and what are the symptoms?
Young sheeps
Acure form is rare
Chronic: Anemia due to bleeding in the GI tract, petechia, fleeze shedding
Which is the CESTODE(tapeworm) of the EQUINE?
Lifecycle and apperance of the EQUINE CESTODE to the RUMINANT CESTODE?
Lifecycle compleetly the same, but not the appearace
- Unarmed
- Segments are boader than long
- Segments really close to eachother
- 1 set of genitalia
Same as moniezia
- Eggs consumed by soil mites
- Cycticercoid develop inside soil mite
- Soil mite consumed by equine –> Cysticercoid comes out from the mite and the adult form develop.
Equine tape worm
Where to find ANAPLOCEPHALIDES and Symptoms
It can be an ulcer at an attaching point cauinc haemorrhage and inflammation.
Symptoms seen in young foals
ACUTE –> Rare: Colic, diarrhoea, oedema, ataxia
CHRONIC –> Anemia, Cahexia, emaciation
Why is Dipyllidum caninum called flea or cucumber tape worm?
Because intermediate host is flea
Cucumber because the segment looks like a cucumber seed
In which species can you find DIPHYLLIDUM CANINUM
Dogs, Cats and Humans
Lengt of segments in DIPHYLLIDUM CANINUM
The older segments are longer
Segments are detatched too (in feces example)
- Final host = DOG
- Proglotids/segments shedd in the feces
+ They are able to move - Then pressed out of the coccon
- The cocoons or the eggs needs to be consumed by the host
- Intermediate host =** Flea larva,** or Thricodectes canis(chewing louse). Flea larva eats the feces of flea adult to develop + cocoon too.
- 2nd larva stage in the flea larva –> Cysticercoid develop.(CYSTICERCOID stay in the body through the whole development)
- Dog eat the flea (or cat, or human)
Picture to helo you remember the flea life cycle
What to do to prevent DIPHYLIDIUM CANINUM
ANTIHELMINTIC TREATMENT together with FLEA treatment
Sometimes - Diarrhoea or abdominal pain
Can move –> Out of anus too (Itchyness of anus)
Intermediate host?
Reason for name?
Also reason for the name –> Fish tape worm
Broad tape worm because segments are broader.
Can cause nutrittional problems
Morphology of Diphylidum Latum
Unarmed scolex
On the board –> 2 suckers
Segments are different = ONE set of genitals
- Overy gland and uterus, not on the side but in the middle = Characteristic!
- Small spots = testis.
Diphylidum Latum Life cycle
Different = 2 intermediate hosts!
- After egg shedd with feces (water surounding needed) = FISH 2nd intermediate host
- CORACIDUM develop in the water. = 1st stage larva (looks like miracidium, but round and cilliated)
- CRUSTACEANSE = first intermediate host
- PROCERCOID = Elongated Larvastage
- Crustatiant will be ingested by the fresh water fishes (salomon) = PLEROCERCOID develop.(settle in muscles)
- Predator fish
- Diphylobotrium latum can develop in out body if we eat fish that is not heat treated.
Intermediate host of DIPHYLIDIUM LATUM
1st = Tiny fresh water CRUSTA CEANS
2nd = Fresh water FISH (Salomon)
PLEROCERCOID –> Predator fish
Where do you find CORACIDIUM and PROCERCOID
Coracidium –> in water
PROCERCOID –> In intermediate host
How to get infected with DIPHYLIDUM LATUM
And Symptoms
Eat raw untreated fish (but are usually in the body cavity and not in the muscle)!!
- Asymptomatic diarrhoea
- Abdominal pain
- Vit deficiency
Teania worms of carnivores
- Taenia Pissiformis
- Taenia Hyatigena
- Taenia Ovis
- Taenia Cervi
- Taenia crassiceps
- Taenia Taeniaformis
Teania worms of carnivores
Taenia Taeniaformis
What is the larva form?
Strobilocercus Fasciolaris
The only one when the final host is the CAT
Teania worms of carnivores
Taenia Taeniaformis
Which is the final host?
Teania worms of carnivores
All cysticecoid larvas
Found in carnivores (all cysticercoids)
Eggs shed from carnivores (Adult type?)
Larva form can be found in PRAYanimals
Teania worms of carnivores
Taenia Pissiformis
Larva form
Cysticercus Pissiformis
Liver, Abdominal cavity, Serosal layers
Teania worms of carnivores
Taenia Hyatigena
Larva form
Cysticercus Tenuicollis
The big one (Cysticercus Longicolis big too) –> Walnut size (others are small/pea size)
Teania worms of carnivores
Taenia Ovis and Taenia Cervi
Larva forms
Where can you find them
Cysticercus Ovis and Cysticercus Cervi
In skelletal muscles
Ovis = Sheep
Cervi = Deer?
Teania worms of carnivores
Taenia Crassiceps
Larva form
Cysticercus Longicolis
* Prayanimals/Rodents
* Able to multiply them self in huge amounts the body cavity!
* Small worms in a lot of fluid
Teania worms of carnivores
Definite hosts
Canines (Dog,Fox,Wolfs)
Cats (Only T.Taeniformis)
Teania worms of carnivores
Gravid segments are longer than broad.
Teania worms of carnivores
Scolex with 4 suckers
Has Hooks and rostellum (exept Taenia Saginata)
Strobila (immature, immature and gravid)
One set of genital openings (always on one side but different position)
Well developed hooks –> Easil attach to intestinal wall
Body is longe
Life cycle Taenia worms
Final host = Carnivores
Intermediate host = Pray animals
- Rabit can be infected by consuming the eggs shedd by the dogs
- In the rabbit –> Taenia Pissiformis –> Cysticercus pissiformis in liver and body cavity
Taenia Solium
Taenia Sanginata
- Humans can be infected by eating raw meat or uncoocked meat.
- Found in the skelatal muscles
- Cysticerci
Taenia Pissiformis
Larva stage
Intermediate host
Final host
- Cycstcercus Pissiformis
- Rabbit
- Hoocked rostellum with longer segments where the genital openings are alternating irregulary (right or left etc)
- Final host = Carnivores
Lifecycle Taenia Pisiformis
Where do you find the adults?
- Dogs shedds egg with feces
- Rabbits consume by grazing
- Dogs eat viscerals of the rabbit the can be infected
- Adult found in SMALL INTESTINES
Taenia Pisiformis
Cysticercus Pisiformis
* They are hepatophil –> Goes to the liver or body cavity of the serosa.
* Small peasized cysts in the liver
* Before they develop into the C.Pisiformis they migrate in the liver
In one cysticercus, how many scolex can be found?
1 scolex in 1 cysticercus can be found
= From one larva, only one adult can develop in the small intestines.
Taenia Hyatigena
Larva form
Found in which organs
Cysticercus Tenuicolis
Huge in size
Similar to C.pisiformis –> Found in Liver, serosa of viscerals in the body cavities, bt MUCH bigger!
Need less time to develop (5-8 weeks)
Taenia Crassiceps
Larva form
Found where
**Cysticercus Longicollis
Found in rodents abdomen, Whole cavity will be filled!!!
Can multiply
Scolex protrude if you put them in water
Taenia Taeniformis
Final host?
Found in?
Strobilocercus Fasciolaris
Final host = Cats
Found in the liver of Rodents
Cysticercus Ovis and Cysticercus Cervi
Where to be found?
Skelletal muscles (but heart and other muscles too)
Taenia worms of humans
Final host ?
Intermediate host?
Taenia Solium
Taenia Saginata
Final host = Human
Intermediate host = Pigs and cattles (MEAT INSPECTION)
Taenia worms of humans
Taenia Saginata -> No hookes at the rostellum - Only 4 suckers
Taenia Solinum -> More similar, rostellum with hooks and 4 suckers
Lifecycle of Human tape worm
Difference between T.Saginata and T.Solium
–> Larva form Cysticercus with fluid inside
**Taenia Saginata **= Similar to previous
- Humans shedd eggs with the feces
- Cattle consume eggs when grazing
- In the muscles larva forms develop
- If we eat raw or uncoocked beef = Infection
Taenia Solium = Similar until the eggs get into the pigs.
- In mucles you find the cysticercus larvae
- Final host is humans
HUMANS can be both intermediate and final host
Lifecycle of Human tape worm
Special case in the life cycle of the T.Solinum
Where can it go?
Cysticercus Cellulosae
* To the brain and the eye of humans
* Can cause Cateract, blindness, epileptic symptoms (ONLY T.SOLINUM)
Lifecycle of Human tape worm
Taenia Saginata
Larva form
Cysticercus Bovis
Predilection sites of Human tape worm
Cysticercus cellulosae (T.Solium)
Pigs skelltal mucle and heart
Accidentaly in brain and eyes of human
Predilection sites of Human tape worm
Cysticercus Bovis (T.Saginata)
Cattle skelatal muscles
- Masseter (meat controll)
- Tongue
- Heart
- Diaphragm
- Oesophagus
Taenia Multiceps
Coenurus Cerebralis
Larva form inside the Brain in small ruminants
How many adults will develop from one coenerus cyst (Coenerus cerebralis - Taenia multiceps)
From one coenerus –> Hundreds of adults will develop in the dogs intestinal tract if it eats it.
Morphology of the Coeneurus
Protoscolices develop on hte wall of the coeneurus, but they never leave the wall. Never float in fluid because fluid is inside.
Couneurosis Lifecycle
Dogs are final hosts
Carnivorus shedd the eggs in the feces
Taenia Multiceps –> Sheaps and small ruminants consume eggs and in their brain the Coeneutus Cerebralis develop.
= CNS signs
(In case of Taenia Serialis –> Rabit intermediate host
In rabbits subcutaneus tissue - Coenerus Serealis can develop)
Coenurosis Lifecycle
Dogs are final hosts (Shepherds and hunting dogs)
Carnivorus shedd the eggs in the feces
Humans that consume the eggs can also be intermediaet hosts.
Taenia Multiceps –> Sheaps and small ruminants consume eggs and in their brain the Coenurus Cerebralis develop.
= CNS signs
(In case of Taenia Serialis –> Rabit intermediate host
In rabbits subcutaneus tissue - Coenerus Serealis can develop)
(Sheppards giving viscerals to the dog –> No illegal)
Symptoms caused by Coenurus Cerebralis
It is slow developing (GROWING COENURUS CEREBRALIS), so in the beginning = Some
* Meningoencephalitis with
* Fever and
* Dullness.
* Hold their head against the wall
When reaced the full size
* Progressive atrophy of the brain causing some serious CNS symptoms:
* Ataxia
* Circeling
* Paraplegia (in the end)
Not pseudo gid as in OESTERUS OVIS
Echinococcus Worms
Adults = VEry tiny, just a few mm
Echinocuccus GRANULOSA
* 3 segments
* 5 segments
Echinococcus Worms
Larva form of Echinococcus GRANULOSUS
Echinococcus Hyatidosus
- Big spherical shape larva form
- Inside –> Protoscolices
- Can produce dauther cyst and is able to float in fluid(inside).
- Can produce endo and exogenously.
- Free protoscolices.
- 1 larva form = thourands of adults can form in the intestines.
Echinococcus Worms
Larva form of Echinococcus MULTIOCULARIS
Echinococcus Alveolaris
- Inside cyst = not fluid but cavernosus material/truture
- Inside cevernosus material = Gelatin like substance
- Inside gelatin = Protoscolices
- (Cansourous like structure)
Echinococcus species
Taenia type of eggs
Scolex is armed with hooks
Immature, mature and the long and well developed Gravid segments
Segments are longer than broad
How does Echinococcus develop?
Adult tape worms
One protoscolex gets to the small intestins
Attach them self the the intestinal wll and start developing.
After 1 month Adults develop
How can Echinococcus be destinguished?
By the mature segments.
Lifecycle of Echinococcus
Dog (foxes) definite host in this lifcycle
* Synanthrope cycle (urban) –>** E.Granulosus** (definite host dog)
* Sylvatic cycle (Forrest)
Synanthrope cycle –> Dogs shedd taenia type eggs with the feces. Sheep/Gote pasture, eat eggs.
Echinococus hyatidosus can develop in Liver, lungs and vicerals.
If dogs consume raw vicerals of intermediate host (sheep, goat,swine)= infected with thousends of ecchinococus.
Humans can also be intermediate host if we consume the eggs. ZONOTIC
In our body –> Go to the liver –> Develope to Echinocuccus Hyatidosus or Echinococcus alveolaris, but offen to late to do something about it. Only liver transplant is the solution.
Lifecycle of Echinococcus
- Outer = E.Granulosus (synathrope cycle –> Taenia eggs)
- Inner = E.Multiloculars (Sylvatic cycle) - Zonotic too. Foxes shedd the eggs, and rodents (E.alveolaris) are intermediate hosts. E.Alveolaris found in the liver.
Which of the Echinococcus can infect humans?
Intermediate host E.Granulosus - Sheep –> E.hyatidosus (cystic) = In liver and lung
Intermediate host E.Multiocularis - Rodents –> E.alvaolaris = In Liver.
Life cycle of Echinococcus Alveolaris
How to avoid infection
Have normal hygene after touching dog etc
Dont eat wild fruits in the forest,