PQ Assessment Flashcards
Vickie tends to fall in love hard and fast. After just a few dates, she was again in
love and could not live without her new boyfriend, Ray. They spent every minute
together. Ray really enjoyed Vickie’s company, but also wanted to spend time
alone or with friends occasionally. This infuriated Vickie and she became cold
and distant quickly. She told him the relationship was over and to never call her
again with many curse words. Later that evening, she started cutting on her arms
to cope with the pain. Some of the symptoms Vickie is experiencing could be
signs of what disorder?
Borderline Personality Disorder
Josie seems to be lethargic almost every single day, but there is the occasional day
where she gets a little burst of energy and starts expressing goals, what is next on
her life plan, flights of ideas, and even feelings of opulence. Her family expresses
excitement because they think she is snapping out of it, and then she is back to her
old self again
Bipolar II Disorder - For a diagnosis of Bipolar II it is necessary to need the following criteria for a current or past hypomanic episode (abnormally elevated or irritable mood) and current or past major depressive episode.
In the DSM-5, if a client expresses 4-5 substance abuse specifies, they are
diagnosed as having which severity of substance abuse?
Answer: Moderate Severity of Substance Abuse
Martin just started Kindergarten, but it is not going so well. For the past two
months, he refuses to go to school. When his mom forces him to go, he is unable
to calm down and fears he will get lost without his mom. He gets so worked up,
he often times will complain of stomach aches and vomit. He goes to the nurse
and eventually goes home. Martin may be experiencing symptoms associated
with which disorder?
Separation Anxiety Disorder
April was going through a difficult time. While standing in line, she started
feeling like someone was squeezing her heart. She could not catch her breath,
started shaking, was dizzy, and felt like she was going to die. She fell to her
knees, but was able to breathe through the episode. It happened again one week
later. Now, she is afraid to go back to work because what if she has another one
right in front of her co-workers or customers. What disorder might April be
Panic Disorder
LSD, Angel Dust, and Mushrooms are classified as why category of drug?
As a clinician, you may use this assessment tool to assess the client’s orientation to person, place, time, and event (Orientation x4).
Mental Status Exam
Pat’s house is full of mirrors. She is always checking and re-checking her appearance and always has make-up on hand. After three surgeries, she still worries about her appearance because she feels it is ugly because of she will never look like a model.
Provided the symptoms, Jennifer may be suffering from which disorder?
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Jay is inappropriately egocentric. In meetings at work, he puts down the work of his colleagues. When confronted about his callous actions, he acts like he could care less about the feelings of others. He calls his colleagues worthless and refuses to work as a team for fear their work will tarnish his reputation, which he
feels is flawless. He has been told his job will be in jeopardy if he continues this behavior, and he threatens them with a lawsuit. It is almost as Jay is ignorant to how his behaviors impact others.
What might Jay have as a potential diagnosis?
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Individuals diagnosed with this disorder are difficult to detect as they are of an average body weight and have times of low-calorie meals
Bulimia Nervosa
Robert is the oldest of his four siblings and lives with only his mother. He has always been the “man of the house” and is very serious, very rigid, and very
responsible. Now as an adult, he has socially isolated from all siblings and friends as they had a hard time seeing things “his way”, which made him very frustrated with them. What personality disorder may Robert be experiencing?
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
Kellan is three years old. His parents are worried as he seems to rock back and forth when attempting to speak. His teachers at pre-school worry about this
behavior and think it interrupts with his work. Kellan’s symptoms are reflective of which disorder?
Stereotypic Movement Disorder
Lynn is 54 year old married woman. She seems to have symptoms of excessive worry, dry throat, dizziness, and a racing heart. She does not seem to know the triggers to this but they appear quite often. Recently, she cancelled a family vacation due to uncertain weather. She constantly works with various doctors, but they have referred her to a therapist. From which diagnosis do you think she may
be suffering?
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Elliott left his house for a job interview. He drove there, but never attended the interview. Instead, he ended up about 20 miles from his car and really did not know who he was or how he got there. Which diagnosis is Elliott experiencing?
Answer: Dissociative Fugue
This disorder was formally referred to as Gender Identity Disorder?
Answer: Gender Dysphoria
Luke appears to be very shy around people. He would like to have friends and maybe even a girlfriend one day, but never tries because of fear of being rejected
and criticized. What may he be diagnosed as having?
Answer: Avoidant Personality Disorder
Seth’s problematic behaviors started at a young age, but recently his first grade teacher is concerned. He throws temper tantrums, is disruptive in the classroom, does not follow the class rules, and even tries to hurt the feelings of classmates on the playground. What is a likely diagnostic direction for Seth?
Answer: Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Paula was laid off from her job of 20 years. She feels hopeless, helpless, and worthless since her final day. She has no appetite and sleeps about 20 hours a
day, but they are usually during the night hours. She was laid off 8 months ago. What diagnosis is Paula likely experiencing?
Answer: Major Depressive Disorder
Roman is seven years old and is having problems in school. Roman’s teachers say he has a hard time staying on task, cuts in line at lunch, and loses his homework. His mom agrees with similar behaviors at home and in fact, his backpack looks like a tornado hit it. What diagnostic direction would you likely pursue?
Answer: ADHD
These are symptoms of schizophrenia that are easily noticed by counselors and typically respond well to anti-psychotics.
Answer: Positive Symptoms
Bob has been without methamphetamine for 12 months.
How would his
substance abuse be diagnosed according to the DSM-5?
Answer: Sustained Remission
Justin is two years old, but is not yet speaking. He has little interaction with his
parents and no children in his preschool. He may not provide eye contact and also
has a hard
time responding to his name. Finally, he has a hard time calming down when
frustrated. What may Justin be experiencing?
Answer: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Paige’s daughter comes home from school and never knows what to expect.
There are times when her mom has not gotten out of bed in a few days, and then other times, there are papers everywhere because she wants to write a book that day. Just last month, her mom left to San Diego for fun without telling anyone.
What disorder may she be experiencing?
answer: Bipolar I
In order to talk to a client’s medical doctor, you need to obtain this first.
Answer: Release of Information
This disorder is characterized by a pursuit of thinness that may lead to self starvation and reproductive issues in women.
Answer: Anorexia Nervosa
Marcus believes he is the greatest scientist in the world. He is very entitled and
belittles others, mostly behind their backs. When confronted, he is very
convincing and wiggles his way out of almost everything, but then complains to
others how he is not appreciated enough. What is Marcus experiencing?
Answer: Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Nick has a consuming worry about public places, public rooms, and doors in general because of how dirty they are. He goes in and washes his hands for
exactly 120 seconds. That helps, but the worry comes back quickly. What diagnosis may be experiencing?
Answer: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Stephanie has a job, but struggles most days just to function. She has felt this way for approximately three years now and really sees no hope things will ever
change. What would you think diagnostically for Stephanie?
Answer: Persistent Depressive Disorder
For about five months, Susan has heard voices that other people do not hear and has seen things that other individuals did not report. However, there are times when she does not hear them, but feels very depressed. What diagnosis may
Susan have?
Answer: Schizoaffective Disorder
At the age of 16, Adam was already in the legal system. His record started at a very early age, but recently he set a fire to his school. On the weekends, he enjoys finding small animals and trying to hurt them. What diagnosis might Adam have?
Answer: Conduct Disorder
An individual with this disorder has intense and recurrent sexual arousal from rubbing against another individual, usually in a very crowded place.
Answer: Frotteurism
Cocaine and methamphetamine belong to which classification of substances?
Answer: Stimulants
Eric has always had a hard time throwing things away. He has socially isolated from his friends and when he visits with his family, they always meet in public
places. Recently, his mom stopped by to find his home full of clutter and trash. She could not even find a bed where Eric sleeps. What diagnosis may Eric be
Answer: Hoarding Disorder
- In the DSM-5, this criterion was eliminated from the diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa in effort to include men and women with IUD’s.
Answer: Amenorrhea
Miley is a relatively shy third grader. She is capable of speaking and does so at home, but when she is at school, she is silent. Her teacher encourages her to
speak in class, but she does not participant. Recently, classmates have started to make fun of her shyness, but still she says nothing. What may Miley be
Answer: Selective Mutism
Sarah has long, blond, curly hair. It is very thick and she always wears it down. Her mother told her therapist that Sarah pulls her hair compulsively. During your next session, Sarah lifts up her hair and you see bald patches underneath. Which disorder is Sarah experiencing?
Answer: Trichotillomania
Benzodiazepines, opioids, and alcohol would all be classified as which type of drug?
Answer: Depressants
Steve is obsessed with Gucci red stiletto shoes. If his wife wears them, he is able to sustain sexual arousal. However, if she has bare feet, he will not be sexually
aroused. What is a likely diagnosis for Steve?
Answer: Fetishism
Mrs. Johnson is 88 years old, but still very mobile. She used to be cognitively sharp and know many answers to Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune, however in the
past two years, her memory is off. She has not balanced her checkbook, is overdrawn in her bank account, and will sometimes forget to shower. Mrs.
Johnson’s symptoms may be included in what diagnosis?
Answer: Dementia
These are symptoms of schizophrenia that may be undetected and may not be treated by using antipsychotics.
Answer: Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Danny has a business trip coming up in three months, but hates to fly. He experienced a past trip that was rough in the air and had an unexpected landing.
If he could, he would avoid it all together, but he would get fired as he got out of the last few trips. To cope, he has been thinking of drinking alcohol or even
taking some of his wife’s benzodiazepines. What would you likely diagnose Danny as to having?
Answer: Specific Phobia
Charlie recently started college, has a solo dorm room, and is having a rough time. He has always done well in school, but only wants to take classes where there are no group projects or presentations. He will be just fine if he can find the classes in which there are papers and tests. If he gets in the wrong class, he would rather fail than talk to or in front of anyone. What may Charlie be experiencing?
Answer: Social Anxiety Disorder
Heidi has a good job and no known symptoms of hallucinations. However, she is pre-occupied that someone is following her. She does not know who they are, but it really is causing her to take different routes to work and making her very anxious and hyper vigilant. What may she be experiencing?
Answer: Delusional Disorder
A person with this disorder may refuse to go to Wal-Mart, a casino, or Disneyland. They fear not being able to escape and having a panic attack.
Answer: Agoraphobia
Elizabeth was involved in a traumatic event. Following this event, she cannot remember her name, her school, or anything that happened before that day. What
might she be experiencing?
Answer: Dissociative Amnesia
Jason was tested in middle school and was found to have an IQ score that was two standard deviations below the mean. What may the school psychologist diagnose him as having?
Answer: Intellectual Disability Disorder
Autumn was raped in high school following a party by someone she did not
know. She now suffers in school. She experiences flashbacks and nightmares
daily. She is having trouble being around people and won’t let anyone touch her
for the past six months. A likely diagnosis would be?
Answer: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- This eating disorder is characterized by eating large portions and high calories in
one sitting, feeling upset during the episode, but with no efforts to eliminate the
Answer: Binge Eating Disorder
What type of drug is commonly prescribed for anxiety disorders and is effective
by targeting the GABA-A receptors in the brain?
Answer: Benzodiazepines
An individual diagnosed with this disorder may not get enough calories through
their food and refuse to eat a particular color or texture of food.
Answer: Restrictive Food Intake Disorder