ppt 8 Flashcards
gene flow
in + out of genetic material by interbreeding from 1 population to another
-several of many reproductive events
-during each reproductive event, individual continues to invest in survival and growth
-most survive to reproduce again and again
-goal is to make way for next gen
-individuals have a single distinct period of reproductive output in their lives
-r selection
-die shortly after reproduction
density-independent factors
-occur outside pop. size
-disturbance, environmental conditions (hurricane, flood, colder than normal winter)
density-dependent factors
intra(within) species competition (food, space)
-contagious disease
-waste production
what does competition lead to?
character displacement
-niche differentiation to minimize competition between species
interference competition
direct physical contact by
1)interfering with foraging, survival, reproduction
2) directly preventing their physical establishment in habitat
exploitation competition
occurs indirectly through common limiting resource acting as intermediate
limiting resource
resource that constraints pop. size
competitive release
niche of inferioir species expands in absence of superios species
straight line
zero pop growth
5 types of predation
1) herbivory
2) carnivory
3) insect parasitoids (kill host)
4) parasitism (harm but not kill)
5) cannibalism
organism 1 unintentionally creates suitable environment for organism 2
one travels to body of other
organism 1 shelters organism 2