Powerful Sentences Flashcards
That’s my pleasure
- Quan m’agraeixen alguna cosa
- Quan em presenten algu
Schedule a meeting
Hold a meeting
Organitzar o programar una reunió
Realitzar fer una reunió
I will be giving a presentation tomorrow - o i will give
Faré una presentació demà
Tell me about it!
Digues-m’ho a mi!!!
A mi m’ho diràs!
You need to be there…
Has d’estar alla…
We need to make…
Hem de Fer …
To make a complaint
Poner una denuncia
Long time no see!
Quant temps sense veure’t!
It PopS up in your HEAD
Apareix al teu cap/ment
I get ON well with …
Portar-se bé amb algú
Em porto be amb …
To get back to something
Posar-se amb alguna cosa un altre cop
In order to
Per tal de
Keep me updated
I need an update
Manten-me informada
Minor-major problem
Petit - gran problema
Despite + substantiu (the Rain )
Although + subordinada (it was raining )
Malgrat la pluja
Tot i que plovia
In order to be able to
Per tal de poder. X poder
To go in depth
To have a deep conversation
To greet
I have to get used to …. Sharing/doing/…
He d’acostumar-me
Let’s discuss it further
Parlem-ne! (Mes en profunditat)
What is it going to HAPPEN NEXT
Que passarà a continuació
It lasts 3 days
Over 3 days
Dura 3 dies
DuraNT 3 dies
Without instilling fear
Sense infondre o provocar por
Conduct a pilot test
Conduct a research
portar a terme una prova pilot
Realitzar Fer una…
The call is cutting off
Es talla la trucada
Step out / Push out
… of your comfort zone
Sortir de la zona de confort
Empènyer fora de …
Introduce new members FROM YOUR SIDE
De la vostra part
Top of mind topics
Temes principals
I will let you LEAD from here
El deixo liderar / guiar des d’aquí
Everything is ON TRACK
Tot está Encarrilat
That sounds like (
It seems like
Aixo sembla… això sona a…
I have to get used to
He d’acostumar-me
Overcome the shame
Superar la vergonya
Where were we?
Per on anavem?
Work environment
Clima laboral
Work environment
Clima laboral
I Don’t seem to have …
No sembla que hagi …
As soon as you’re done with the meeting you’ll have to go to the airport
Tan bon punt acabis la reunió
As soon as you’re done with the meeting you’ll have to go to the airport
Tan bon punt acabis la reunió
Far from ready
The project is far from ready for launch
Lluny d’estar preparat
I still can’t Log into my account
Segueixo sense poder
Is beyond useful
Is still useful
This tool is beyond useful for organizing large projects
Es extremadament útil
Do you want to get a coffee
Voleu anar a prendre un cafè?
The first point I would like to highlight
El primer que voldria remarcar
Layers of knowledge
Capes de coneixement
Couldn’t it be done…
Wouldn’t it be better to…
No podría estar fet…?
No sería millor que… ?
Statement of intent
Declaració d’intencions