Power Point Outline Flashcards
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
McClelland’s Acquired Needs
Personality – State vs. Traits
Something that is consistent through time
Born with
Personality is typically a trait
Something that is momentary
They depend on a situation
Emotions are typically a state
Big Five Factor Model
Conscientiousness – Careful, dependable, self-disciplined
Agreeableness – Courteous, good-natured, empathetic, caring
Neuroticism – Anxious, hostile, depressed
Openness to experience – Sensitive, flexible, creative, curious
Extroversion – Outgoing, talkative, sociable, assertive
(Summarized by McShane, & Von Glinow, 2009)
Myers-Briggs Type Inventory
Extroversion – Introversion
Intuitive – Sensing
Thinking- Feeling
Judging – Perceiving
You form a four-letter type. For example in my profiles, I’ve come out as: INTJ and ENTJ.
Show figure 4.3, pg. 68 in Schemerhorn, et.al.
Personality Traits
Locus of Control – Extent to which a person feels he/she is able to control his/her on life
Machiavellianism – A high-Mach person typically approaches situations logically and thoughtfully and are capable of lying to achieve personal goals. People are rarely swayed by loyalty, friendships, past promises and are skillful in influencing others.
Transformational Leadership
Transactional – helps organizations attain their current objectives efficiently.
How? Rewards & punishment
Transformational leaders are “agents of change; they create, communicate, and model a shared vision and inspire followers to strive for that vision”
How? Inspiration
Team Design
Team Size Diversity Task Interdependence Goals and Rewards Team cohesiveness Team building activities
Lowering Turnover
Turnover lowered with employee training
Individual and group incentives reduce turnover
Salaries paid primarily in commissions and bonuses lead to higher turnover
Employee Empowerment reduces turnover
High levels of communication lower turnover
Causes of Turnover
Quality of Supervision Ineffective Communication Working Conditions Quality of Co-Workers Inappropriate fit with company culture Low pay and few benefits
Lack of clear definition of responsibilities No direction on what to do Commercialized expectations No career ladder Changes in leadership Change in Philosophy or Practices
Short-Term Remedies for Turnover
Surface the organization’s culture Find out why employees leave Find out why employees stay Ask employees what they want Give employees a voice
Long-Term Remedies
Develop Socialization programs
Develop training programs in additional languages
Establish Career Paths
Implement partner/profit-sharing programs
Approaches to Administering Discipline
Hot Stove Approach
Progressive Discipline
Preventive Discipline
BARS and MBO Explained
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) – Measures performance against an objective . Specific behavior
Unorganized(1) 2 3 4 (5) Organized
Hostile (1) 2 3 4 (5) Friendly
MBO – Employee and supervisor set objectives at the beginning of a time period. Then they are evaluated based on accomplishment of objectives.
Rater Errors
Recency effect Lacency effect Central tendency Leniency Strictness Rater bias Halo or horn effect Contrast error Similar to / different than me Sampling error
Challenges - Job Withdrawal Behaviors
Turnover Absenteeism More breaks Decreased effort Daydreaming Others
Retirement Plans
401k & 403b – saves taxes today; pay at retirement
Traditional IRA – saves taxes today; pay at retirement
Roth IRA – pay taxes today; don’t pay taxes at retirement
Retirement age: 59 ½
Designing a Pay Strategy
Internal Alignment
How does the pay compare across different hierarchical levels within the organization?
External Competitiveness
How does pay compare to other firms?
Employee Contributions
What behaviors are rewarded? How?
Management off the pay system
How easy / difficult it is to understand. How to implement strategy?