Power and conrol in families shork mark questions Flashcards
2 marks
what is meant by an expressive role
Parsons suggested role for women to do housework and look after children
2 marks
what is meant by the gendered division of domestic labour
jobs determined by sex
women doing domestic work and men working and being the breadwinner
2 marks
what is meant by conjugal roles
Roles which are shared between married or cohabiting partners
2 marks
what is meant by unequal domestic division of labour
Normally women doing all the domestic labour and men don’t contribute towards it
2 marks
what is meant by dual burden
women having to manage domestic labour and paid work
2 marks
what is meant by instrumental role
Parsons role idea where the men go out and work and are the breadwinner
2 marks
what is meant by symmetrical
when the level of participation and involvement are the same
2 marks
what is meant by segregated conjugal roles
when roles are separated within the family
2 marks
what is meant by joint conjugal roles
when roles are shared within the family
2 marks
what is meant by egalitarian
when something is equal and is based on equality
2 marks
what is meant by emotional work
Ensuring everyone can relieve stresses of the modern day world
preparation of certain tasks
4 marks
reasons why men may be able to exploit and oppress women within the family
they have higher control due to being the breadwinner
have control over major decisions
4 marks
reasons why mothers wishing to re-enter the labour market may face problems
they base their jobs around commitments - looking after children
Men are favoured by employers as they don’t need to take maternity leave
4 marks
criticisms that have been made of the ideas of Willmott and Young on the symmetrical family
88% of women are solely responsible for washing and ironing compared to 1% of men
Not all men will volunteer to do housework as they believe it is unmasculine
4 marks
reasons why feminist sociologists might take the view that husbands and wives are now equal
Equal Pay Act makes the women be able to be the breadwinner
They make equal contributions towards domestic labour
4 marks
reasons why the traditional sexual division of labour could be argued to still exist in the modern family
housework threatens masculinity
Women are seen as the natural care givers to children
4 marks
reasons why the housewife role is socially constructed
There was no housewife role before industrialisation
Gender-role socialisation teaches women to become good housewives
4 marks
factors which may have produced greater equality between the roles of husbands and wives
Feminization of the economy
unemployment in men lives means that the wife takes over the decision making
4 marks
reasons why a quantitative examination of time spent over domestic tasks might not give an accurate picture of conjugal roles and the domestic division of labour
You can’t measure emotional tasks
can’t measure decision making
Men do DIY and gardening and count that as housework
4 marks
ways in which the realities of family life for many people differ from the romanticised view often portrayed by the media
Dark side of the family not included
Roles aren’t always equal
Many people live in empty-shell marriages
4 marks
reasons why the traditional family might be described as repressive
women are financially dependent on men
men make major decisions
women do more domestic labour than men
4 marks
ways in which the mother-housewife role may limit women’s employment opportunities
They put children first
Tailor their job around them
Employers may see women as unreliable as they have too many commitments