Power And Conflict Poetry - Tissue Flashcards
Who wrote Tissue?
Imtiaz Dharker
What is the big idea?
We make our own conflict by holding on too tightly to power and control
What POV?
Someone looking at conflict and troubles and observing that nothing is meant to last and it is better to let go and be remade. The world would be better if shared.
What is the structure?
Ongoing monologue with internal rhyme and enjambment to create a human tone
What is tissue a metaphor for?
Paper and living tissue
Paper that lets the light
Shine through
Symbolic of hope
Paper thinned by age or touching
never meant to last
Tactile intimacy of a book
History and religion
fall away
Purpose - what they stand for
Transient verbs personified suggest that it is good to be changeable
rail tracks, mountain folds
Man-made vs nature
The world would be better if it shared more qualities with tissue
grocery shops
Metaphor for our reliance on money and material wealth
fly our lives like paper kites
Suggests child like innocence
If only we could change our approach to material ownership
Regain childhood peace of mind
to build again with brick
or block, but let the daylight break
Pathetic fallacy
Light shining
Pride can make
a grand design
with living tissue, raise a structure
never meant to last
Allusion to horror of Berlin Wall or 9/11
Personify us as society
Biblical reference as spiritual fulfilment