Power Flashcards
Foucault’s approach to power
Refused to acknowledge as separate entity
Why is power difficult to study
Vast, conflated - cannot measure, cannot see
What are the modes of power
- Coercive power
- Normative power
- Persuasion
- Reward
- Protection
Where is power located?
Very uncertain, highly variable
What are the 3 translated terms for power in German?
‘Gewalt’ - violence/ force
‘Herrschaft’ - personal dominion exercised by Lord
‘Macht’ - decision making power of individuals
What is history?
A series of longitudinal world powers
What happened in the Book of Daniel?
King of Babylon - Nebuchadnezzar - dream about colossus
- Gold - King
- Silver - the next age
- Bronze - age after
- Iron - age after that
- Iron and Clay - wars after that age
At this point, Daniel holds high amount of power, flowed from wise men - but this power was highly temporary
Denied the Holy Roman Empire was the continuation of the Roman Empire of old
What is soft power?
- Soft power bestows legitimacy on external projections of power
- Legitimacy is often what lacks in the exercise of power beyond borders
- Protecting power where not accepted is a difficult enterprise
- I.e. Viet Cong vs US Army
- Coercive power
What is Weber’s theory of power?
Monopoly of violence
what is volksgemeinschaft
People’s community
How has power transitioned over time?
From intensely personal to intensely institutional
Why is power in flux?
Movement from concentration to local
Why did the Yongzheng Emperor last?
State was fixed - complex alliance of interdependent local and central powers
Why did the Tokugawa Ieyasu last?
- chieftains were also present
- Those who start as central instruments of power suck power from the centre to own provincial sectors
- Power worked in Japan because it was localised1
Geographical disparities in power
Mexico - power is specialised due to mountains
Buganda - military monarchy
Movement of power from centre state to Saza chiefs
What is the thesis of the Thousand Plateaus of Capitalist Society?
Metaphorise power as a capillary network, where power is perpetually displaced
How did Kafka present power?
K - Presented with power as faceless, non-disclosed location
Debate over power for Hitler
Intentionalism vs Structuralism
What is the new power of the current zeitgeist?
The hegemonic power of TNCs