Power Flashcards
What is power?
→ measure of sensitivity that detects a real effect
→ probability of correctly rejecting false null
→ prob. Of not making type 2 error
What is alpha?
Probability of making type I error
What is 1-alpha?
Probability of retaining null when it is true.
What are the characteristics of null hypothesis?
① kurtotic
2 normally distributed
③ defined by u0 and sigma
What are the assumptions of random sampling mod el of hypothesis testing?
①.SD is the same for Ho and HI distribution
② each distribution is unimodal and symmetrical
③ if no treatment effect→ alt dis = null dis (100% overlap)
→ only type I error is possible
④ treatment effect →alt dis not equal to null dis.
→ mean1 is diff from mean0
When to test for power? (A priori option)
① are the features sufficient to detect effect(IV. On DV )
② expected effect size.
③ p(of detecting effect if it actually exists)
⑥ helps calculating N
When to test for power → A posteriori
① retained Ho but wanted to reject
②rejected Ho and wanted to s practical sig and N
③ retained Ho and wanted to →power can be used to show if there was an effect it could be detected.
What are 3 major factors affecting power?
① effect size → treatment effect and variability
②sample size
What is effect size?
→ distance b/w means of population ① &②
→ degree to which exp manipulation separates H0& H1
→ larger effect size = smaller overlap
→ not impacted by sample size and type of measure.
What 2 factors impact overlap?
→treatment effect
→ variability
How to increase treatment effect?
→ not by increasing samplexize but by increasing for e.g. The dosage being given.
→ if the effect size is big there is no/smalles type 2 error
What is the influence of variability?
By reducing v.de increase effect size
How is variability reflected in SS?
When we deviate from. Sample mean and square it that gives us SS which is basically error (variability)
What happens to effect size when ne reduce variability?
’ Increases
How can we reduce variability in exp?( increase internal validity how?)
① monitoring experimental procedures
→ treating au participants equally
→ increases criterion reliability(DV)
→ reducing experimenter bias
② choice of research design
→ related samples D is a better choice b/c leas variability
→ more powerful.
What is the rel b/w sample size & power?
→ sample size directly impacts standard errorwhich impacts test ratio
→ I hard to reject to null when n is small
→ but if n is too big then hard to believe credibility
→ a big n might have a small effect size - not necessarily valid
What is delta?
→ includes info from effect size & sample size → varies as a function of effect size and sample size