Multiple Comparisons Flashcards
What is multiple comparison?
An easier way to determine where the difference lies b/w multiple groups.
What does M.C. Control are?
Inflated p (of type erroe).
Error rates?
The probability of type I error in specific analysis
Error rate per comparison.
P. [ of type I error in a particular comparison]
Pairwise comparisons.
- Diff btw 2 pairs of scores or means
Max no. Of parrwise comp. K( k-1 ) /2
Complex multiple comparisons!
Combined pairs of means are compared
I take an average of 2 groups& compare to
Why is t-test problematic fork >2 design?
→ inflated TypeErrors as we set the error for each comparison we do b/w2 means
→separate error term. For each comparison could result in a diff t every time
What are the 4 conceptual modifications applied to t-test to make it work for multiple comparisons?
① each mean is weighted based on its imp or role in analysis
② using MSe instead of pooled variance b/c pooled variance is an overestimate of population variance when k> 2
③ weights the no. Of groups in design.; includes no. Of groups in analysis & adjusts for unequal n’s
④ uses DF for for MSe team for critical value.
What is a planned comparison? What is its advantage?
① done a-priori
② justifies our experiment ae why we are doing it
③ reflects the season for our study & why these levels of factor
④ Doesn’t require significant F
⑥ don’t have to do all possible comparisons.
→ pairwise or complex complex
Why hy is planned comparison powerful?
→ more likely to reject null.
→ p alpha less stringent bid we are not doing au possible comparisons only selected few.
Planned comparison - t-tests
→ if no. Of comparisons >l then set alpha PC
→ for every comparison will have a diff pooled variance.
→ loss of credibility
→ païnoise comparison >2 then use JASP or r
→ for both a prior or post-hoc
What is the issue with t-test?
→ diff standard error for each comparison leading to diff values. For the t-obs
What are the features of Dunn’s test?
① sig f not needed
② p-alpha (ew) is based on #comparisons
③ credible & I conservative
④ pooled error term → MS e
⑤ critical value based on no. Of comparisons made & not all possible
Dunn’s special t-distribution is based on……..
Bonferroni’s t
→ the probability of one or more events cannot exceed the sum of individual probabilities
→ error rate can never exceed alpha
→p alpha per comparison = p- alpha ew/ #comparisons
Steps for Dunn’s t-test
① apply test ratio to find t- durns value
②diff b/w of groups
③ compare to i get a decision.