Power Flashcards
Both speakers hold the power in the relationships as men in a patriarchal society (Farmers Bride)
‘I chose a maid’
L= verb, shows he had all the say in it and was his choice
C= shows standards at the time, women could be forced into marriage
D= objectifies her, she isn’t an individual subject
‘turned the key upon her fast’
L= noun ‘key’ shows he holds the control and power of the relationship, he controls where she goes
I= shows there marriage is like a prison to her
Both speakers hold the power in the relationship as men in a patriarchal society (Porphyrias lover)
at last I knew she 'worshipped me' L= noun emphasises how he is far above her, presents him as a god like figure to her as he thinks he is so much more power I= balance of power changes from her to him, she had original power as class difference but switched to him as the man
‘give herself to me’
L= pronoun implies he feels he owns her
In both poems the poets emphasize how power can have a bad effect on the relationship (Farmers Bride)
‘tis but a stair betwixt us’
L= noun, emphasises she won’t go near him as she is scared
she is physically close but emotionally distant, he longs for intimacy with her
his power can’t control that
‘berries redden up’
L= noun, emphasises he wants children but wot get as power doesn’t help him here
C= Mew vowed never to marry as history of mental illness in her family, her emotions with children showed in the poem
In both poems the poet emphasises how power can have a bad effect on the relationship (Porphyrias Lover)
‘God has not said a word’
L= noun, biblical image emphasizes how the speaker thinks its ok although his desire for the power has made him do awful things
I= fact he is thinking about God shows his conscience
‘heart fit to break’
L= noun emphasizes he loves her but doesn’t know if its unrequited, causes him pain
I= already decided to kill her, emphasizes the pain his desperation for power hurts him
Whilst in ‘porphyria lover’ the speaker shows his power by belittling his love object, in ‘Farmers Bride’ the speaker shows his power by comparing him to an animal (Farmers Bride)
‘flying like a hair’
L= simile, emphasizes how fast she us running and how scared she is
D= also shows how she is the prey and the farmers have control of her, wild creature suggests the bride isn’t ready for married life
C= hare hunting in vicotrian times, mew grandad was a farmer so she would have seen how they have complete power
‘fetched her home’
L= verb, emphasizes how he had control of what happened, as you would fetch a pet he is the owner of her