Poverty Flashcards
Explain how Wars cause poverty
Many LEDCs suffer from continual conflicts with different groups trying to gain power
Destroy crops, homes, schools, hospitals, lives
Neighbouring countries that may have been developing have a sudden influx of refugees and then become poor again
Corrupt leaders use aid money to pay for weapons and armies — not feeding the people
Explain how Natural Disasters cause poverty
Many LEDCs are situated in areas where natural disasters are more frequent and more severe than anywhere else
Give evidence on how Natural Disasters cause poverty
An earthquake or a flood can destroy many thousands of homes and the farmland on which the inhabitants depend. Crops will not grow unless people have the wealth to sink wells, install pumps and organise an irrigation system
Nepal Earthquake
Explain how Debt causes poverty
Most LEDCs have to borrow money from the banks of developed countries to survive and begin to develop
the banks charge interest and it is difficult to pay back
Give evidence on how Debt causes poverty
In the early seventies Chile borrowed $3.9 billion. By 1982, the country had paid $12.8 billion in interest, but still owed money. This extra $9 billion could have been used to speed up Chile’s development — instead it went to countries that were rich
e.g. post WW1 Germany
Explain how Unfair Trade causes poverty
Often, rich counties develop the prices paid for products from LEDCs
Most poor people in LEDCs work in agriculture and one way for them to become richer would be for them to grow surplus crops and export them to earn money from rich countries — hard to do this
Rich countries use their wealth to protect their farmers so they pay subsidies to their farmers to grow crops, and put high tariffs on crops from LEDCs so that their products are more expensive
If MEDC farmers produce more crops than are needed they export them at lower prices than the LEDCs cash crops (e.g. tobacco, cotton)
Many people in LEDCs are starving because their land is used to grow cash crops instead of food
Give evidence on how Unfair Trade causes poverty
The price of cotton has fallen by 70% since 1996 costing poor countries $8 billion
Explain how HIV/AIDS cause poverty
Methods of safe sex and drugs to control diseases are too expensive for LEDCs
Give evidence on how HIV/AIDS cause poverty
South Africa has the largest number of people with HIV/AIDS in Africa — estimated that by 2010 one-quarter of all the children in South Africa would have lost their parents
children have no money, cannot get an education = poorer
Explain how Lack of education causes poverty
In poor countries everyone in the family must work or gather food. Children cannot get an education as the families cannot pay and the children must work
It is difficult to get out of poverty without education
What other factors cause poverty?
Poor governance (e.g. El Salvador) Lack of clean water leads to disease = low life expectancy so families have large number of children
How do some countries try to eliminate poverty?
Implementing infrastructures to protect themselves from natural disasters
Introducing schemes to encourage children to go to school
Using fair trade to protect their workers and economy from unfair pay
Relying on organisations to keep them out of poverty
Explain how do some countries try to eliminate poverty by implementing infrastructures to protect themselves from natural disasters
Hong Kong has implemented cyclone warning systems for protection
Explain how do some countries try to eliminate poverty by introducing schemes to encourage children to go to school
The UN provides boys with one cup of food if thy go to school and girls two cups as girls are less likely to receive an education
Explain how do some countries try to eliminate poverty by using fair trade to protect their workers and economy from unfair pay
Companies, such as Cadbury, only buy fair trade products
Explain how do some countries try to eliminate poverty by relying on organisations to keep them out of poverty
Christian Aid provides help for countries
Why do Christians try to relieve poverty: Stewarship
Christianity teaches that God created the universe and everything in it and when it was created, it was good. Christians should regard creation as a gift from God to be used in the way God intended
God gave humans stewardship of the earth and its resources
God expects humans to pass on to the next generation more than they have been given
The Churches teach that stewardship does not only mean looking after the earth’s resources. It also means making sure the earth’s resources are showed out fairly
Give a quote to show God gave humans stewardship of the earth and its resources
“Then the Lord God placed man in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and guard it.” (Genesis 2:15)
Give a quote to show God expects humans to pass on to the next generation more than they have been given
“A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children.” (Proverbs 13:22)
Why do Christians try to relieve poverty?: Old Testament
The Old Testament law is designed to protect the poor
Prophets call for justice and compassion for the poor
Why do Christians try to relieve poverty?: Christian leaders
Some of the most widely respected Christian leaders are those most closely identified with helping the poor
Desmond Tutu — South Africa
Mother Teresa — India
Martin Luther King Junior — USA
The example and teachings of others inspire Christians to try to help the poor
Why do Christians try to relieve poverty?: Biblical Quotes (Two)
“God saw al that he had made, and it was very good.”
“If anyone is well off in worldly possession and sees his brother in need, but closes his heart to him, how can the love of God be remaining in him?” (1 John 3: 17-18)
Why do Christians try to relieve poverty?: The New Testament - The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
Jesus told the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats about the good and bad people being separated at the end of the world.
The good when to heaven because Jesus said: “When I was hungry, you fed me. When I was thirsty, you gave me drink. When I was naked, you clothed me. When I was sick or in prison, you visited me.”
The good people wanted to know when they had done this and Jesus replied: “When you did this for the least of my brothers, you did it for me.”
The bad people were told to go to hell because they had never fed the hungry, given drink to the thirsty, clothed the naked, or visited the sick or imprisoned. Jesus told them: “When you did not do it for other people, you did not do it for me.”
This means that Christians should help other people, i.e. relieve world poverty
Why do Christians try to relieve poverty?: The New Testament - The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7)
In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), Jesus taught that Christians should share their time and possessions to help those in need, and this has been supported by the teachings of all of the Christian Churches that Christians have a duty to help the poor
Why do Christians try to relieve poverty?: The New Testament - The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
In the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), Jesus showed that the commandment to Christians to love God and their neighbours means they must help anyone whether they live next door or far away
Why do Christians try to relieve poverty?: The New Testament - Jesus and a rich man
Jesus told a rich young man that “You need to do one thing more[than obey all of the Ten Commandments]. Go and sell what you own and give the money to the poor, and you will have rich in heaven; then come, follow me.”
Jesus later said to his disciples: “How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the Kingdom of God.”
Why do Christians try to relieve poverty?: Church Teachings
All traditions emphasise the need to help the poor
At the most obvious level, they give money to agencies that help the poor, or set up such agencies
Why do Christians try to relieve poverty?: Church Teachings - The Vatican 2
They fight for justice for the poor
Vatican 2 sent a signal from the Catholic leadership that allowed the Liberation Theology movement to develop in Catholic communities around the world
Quote the Statement by the Methodist Church in What Churches Say
“The universe as a whole is a product of God’s creative and imaginative will…Men and women are to be stewards, not exploiters of its resources material”
Quote the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church about poverty
“God blesses those who come to aid the poor and rebukes those who turn away from them”
Quote Faith in the City, a Church of England report on poverty and the Church
“The Church should concern itself first, and indeed second, with the poor and the needy,”