Christian Aid Flashcards
Who are Christian Aid?
One of the major religious agencies working for world development in the UK
When did Christian Aid begin?
It began as Christian Reconstruction in Europe, set up in 1945 to help relieve the suffering of people left homeless after WW2
Where is Christian Aid now?
It is now a leading UK and Irish overseas Development Agency that works across the globe in more than 50 countries
With whom does Christian Aid prefer to work alongside?
Local partner organisations, in the belief that local people are best placed to find their own solutions to problems they face
How does Christian Aid achieve all of its aims?
Their work is split into different groups or sections
What are the sections that Christian Aid is split into?
Emergency Aid
Long-term Aid
Education and Campaigning
Why does Christian Aid fundraise?
In order to do any work to relieve poverty, Christian Aid needs money which is raised in several ways
What has Christian Aid been doing to fundraise?
Since 1957, Christian Aid Week has been organised as a nationwide event in May each year
Churches divide up towns between them and try to put an envelope and information sheet about the work of Christian Aid into every house
Many churches and individual also have fundraising throughout the year
Does Christian Aid receive government funds?
How much money did Christian Aid raise in 2004?
£15 million
How can Christian Aid provide emergency aid?
Has funds to deal with emergencies
Give two examples of the emergencies Christian Aid has funds to help?
The recent tsunami in south-east Asia
The displaced people in Sudan
What aid does emergency aid work alongside with? Why?
Long-term aid because without it people would die
What sort of emergency help does Christian Aid gives via its local partner organisations?
Sending food, antibiotics and shelters to the victims of the 2004 Bangladesh floods
Sending food to drought-stricken Zimbabwe
Sending blankets, tents and food to war refugees in Darfur and the Congo
How much of its funds does Christian Aid spend on emergency aid each year?
Between 10% to 15% of its funds
Does Christian Aid’s long-term aid have a dis/advantage over many charities? Why?
It is in contact with organisations at the receiving end of the aid
Where is much of Christian Aid’s emergency and long-term aid is channelled through?
Organisations in the country concerned
Often these local groups come up with ideas for long-term aid, which they ask Christian Aid to support
What does Christian Aid’s long-term aid see its function as? How is this done?
Sees its functions as helping people to help themselves so that they will not need aid
Often this is done through the use of appropriate technology (technology that can be operated and repaired by people using it rather than needing support from the outside)
Give an example of Christian Aid’s long-term aid
In Afghanistan, Christian Aid supported a schemed to increase wheat production and share out the harvest fairly
This is enabling poor farmers to feed their families all year round
How much of Christian Aid’s budget is spent on education? Who are they educating and on what?
About 5%
Educating the people and Churches of the UK and Ireland about the need for development and the way in which people can help LEDCs
What does Christian Aid publish? What does this do?
A quarterly newspaper, ‘Christian Aid News’, and many educational materials
These not only give information about what Christian Aid is doing, but also about world development. What the world spends on aims in two weeks, for example, would give everyone in the world enough food, water, education and shelter a year
What does Christian Aid campaign for?
To improve the situation in LEDCs
How does Christian Aid campaign to improve the situation in LEDCs?
In addition to its own campaigns it was part of Jubilee 2000, which campaigned to persuade rich governments and banks to cancel the debts of poor countries
Is a member of the Trade Justice Movement which is a campaign to persuade the rich governments of the world to agree to world trade systems that will allow poor countries to develop their economies
Case Studies: Senegal
Health and Hygiene:
Christian Aid is supporting a refuse scheme in Senegal to help prevent the transmission of disease from unsanitary rubbish
Case Studies: India
Disaster Relief:
Christian Aid supported ye building of a new community centre which will be a vital meeting point for people in Morgar as they try to rebuild their lives and livelihoods after the earthquake that destroyed their village
What are Christian Aid’s values?
Love and solidarity Dignity and respect Justice and equality Cooperation and partnership Accountability and stewardship
Explain Christian Aid’s value: Love and solidarity
Christian Aid, on the belief that all humans should love and show compassion for one another, support those who struggle against poverty, powerlessness and injustice
Explain Christian Aid’s value: Dignity and respect
They believe that all people are of equal worth and thus honesty and respect is of the utmost importance of their work
Explain Christian Aid’s value: Justice and equality
They work to empower individuals and break the structures that keep them impoverished on the understanding that poverty thrives on the powerless people
Explain Christian Aid’s value: Cooperation and partnership
Cooperation is significant to their work. They work with and for churches, as well as other faith and secular groups. They also engage with actors, civil society, government and the private sector
Explain Christian Aid’s value: Accountability and stewardship
They believe that we are accountable for the resources on the Earth and thus are committed to being good stewards for the sake of future generations
Give some examples of celebrities that support Christian Aid
Ronan Keating, Damian Lewis and Lemar