Poultry Management Flashcards
Major duck commercial breeds are called
Examples of major duck commercial breeds
Pekin duck, Muscovy, Mule ducks (Pekin x Muscovy)
Official name of Pekin duck
Anseriforme Anatidae Anas platyrhynchos (domesticus)
Official name of Muscovy
Anseriforme Anatidae Carinae moschota (domesticus)
Between Pekin and Muscovy which is domesticated and which is highly aggressive?
Pekin = domesticated; Muscovy = highly aggressive
Baby ducks are called?
Grow-out ducks are?
Meat ducks
Developers are?
Younglings to become breeders
Breeders are called?
Hens and drakes
Best hens to drakes ratio?
What happens if too many hens? Too many drakes?
Too many hens causes drakes to be “sexed out.” Too many drakes causes “homosexual relations”
Incubation lasts __ days for Pekin
Incubation lasts __ days for Muscovy
Incubation lasts __ days for Mallards
In the duck industry, there is little known about __ ______
Egg quality
Which types of barns predominate?
Curtain sided barns
Most efficient meat production? Fastest growing animal?
Is natural lighting and ventilation better?
Not better, the heat!
What do curtain sided barns have?
Pine shavings, straw, plastic slatted
It is important to _____ lighting. Why?
Supplement; They are seasonal breeders
What types of light are provided?
Kerosene lanterns, incandescent, fluorescent, LED
How many hours of light? Common?
18-24 hours of light (not uncommon)
Water sources?
Nipple lines, water troughs, showers, cup drinkers
What are some challenges?
Lameness, lighting, biosecurity (AI), water sources, “fatigued” ducks, flipovers
Market weight is reached in… FCR?
28-45 days; FCR < 1.5
The layer industry major commercial breeds in USA
White leghorn hybrid, brown hyline /lohmann brown, lots of others for backyard flocks
Scientific name of these layer breeds
Galliformes phasianidae gallus gallus (domesticus)
Baby chickens are called?
Pullets are…
Young females
Pullets are hens after…
16 weeks
Different cage styles
Conventional, cage-free
Different types of cage-free
Enriched cages, barn/open field, aviary
Breeders focus on genetic selection such as
Egg #/quality/size, BW uniformity, FCR
Breeders last
20-21 days
RGF is __ days
Breeders are what?
Sexed, vaccinated, beak/toe trimmed
Housing types (up to 50 years ago)
Outdoor access with barn/nests
Conventional cages were used up to ~____
Chickens have been put through decades of _____ _____ to be able to live in conventional cages
Genetic selection
Benefits of conventional cages
Improved livability, more disease-free, less stress with smaller groups, cleaner eggs/less bacteria, greatly improved economics
Drawbacks of conventional cages
No expresssion of behavior, poor skeletal health, poorer feathering, overgrown claws, more susceptible to heat stress
Enriches includes environmental enrichment such as
Perches, scratching pads, dust baths, nest boxes
Benefits of enriched cages
Allows for some natural behaviors
Drawbacks of enriched cages
Malfunction of elements leading to injury, still a “cage”
Barn/aviary housing have environmental enrichment such as
Nest boxes
Benefits of barn/aviary
More apparent space, improved skeleton (not rly, broken keels), 3D (allows escape from pecking)
Drawbacks of barn/aviary
Grouping on floor, foot pecking/bullying/egg cannibalism, mislaid eggs, health/biosecurity issues, air quality (dust and ammonia)
Some challenges of barn/aviary
Broken keel bones, lighting, health and safety (salmonella), new unwanted behaviors, difficulty tracking hen behaviors
Turkey industry major commercial breeds
Whitey hybrid, broad breasted white (aviagen and hybrid/hendrix only 2 genetics)
Official name for turkey breeds
Galliformes Phasiadnidae Meleagris gallopavo (domesticus)
Some different parts of turkey
Caruncles, snood, wattle (dewlap), major caruncle, beard
Female turkeys
Male turkeys
Babies are
Poults or turkeylings
Heavy toms produce
Turkey produce
Thanksgiving turkeys are all
Thanksgiving turkeys all hens. How many weeks?
12-14 wks
Toms all
Turkey products
Toms all turkey products. How many weeks?
16-19 weeks
Turkey breeders use __ only
Turkey incubation lasts
~28 days
Turkeys are
Sexed, vaccinated, beak/toe trimmed
Common housing types for turkeys
Curtain sided or fully enclosed barns
Curtain sided and fully enclosed barns include
Pine shavings
For turkeys, need to _____ lighting because they are _____ breeders
Supplement; seasonal
How is light supplied?
Bright light as poults
Should decrease light in ___-___ to nearly dark conditions. How many hours?
Grow-out. Less than 10
Challenges of curtain sided or fully enclosed barns
Lameness, welfare, overcrowding, biosecurity (AI), cannibalism in heavy toms
Market weight for hens reached in
14 weeks
Market weight for heavy toms reached in
19 weeks
FCR for turkeys is
Major broiler commercial breeds in USA
Broilers, cornish/cornish rock, pretty much same genetics around USA
Broiler babies are called
Cornish game hens are
1-2 lbs, < 5 wks, either sex
Broiler have __ day incubation, vaccinated, beak/toe trimmed
Broiler breeders are
Slow growing broilers
Broiler breeders have ___ restricted
NRC suggests __ g/day/bird minimum
Skip a day means __g/bird every other day
Housing types for broilers
Fully enclosed, some curtain sided
What type of lighting for broilers?
Typically moder, LED, lights but still some CF (J-lamps)
Flooring for broilers?
All litter flooring, usually reused between flocks
What are some challenges?
Lameness, lighting, biosecurity, feather pecking, cannibalism, high density, feeding schedules in breeders, woody breast (myofiber degeneration, increased fat and connective tissue)
Market weight reached for broilers in ______ days
FCR for broilers?