Poultry Flashcards
what shuld be included in the clinical exam of a bird?
what is the owner prepared to do?
dropping, ocular, nasal, bcs, ectoparasites, feathering, previous disease, TPR. crop fill, uropygial gland, feet, MS system, bcs by the keel, blood tests, feathers,
What should be included in history taking of poultry?
age breed sex, eatingm diet, drink, diarr, pupd, sneeze, plumage, demeanor.
wormed, product, ectoparasites, onset of disease, vacc, health of others, last moult, broody?, in lay?
egg eating? prevention better than cure how? if they start, how can you stop them?
habit! esp if you break an egg! prevention better than cure - plenty of nest boxes which are darkened, remove eggs daily, above birds eye level, place china eggs/ping pong balls, fill empty shells with mustard powder or chilli.
broodiness? which birds dont brood? cx?
hybrids dont brood - bred out of them. stay on her nest and puffs herself up may get feather loss, lay get aggressive. hard to break. wire bottom cage in a bright place!
sexual trauma? prevent?
cockrels - damage certain hens and pluck out feathers. trim spurs and min of 8 hens per cockrel. always use protection.
avian influenza? cx? nd!!
outbreaks. uncommon. very sick and dying birds. resp signs. contact an expert. defra!
newcastle disease - cx? vacc?
enteritis, sick birds, neuro, resp disease. all commercial pullets will have benn vacc.
the sick chick? why suceptible in first few days? if under 5 d old?
- yolk sac infection? cx? tx?
- aspergillosis? cx? from? tx?
- starve outs - cx? tx? pm?
- cannot maintain body temp - environment is very important! usually under 5 d old - bacterial yolk sac infection or a starve out!
- yolk sac - 1st week. small dull and hunched. PTS. inflammed yolk sac and bad smell. septicaemia? swabs. tx - prevent - lincospectin, only clean, washed eggs should be incbated.
- aspergillus - small white plaques, lungs and air sacs, histo! inhale spores. replace bedding and PTS.
- starve outs - small and dull and empty crop. fresh food and water and electrolytes. pm - dehydrated. dark mm and urates fatty liver and enlarged gal bladder.
diarrhoea? 3 main causes? investigation?
history - diff from plyuria/ age? cocci? worming? droppings?
ddx - cocci, bacterial, worms, renal/hepatic, egg bound.
- cocci - eimeria, dull hunched, ruffled feathers, diarr and blood. intestinal heam. anaemia, cx and oocysts, baycox! tlc and multivits etc. monesin - care as toxic to horses.
- bacterial - test faeces, ab’s - amoxicillin. or tiamulin - 0 d w/d. tlc and multivits.
-worms - anaemia, wl, ill thirft. ascarids, cappilaria, gapeworm, - flubenvet to worm spring and autumn. plus wec’s.
the sneezing hen? ddx? cx? MG/IB - result in? IB in young chicks?
normally rest of flock affected. check swollen sinuses and foamy eyes.
ddx - infectious bronchitis (IB) m.gallisepticum, avian rhinotracheitis, infectious larngygio tracheitis, ND, AI, gapeworm.
cx - chesty, sneeze, swollen sinuses, foamy eyes.
MG/IB - damage to oviduct and egg shell - abnormal shells and loss of pigment. IB - in young damages oviduct - leads to internal /nlind layers.
dx - serology
tx - ab’s tetras treat all birds. isolate and tlc.
blind layers/internal layer? caused by? 2 to? permanent?
caused by malfunction of the oviduct. enter abdo. egg yolk peritonitis.
may be caused bu stress and therefore resolves.
permanent - IB infection when young. leads to damage to the oviduct. poor prog. - upright stance and penguin like.
egg bound? causes? cx? dx? tx?
cannot pass the egg. obese, large egg, mishsapen. ca nbalance, stress.
cx - strain, dull, hunched, fever.
dx - cx, digital probe, xrays.
tx - lube abs, manuallu break and remove, surgery and spay.
egg peritonitis? caused by? cx? why ideal bacterial medium?
infection of abdo. blind or internal layers. nutrient rich egg yolk - ideal bacterial medium.
cx - pyrexia, enlarged, abdo, dull, upright, stance
dx - cx and abdominocentsis.
tx - support, ivft, abs surgery and spay. lavage abdo.
teh wobbly hen? due to?
2 forms?
neuro. ataxia, imbalance, abnormal head and neck posture.
mareks - herpevirus, transforms t cells. immunosuppressed. tumours too. in nervous system.
2 forms - acute - poor growth and dull and diarr. changes in liver and spleen. classic - ataxia and paralysis.
wobbly hen may also be due to? ddx?
meningitis? - head tilt, ataxia, dull and dep. responds to meds and tlc. ab’s enroflox.
ddx - trauma, mareks, botulism, ND, AI.
the lame chicken? ddx? tx?
bumble foot. staph. lance abscesses and drain, and ab.
attend to environment and foot damage. (clipped wings esp)
crop bound? cx? cause? tx?
dull and inapp. neuro/due to fb/long grass.
lavage and massage out. surgery?
sour crop? due to ? cx? tx?
due to overgrowth and candida albicans. fungus! mouldy feed? distended anf fluid filled crop? surgery and lavage! antifungals. eg. enilconazole.
the bald chciken? ddx?
- feather picker? due to? tx?
- moulting? how often? tx?
ectoparasites - ddx?
moult, ectoparasite, peck, overmating, severe nutritional def.
- feather picker - too much light? cramped, stress nutrition, lack git, bored.
habit. distract and supp feed. multivits, increase space, anti peck spray. red light or reduce intensity.
- moult - normal! 1x year. usually after lay. multivits supp.
ecto - red mite, lice, scaly leg mite.
ectoparasites - chicken. ddx the bald chicken.
3 types?
red mite - nocturnal, infest birds and housing. life cycles short. insecticides!
- lice - common chicken louse - grey/yellow. under wings and around vent. feeds on feather debris. northern mite - dark brown. ear canal. ivermectin!
- scaly leg mite - beneath leg scales, burrows. swell and bleed. wash and dry and shampoo tooth bursh. ivermectin
ddx anaemia - chicken?
cocci, red mite, haem eg diarr, warfarin toxicity.
av 02 - resp dieases. 9 ddx?
AI, ND, avian pneumovirus, infectious largyngiotracheitis, infectious bronchitis, fowl coryza, staph, pasturlla, mycoplasmas.
avian influenza? cx? 1 source? 2?
rna virus, high path/low path.
resp, sub cut haem, congested, diarr, nervous signs. 1 -faeces water and ducks,
2 - mech, faceces, windbourne, water bourne.
control - stamp out restricted move, vacc?
ddx - other septicaemias. pcr and pm.
Newcastle disease? carried by? source? sprwad? control? icp index? means?
carried by all avians. invade and rep in all tissues. low virulence - resp and neteric neuro.
icp – path.
by spectrum of organs affected.
source -wild birds, droppings, water.
trans - contact, airborunre, water, human.
control - bio, vaccs,
live and low icp index - can invade and rep in vacc birds but no cx and can act as a soucre to other birds.
avian pneumovirus? cx? dx? tx?
rna virus. cx - sinusitis, 2 bacterial, swollen head, pale eggs. loss of prod, nervous signs
dx - pcr, serology
vacc - 1st 2 weeks of broilers life as not spread vertically.
infectious laryngeotracheitis? (ILT)
resp disease. production drops. mortality due to pus and plugs in trachea. vacc - causes mild disease. not spread vertically.
infectious bronchitis? reaches? cx? infection in young?
shed from?
coronavirus. start in trachea. reachs=es kidney and oviduct. eggs shells thin and losse pigment. infect young - internal layers and egg yolk peritonitis. poor prog due to damage of oviduct. 2 bacterial common.
shed from resp and droppings. not spread vertically.
dx - pcr. persistis in caecal tonsil, - sample!
control bio and vaccs.
fowl coryza - caused by? cx?
haemophillus para gallinarum
very contagious.
sinuses and nasal discharge.
staph and resp diease? cx?
wattles infected- local abscesses and swelling.
pasturella - resp disease.? causes? type? spread by?
septicaemia. p. multocida. swollen wattles,
spread by rodents and birds.
tx - abs. vaccs.