Postpartum hemorrhage Flashcards
Definition for vaginal and C/S
More than 500ml vaginal and more than 1l c/s
Etiology 4Ts
Etiology of secondary PPH and what is the definition
After 24 hours
Retained products
Sub-involution of uterus
Labour causes of atonic uterus
prolonged, precipitous, induced, augmented
Overall causes of atonic uterus
Labour Uterus Placenta Maternal Pain releif
Uterine causes of atony
Causes of overdistended uterus
Placenta causes of atony
Placenta previa
Placental abruption
Maternal factors associated with atony
Gestational HTN
Tissue factors (3)
Retained products
Abnormal placenta
Blood clots
Trauma causes
Laceration Episiotomy Hematoma Uterine rupture Uterine inversion
Thrombin causes
Maternal blood disorders- VWD, TTP, ITP, DIC, pre-eclampsia HELLP
Blood thinners
Most common cause of PPH
Atonic uterus
Antenatal risk factors (11)
>35 years Asian Obesity Grand multi Uterine abnormalities Blood disorders Previous PPH Anemia
Intrapartum risk factors
Prolonged Precipituous Chorioamnionitis Oxytocin use AFE/DIC Uterine inversion Genital tract trauma AVB CS
Why is a CS more likely to have PPH in some circumstances
Due to the reason for a cesarean often being an emergency
Post natal risk factors (4)
Retained products
Full bladder not allowing uterus to contract
Drug induced hypotonia
Drugs causing hypotonia used in labour
Magnesium sulphate
Prevention- antenatal, intrapartum and post-partum
Antepartum->Identify risk factors early, document Mx plan. Refer to specialists as required
Intrapartum->manage high risk->IV access, GH, Xmatch, have synto infusion ready
Active management of third and fourth stage
Possible complication
Hypovolemic shock AKI ARDS DIC Sheehans syndrome Hepatic failure
Management when high risk and refusal of blood products
Identify placental site
Optimise pre-birth Hb
Active management third stage labour
Identify acceptable resuscitation fluid manageemnt
Consider pharmacological, mechanical and surgical procedures to avert use of banked blood
Folic acid
Vitamine B12
Discuss AHD
Alternative/salvage therapy
Discuss risks of uterin atonia with delay in stages 1 and 2 and corrective treatment such as augmentation with oxytocin
Intrapartum management when high risk
Episiotomy if required Active management third stage IV access FBC, GH, xmatch BC if suspect chorioamnionitis IV fluids, IV antibiotics if infection Call for senior if require cesaerean
Active management of third stage
IM oxytocin 10 IU Syntometrine (CI in hypertension) Suprapubic counterpressure Controlled cord traction Cord clamping
When should suprapubic counterpressure be applied
Prior to controlled cord traction
Post natal risk management when risk factors
Routine care Oxytocin infusion post birth 1/4 hourly observation for 1 hour Maintain IV access for 24 hours Early recognition of puerperal hematoma
When to suspect puerperal hematoma
Unable to ID common causes of PPH Excessive or persistent pain Hypovolemic shock disproportionate to revealed blood loss Pelvic pressure Urinary retention
How to manage hematoma
Vaginal and PR exam to determine site and extent
?Transfer to OT for clot evacuation, primary repaire or tamponade of vessels
Management of PPH resus and assess
Assess blood loss Adress woman's concerns Lie flat, keep warm DRABCS- call for help Non-rebreather 02 15L 2 X 14-16 guage cannulas- send urgent FBC, GH, Xmatch, coags, UEC, Ca2+, lactate IV1: fluid and blood component resuscitation->Avoid excess crystalloid, give 2-3L Transfuse 2U RBCs IV2: drug therapies Insert IDC Assess/record vitals every 5 minutes and temp every 15 minutes Treat the cause
Treat the cause outline->questions to ask
Placenta out and complete? Fundus firm? Genital tract intact? Blood clotting? Assess for unknown
Unknown causes of PPH
Uterine rupture
Puerperal hematoma
AFE, Subcapsular liver rupture
Management when placenta not out or incomplete
Do not massage fundus Ensure third stage oxytocin given Apply CCT and attempt delivery Post delivery check if complete Massage fundus and assess tone Transfer to OT if needed
Indications to transfer to OT for tissue issue
Placenta adherent/trapped
Cotelydon + membranes missing
Management of atonic uterus (9)
Massage fundus Ensure 3rd stage oxytocin given Expel clots Empty bladder IV oxytocin 5IU slowly IV/IM ergometrine 250 micrograms Oxytocin infusion 40IU/1L crystallois @ 125-250ml/hr PR misoprostol 800-1000mcg Administer second line drugs if required
What are the second line drugs for uterus atony
Intramyometrial PGF2a (Dinoprost)
Management of genital tract trauma
Identify/inspect cervix, vagina, perineum
Clamp obvious bleeders
T/F to OT if indicated
When to transfer to OT with genital tract trauma
Cannot see/repair injury
Management for blood clotting disorder
Urgent FBC, caugs, eLFTs, ABG
Monitor 30-60 minutely FBC, coags, Ca, ABG
Do not delay treatment waiting for blood results
Activate MTP
Outline MTP
RBC, FFP, Platelets
Cryoprecipitate if Fibrinogen
Two things to avoid in blood clotting abnormality and MTP
Management when bleeding not controlled
Bimanual compression
Transfer to OT->lay flat, oxygen
Consider criteria for MTP activation
OT interventions based on cause
Tissue->manual remove +/- currette
Tone-> IU balloon tamponade, angiographic embolisation, laparotomy with BiLynch compression suture/uterin artery ligation/hysterectomy
Trauma-> anaesthetic, exposure, inspect, assess uterus intact, repair
Thrombin-> angiographic embolisation, uterine artery ligation, hysterectomy
Management once bleeding controlled
Monitor->vitals, fundal tone, vaginal blood loss, Hb Promote bonding Transfer as needed Document Psychological support and debriefing Treat anemia VTE prophylaxis Monitor for DVT/PE Educate on self care Advise re followup
How to prepare dinoprost and administer
1mg mixed with 10ml normal saline (1mg/ml) Inject 1ml into myometrium via abdomen, rub uterine fundus.
Repeat at 1 minute intervals