Postmodernism Flashcards
What is post-modernism?
The time period following upon modernism since 1950s and a host of intellectual and artisic movements. Marks departure from modernism
What is fragmentation?
Playful uses of ruptures and inchoherence.
Within T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land,” a modern waste land of crumbled cities is depicted.
What is pastiche?
Pasting elements of different art forms, genres, styles or references to popular culture
What is metafiction
writing about imaginary charcters and events in which the process of writing is discussed or described.
Metafiction is a self-conscious literary style in which the narrator or characters are aware that they are part of a work of fiction. Often most closely associated with postmodern prose,.
The main purpose of metafiction is to highlight the dichotomy between the real world and the fictional world of a novel. Metafiction can be used to parody literary genre conventions, subvert expectations, reveal truths, or offer a view of the human condition.
Example: Don Quixote (1605): Miguel de Cervantes Don Quixote is essentially a book about books.
What is temporal distortion?
non-linear timelines and narrative techniques in a story
What is multiple narratation?
Several narrators tell a story
what is magical realism?
Integration of impossible or unrealistic elements into otherwise realistic story.
In short, “magical realism” describes a work of fiction where fantasy slips into everyday life. However, the focus isn’t on the fantastical elements of the story, so much as on what those elements mean for the characters.
What other elements are regared as post-modernistic?
irony, playfullness, black humor
What is intertextuality?
references other texts in a text