african american detection -Bailey Flashcards
Are white writers creating black characters and readers are buying their books?
Are black writers visible in the publishing world`?
Not, so much
Did African american characters appear early in american crime and detective fiction=
Give an example of african american character in early detective fiction
Edgar Allen Poe has a black servant named Jupiter in his short story- The gold bug
What is considered to be a contribution to the detective genre.
red herrings and misdirections
How does poe depict Jupiter?
comic, ignorant, devoted to his master
What were the perception in the US and Europe about blacks?
That they were a few evolutionary steps removed from the oranguatns or apes.
what was seen as a threat in the US in the post-civil era?
the alleged threat of the “ new Negro criminal ” was used
to justify repressive measures by the criminal justice system and extra - legal justice in
the hands of white vigilantes.
Did the black man Henry Highland Garnet -a former slave who met Doyle challenge Doyle’s notions about race?
What impressed Doyle about Garnet=
His manner and his intelligence.
Who went on a lecture tour in the antebellum era?
During the antebellum era, ex - slave abolitionists such as
Frederick Douglass and Henry Highland Garnet went on the lecture circuit and wrote
about slavery as both an “ institution ” and a “ crime ” against humanity
Who made a unique contribution to american literature?
African - American abolitionists made a unique contribution to American literature with “ slave narratives ” that drew on Native American “ captivity narratives, ”
biography, and the sentimental novel.
what was being challenged in the courts of law?
the crimes that were being committed by whites
against blacks were challenged as they rarely were in courts of law.
who is the foremother of african american mysteries?
Pauline E. Hopkins was an editor and contributor to Colored American
who was Pauline Hopkins?
she was one of the generation of educated African -
American women who were speaking out on both race and gender issues.
What are black characters appearing as in golden-age fiction?
In golden age detective fi ction, black characters generally appeared in minor
roles as servants.
What did Bruce and hopkins do in their fiction=
They used detective fiction to explore social issues with the african american.
What marked the emergence of the black sleuth=
Rudolph Fisher a physician - writer who had participated
in the literary and intellectual movement known as the Harlem Renaissance, published the fi rst genre detective novel by an African - American featuring black protagonists and set in Harl
what plays a role in the works of the early african american genre?
spiritualism, use of language, and music) discussed by Stephen Soitos in The
Blues Detective (1996) plays a prominent role.
what makes fisher’s novels classic detective ?
Fisher ’ s novel and short story
featuring Dart and Archer have the characteristics of classic detective fi ction, with
a closed circle of suspects, the presence of an amateur detective working in conjunction with the police investigator, and a puzzle to be solved before the murderer is
what links fisher’s novels and short stories to hard-boiled fiction?
At the same time, the violence in the side streets of Harlem and the problems (e.g., domestic violence and drug addiction)
What was Richard Wright’s novel “native son “ inspiration?
Wright, who was infl uenced by
Dostoevsky, took as his subject the nature of crime and justice in racist America.
What did african-Americans hope to achive after w. w. w 2?
Double Victory ” by fi ghting for democracy while
winning their own rights as citizens.
what kind of african americans were portrayed during th post-war era?
It was during this postwar period that several white writers
created African - American characters that deviated from the stereotypes of the 1920s
and 30s.
What did the post-war era saw the rise of?
Police procedural as a sub genre of crime fiction.
who wrote the first short story featuring african american police deteective to appear in ellery queen mystery magazine?
African - American writer Hughes Allison wrote the fi rst short
story featuring an African - American police detective to appear in Ellery Queen Mystery
Magazine. I
Who is chester Himes?
an african american writer who wrote about the detective duo grave digger jones and coffin ed johjnson
what did coffin ed and grave digger understand?
the linkes between white oppression and crime and violence in the black ghetto.
Who is John D. Ball?
won an Edgar for In the Heat of the Night , the book that introduced
the African - American series detective Virgil Tibbs
What differnt type of african american hero did ernest tidyman shaft give?
Shaft was a black PI, a Vietnam vet and war hero who had attended New York
University before dropping out to become a private investigator.
What is the staple of the blaxploitaion films of the era=
In these fi lms, intended to appeal to an urban audience, black protagonists typically
took on organized crime, corrupt and brutal cops, and genocidal bigots
the Black Arts Movement produced a number of works
that have been described as “ anti - detective novels. what does this mean=
Reed and Clarence Major wrote books featuring black protagonists who viewed mysteries and their solutions from an Afrocentric perspective.Major for instance focus on racial oppressions.
What themes were written about in the post civil rights era=
hard - boiled stories about gangsters, pimps, drugs, and police corruption that
who wrote devil in a blue dress=
walter mosely
Were is devil in the blue dress set? name the protagonist
Postwar los angeles. protagonist Easy Rawlins.
What is devil in the blue dress about?
To pay his mortgage, Easy accepts an
assignment to fi nd the missing fi anc é e of a wealthy white politician. He is suited for
the job because the missing woman likes to hang out in jook joints and blues clubs
in the black community, places that no white detective could go without attracting
attention. Finding that he likes the work, and the money, Easy becomes a part - time
snoop for hire in subsequent adventures.
What did Robert Greer in his floyd series write about=
Greer explores the neglected history of blacks in the
American West, including black rodeo stars and cowboys. The protagonist is C.J. Floyd.
Why is the use of education work experience by african american often used?
This use of education/work
experience by African - American mystery writers is, of course, not unusual, since
writers are typically advised to draw on their life experience.
What is Soitos argument about black cultural aesthetics in the works of african american writers in genral?
. References to African -
American history and culture often provide a subtext to these stories.
According to Bailey has some of the best-know african american mystery protagonists been created by white writers?
What does James weldon johnson mean by the double audience?
In order to succeed as mystery writers, arguably African - American writers
must attract both black and white readers to their works.