Postman Always Rings Twice Lana Turner John Garfield James m Cain Novel Flashcards
Anxiety drug whose name is a palindrome
Only US coin that doesn’t mention dollar or cents
Hot sauce in Bloody Mary
Famous character whose told tis but thy name that is my enemy
was the first National Park to be established in the world when it was designated as such by this president . What a great tradition it started! The American National Parks are truly a treasure …
President Grant in 1872
” is a Latin word meaning “let it stand”. In editorial work, the typesetter is instructed to disregard any change previously marked by writing the word “” and then underscoring that change with a line of dots or dashes.
Ohio State University (OSU) location and mascot
in Columbus
Brutus Buckeye.
This constellation is often just called “the Big Dipper” because of the resemblance of its main stars to a ladle or dipper. Those stars also resemble a plow, and that’s what we usually call the same constellation back in Ireland the “Plough”.
Ursa Major (Latin for “Larger Bear”)
sits right beside the constellation Draco (Latin for “Dragon”). It used to be considered the wing of Draco, and was once called “Dragon’s Wing”.
Ursa Minor (Latin for “Smaller Bear”)
The tail of the “Smaller Bear” might also be considered as the handle of a ladle, and so the constellation is often referred to as the Little Dipper.
This is a mechanical widening of a narrowed artery. In the surgical procedure, a balloon catheter is inflated at the point of the obstruction to open up the artery. A stent may then be inserted to make sure the vessel remains open.
Angioplasty (“angio”, for short)
Although played in some notable films from 1969 onwards, it was her appearance opposite Kevin Costner and Tim Robbins in 1988’s “Bull Durham” that truly propelled her into the limelight.
Actress Susan Sarandon was born Susan Tomalin in Queens, New York.
” is a name for bean curd, and is a Japanese word meaning just that … bean that has curdled.
It is produced by coagulating soy milk, using either salt or something acidic. Once the protein has coagulated, the curds are pressed into the familiar blocks. Personally I love tofu, but my wife absolutely hates it …
they referred to this area as Deseret, a word that means “beehive”
When Mormon pioneers were settling what is today the state of Utah
according to the Book of Mormon. Today Utah is known as the Beehive State and there is a beehive symbol on the Utah state flag. In 1959, “Industry” was even chosen as the state motto, for the term’s association with the beehive.
She is an American photographer who works out of New York, Berlin and Paris. She is known for her work featuring LGBT models, and for images highlighting the HIV crisis and the opioid epidemic.
Nan Goldin
is a manufacturer of nail polish based in North Hollywood, California. One marketing coups was the introduction of a line of Legally Blonde 2 polishes, which featured in the film.
Opi (originally “Odontorium Products Inc.”)
This is germinated cereal grains that have been dried. The cereal is germinated by soaking it in water, and then germination is halted by drying the grains with hot air.
Tropical easterlies are also k own as this type of prevailing winds that circle the earth here
Trade winds
Near the equator
LCM of 5 and 7
The outer banks are a Chan of barrier islands primary located in this state with a small portion extending into this other state
North Carolina
Virginia - small
I’m blasting our favorite tunes
I only got one thing on my mind are lyrics from this 21 song that went viral of tiktok
Sunroof by Nicky youre and
Dazy daz E
The two sides of a coin are known as the “
obverse” and the “reverse”. The obverse is commonly referred to as “heads”, as it often depicts someone’s head. The reverse is commonly called “tails”, as it is the opposite of “heads”.
She was an American jazz singer, actress, dancer and civil rights activist. She started her career as a nightclub singer and then began to get some meaty acting roles in Hollywood. However, she ended up on the blacklist during the McCarthy Era for expressing left wing political views. One of her starring roles was in the 1943 movie “Stormy Weather” for which she also performed the title song
Lena Horne
5 time emmy winning game show host hosted rock and roll jeopardy from 98-01
Jeff probst
Former child actor appointed to be US ambassador by this president to this country in 89
Check o Slovakia
Shirley temple black
QB ranked by 24/7 sports as one of 5 most hated players of all time And ranked by USA Today as 2nd best player of all time
Tom Brady
This country’s flag feature an Arabic inscription above a sword
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Settle down mr sporocle showoff
This country’s flag features 27 stars representing its states and districts arranged as constellations
Way constellations would have looked above rio day juh nar o in 1889 because at time wqs capital
County’s flag designed by student leaders and activists in 70 in room 108 of ick uh ball hall at Dhaka university
Harrison wrote a song for
Declared independence from Pakistan in 71
country in Africa has a flag with 3 stripes
2 matching stripes on outside represent natural
Wealth and
white middle stripe represents peace and unity
Most populous
Former manhattan disco wqs infamous for rampant drug use and sexual activity as well as celebrity guest lists
Studio 54 (on 54th street ?)
44 hahaha
Strip club tony soprano used for an office
Bada bing
Venue Ricky Ricardo employed at on I love Lucy
Bonus signature song
Tropicana club
Bob uh lou
Club 33 is an exclusive private club found at these locations in
Japan California China
Disney parks
Only place you can buy alcohol
Shanghai in China
Subarctic archipelago was the origin of a small horse Breed and small herding dog
Grammy nominated rock
Band is named after the Brother of former Emperor of Austria
Franz Ferdinand - assassinated in 1914
Discovered penicillin
Sir Alexander Fleming
Not Jonas Salk
Wrote poem old Lang zine
Robert Burns