Banff National Park Alberta Lake Louise Flashcards
is a mixture of egg yolk and melted butter that is then seasoned, usually with lemon juice, salt and pepper. It has an exalted position in French cuisine.
Hollandaise sauce
Although the origin is debated, some say that the recipe was invented in the Netherlands and taken to France by the Huguenots, hence the name “Hollandaise”, meaning “of Holland”.
” is a fictional program that pops up on “The Simpsons”, i.e. a show within a show.
The Itchy & Scratchy Show
Itchy is a blue mouse, and Scratchy is a black cat.
In terms of physics, this is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree celsius (at one atmosphere of pressure).
The so-called “food calorie” is one thousand times as large, as it is defined in terms of kilograms instead of grams. In attempts to differentiate between these two definitions, the former is sometimes referred to as the “small calorie” and is given the symbol “cal”. The latter is referred to as the “large calorie” and given the symbol “Cal”, with a capital C. If only we’d use the SI system of units, we’d be thinking in just joules, instead of large and small and food calories.
” is a 1998 thriller movie from Germany. The film comprises three tellings of events that transpire after a woman finds herself in need of DM100,000 within 20 minutes. Intriguing …
Run Lola Run
was born in the Austrian Empire in a village located in modern-day Croatia, and later moved to the US. His work on mechanical and electrical engineering was crucial to the development of alternating current technology, the same technology that is used by equipment at the backbone of modern power generation and distribution systems.
Nikola Tesla
is a ridge of stable material lying beneath the surface of a body of water. They can be made up of sand or rock, and also of coral.
The largest coral reef on the planet is Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, which stretches over 1,400 miles.
Iron horse
Also number
Baseball legend Lou Gehrig was known as a powerhouse. He was a big hitter and just kept on playing. Gehrig broke the record for the most consecutive number of games played, and he still holds the record for the most career grand slams. His durability earned him the nickname “The Iron Horse”. Sadly, he died in 1941 at 37-years-old suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), an illness we now call “Lou Gehrig’s Disease”. The New York Yankees retired the number four on 4th of July 1939 in his honor, making Lou Gehrig the first baseball player to have his number retired.
were a Celtic race, covering what is now known as France and Belgium.
The Gauls
We use the term “Gallic” today, when we refer to something pertaining to France or the French.
Word for Container of jam or pickels that comes from
The Arabic word for water vessel
In 1898 bayer began to market and bottle this now very illegal drug as a pain reliever and cough suppressant
A type of opium ?
This book describes a 24 hour period of a prisoner in the gulag system
Soul suh nit sin
One day in the life of Ivan duh niece uh vich
One for the money
Two for the dough books
Janet evanovich
PMs John A McDonald and Lester Pearson both died in this city
Doors frontman apparently died in a Paris bathtub July 1971 ; others believe he faked his death
Jim Morrison
Title of a head nun at a covenant
Mother superior
8 K tons of iron used to build this landmark completed in 1889
Eiffel Tower
In 86 Steve Jobs bought this animation studio for 5M ; in 06 it was sold to Disney for 7.4B
Played women’s sufffrwge leader Alice Paul in hbos iron jawed angels
Hilary swank
Steven soderbergh wqs behind the camera to direct him as this man in behind the candelabra
Candle ah bruh
Michael Douglas as Liberace
One reported origin of this national symbol is a beef supplier to the army who stamped his barrels US
Uncle Sam
Freaky fridayed herself into her body for the lifetime bio pic Liz and dixk
Lindsay Lohan as Elizabeth Taylor
Journalist John reed died in this city and was buried with other Bolshevik heroes
Ick thee awl uh goats take note this Seuss book says of other fauna none of them is like another don’t ask why go ask your mother
One fish two fish red fish blue fish
Once federated with Serbia its thr smallest in area of the nations bordering on the Adriatic Sea
Made thanksgiving a holiday
After battle of Gettysburg
Full enjoyment of peace harmony tranquility and union
This body part of secretariat was twice as big as average
22 vs 8.5 pounds normal
Most popular cruise destination by total passangers
Caribbean 1/3
2 Mediterranean
Westernmost state to fight for confederacy during civil war
California Nevada Oregon fought for union
For rerelease
Of ET this director digitally replaced the films gums with this
Spielberg used walkie talkies admitted mistake
Style of dining gets its name from an Italian phrase in the cool air
When this character gets stuck in a rabbit holes rabbit says I shall go and fetch Christopher Robin
Winnie the Pooh
In 1917 story by Thornton burgess Peter rabbit decides to change his name to this also the name of the bunny in an Easter song
Peter cottontail
While writing this 72 novel Richard Adams consulted RM lockleys natural history study the private life of the rabbit
Watership down
This vampire rabbit created by James howe and wife Deborah has fangs and sucks the juice out of vegetables
Bun nick yuh luh
In Alice’s adventures in wonderland this bunny’s first words were oh dear I shall be late
White rabbit
Lopsided sports loss or a flat tire
This military command means to turn clockwise 180 degrees
About face
Unpleasant effects after something bad has happened hopefully not after a nuclear explosion
Adjective for someone very enthusiastic in support or very religious
Type of rowing vessel with a distinctive feature for extra stability
Capitals and their airports
Its about 25 miles from Sphinx international
Hey dummy! Brey uh California PD had 2 words for the man who used the carpool lane with one of these in the passenger seat - nice try
Italian tenor with son Mateo with whom he recorded the duet fall on me
Bo chell e
25 years after his death nat king cole duetted with daughter Natalie on this Grammy winning hit remember
In Hannah Montana movie they dance butterfly fly away
Miley and Billy ray cyrus
Capitals and their airports
King Khalid international in its gateway
Re ahd
Saudi Arabia
Active ingredient in pens used to treat
Ana flax is
Ep uh nef rin
Washington DC area memorial
To this service branch depicts a flag raising on Mount surbachi
Sir uh boche
Rats must gnaw constantly becuse these teeth whose name
Means cutter grow their whole lives around 4-5 inches per year
New Orleans nickname
Crescent city
Which country’s main aiport was renamed in honour of Mother Teresa in 2002?
Which sportsman would perform a triple salchow?
Figure skater
What term have scientists given to the theoretical point at the core of a black hole where all its mass is concentrated?
The red dragon on the Welsh national flag is standing on how many feet?
Famous Sugar Loaf Mountain rises over the bay of which of these cities?
Rio day janiero
Which of these animals uses the backs of its eyeballs to help push food down its throat?
In the 2001 film “Snatch,” what are the main characters looking for?
Missing diamond
After what international incident was a “hot line” installed between the U.S. and Soviet governments?
Cuban missile crisis
In the 1991 movie “The Silence of the Lambs,” Dr. Hannibal Lecter is a doctor in what field?
On the Domino’s Pizza logo, the dots on the domino tile represent what?
3 original stores
Which of these creatures are prominently featured in Salvador Dali’s famous 1931 painting, “The Persistence of Memory”?
the video game “Donkey Kong”, the hero now known as Mario was originally called what?
Tetrodotoxin, a poison over 1,000 times deadlier than cyanide, is found in which of these creatures?
Puffer fish