Middle East’s Dead Sea lowest point on the Earth’s landmass Flashcards
Faith founded in Persia :
The Baha’i Faith is relatively new in the scheme of things, and was founded in Persia in the 1800s. One of the tenets of the religion is that messengers have come from God over time, including Abraham, the Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, and most recently Bahá’u’lláh who founded the Baha’i Faith. Baha’i scripture specifies some particular architectural requirements for houses of worship, including that the building have a nine-sided, circular shape. It is also specified that there be no pictures, statues or images displayed within a temple.
The Human body
This glandular organ that starts to shrink at puberty is known for being where the cells key to adaptive immunity develop
T cells of the immune system are named for the thymus gland
Packers defeated pats 35-21
Louisiana super dome new orlewns
Hologram vs parcels
Bret Favre
First fox super bowl
76er named to first all star game in 24
Tyrese Maxi
Famous city founded by Alexander the Great
Alexandria Egypt
Teenager Sadie Alexander makes a wish that her phone avatar would come to life and help her stand out in this 21 nick show
That girl lay lay
From the ancient world
Captured in Egypt by the British army 1801 is painted on the side of this artifact named foe the city where it was found
Rosetta Stone
NMe of thr mountain range that extends from the state of New Mexico west of thr Mississippi River and reaches up into Canada
In his Alice’s adventures in wonderland Alice uses this animal as a mallet when playing this sport
Lewis Carroll
Used a flamingo in Croquet
UK company P&O known for providing this type of holidays
Most blood cells produced in this part of the body
Pro wrestler who was in multiple promotions shares name (along side real life bro)
With jeopardy champ in the top 10 of game wins
Matt Jackson
1/2 of young bucks
Only family to be part of and all brother outfield in MLB
San Fran giants
MTty alou
A stanza that makes the sonnet this many lines instead of tbis many
Example the first stanza in this Shakespeare sonnet
Medieval squires and pages would practice jousting skills by aiming at dummy target with same name
Quin tain or quinton
15 instead of 14
14 are quatrain
Sonnet 99
Warren buffet CEO of
Bonus class A shares reached this price in March 22
Berkshire Hathaway
500K per share
Runner up on idol season 1
Also his most notable role
Gwar een E
Tiny pitchman lil sweet who magically appears to handle people diet version of Dr Pepper
Best Oscar actor winners that are simple sentences Zz
Jeremy irons - reversal of fortune
Jeff bridges crazy heart
William hurt kiss of thr spider woman
Equator and prime meridian intersect in this body of water with a 910K square mile surface area
Gulf of Guinea
Equator and prime meridian intersect in this body of water with a 910K square mile surface area
Gulf of Guinea
Only siblings inducted into toy HOF
Ragedy Ann and Andy
First computer virus
One word name after a scooby do villian
Creeper - can a self replicating virus spread to other computer systems ?
Studying horticulture or playing Minecraft
This shield or breastplate of thr gods now means the protection of any powerful entity
E gis
National monuments
From its ramparts you can see the mouth of the patapsco river as it flows into the Chesapeake
Puh tap scoooh
Fort mc Henry
For the ramparts we watched were so gallantly singing from the national anthem - Might have sung about them
Prince lestat and the queen of the damned
Luh stat
Anne rice
Grey and the missus
EL James
Absalom Absalom
Light in August
The truth? this lifesaver is from the Latin for watery fluid
While you ponder weak and weary it’s synonyms include dismal and gloomy
I’m filled with this
Thr heat of desire or passion from
Thr latin for burn
You don’t hear as much about these people thr title of a book by cokie roberts about female revolutionary war heroes like Molly pitcher
Founding mothers
You don’t hear as much about this London mini landmark from 1892
Little Ben
You don’t hear as much about a bad Samaritan
how about this wicked biblical queen who tried to establish idol worship in Samaria
Queen jezebel
In the 1860s he designed an all weather felt hat he called the boss of the plains
John Stetson
In India it’s customary for brides to wear this color associated with the goddess Durga and a symbol of power and strength
This annual event in Munich kicks off with exclamation ozapft it’s tapped
The bre yachts and yah coots are among the indigenous groups that occupy this 5 million square mile region of Russia
Administrative region of muh cow has these 2 official languages
Portuguese - colonial one
You can wear this Scottish cap anywhere not just to a David mam it play about real estate salesman
Glen Garry (Glenn Ross)
This is considered the eighth consonant in the Hawaiian alphabet.
And she says the cockney accent is a great example of the glottal stop. If you say, if you say butter like butter, you pretty much got it.”