Posterior Teeth Selection Flashcards
WHat teeth?
Resorbed/ flabby ridges
Monoplane, semi anatomic teeth
WHat teeth?
Healthy, young patient
Anatomic teeth
WHat teeth?
Older patient, worn down
Monoplane teeth
WHat teeth?
Clenchers & bruxers
Monoplane teeth
WHat teeth?
A skeletal Class 2 and 3 ridge relationship
Monoplane teeth
WHat teeth?
Immediate dentures
Either semi anatomic or monoplane. depends on what kind of teeth are oposing
WHat teeth?
previous dentures have anatomic teeth which have not been severely ground or worn and the alveolar ridges are not severely resorbed
Anatomic or semi anatomic
WHat teeth?
Oposing arch is worn down
Monoplane, non anatomic teeth
The poorer the record base stability, the ____
the less cusp height is indicate.
monoplane or semi
What teeth?
When the greater width of the mandibular arch requires a crossbite
Lingualized occlsuion; non anatomic mand with opposing semin anatomic max with buccal cusps in the centra fossa of mand.
Many dentulous patients, especially those with ____-have a discrepancy between ICP (intercuspal position) and RCP (retruded cuspal position).
severely worn dentitions
Slidning= monplane or semi teeth
A **non-intercuspated denture **tooth form like ____ would give the “freedom” for the patient to reestablish the correct maxillo-mandibular relationship
lingualized or monoplane
What teeth?
Anatomic 33 degree
What teeth?
Semi anatomic 10-20 Degrees
What teeth?
Lingualized, Max (semi) mand (mono)
What teeth?
Non anatomic 0 degree
What are 2 main advanatages and disadvantges of non-anatomic teet
**Adavanatges **
* Reduce horizontal forces
* Freedom of movment
* No veritcle component
* Dont look natural
What are 2 main advanatages and disadvantges of Anatomic teeth
* Tooth to tooth balanced occlsuion acheived
* Sheering ability + pretty
* Difficult to set
* Horizontal force development
* Lots of followups
2 Advantages of Lingualized occlusion?
- Similar to anatomic
- Easier to set
Anatomic and semi-anatomic denture teeth differ primarily in the ____ and the precision of their intercuspated relationships.
degree of cuspal inclination
Ana= 30 degree
semi= 10-20 degree
What are 3 characteristic of non-anatomic teeth
- No curve of spee or wilson FLAT occlusion
- No verticle overlapin anterior unless with post baalncing ram
- Instruct not to incise bolus
In non-anatomic dentures,steeper the condylar inclination the ____ in excursion.
greater the posterior discrepancy
= greater need for balancing ramp
A ____ is applied when ther is anterior overlap
Balancign ramp
What are the mandibular cast landmarks?
- Circle the retromolar pad
- posterior to pad, mark a line 2/3 of the pad on the land area
- lateral to the pad,mark a line 2/3 of the pad on the land area
- Then draw a line on the land area in the anterior that is in allignment with the line on the posterior of the pad over the ridge crest
What are the maxillary cast landmark?
- Line in the anterior midline
- Ciricle insicive papilla
When setting these teeth the horizontal and lateral condylar guidance on articulator should be set at ____
What teeth set first?
Mandibular posterior teeth
Over the crest of the ridge + flat plane on occlsuion
The distal surface of most posterior maxillary denture tooth should extend ____ distal to the most posterior mandibular denture tooth.
1-2mm past
How much horizontal overlap do you want between max and mand to prevent cheek biting?
1-1.5mm overlap
the ____ maintains contact with the incisal guide table
incisal guide pin