Impression Materials Flashcards
How materials interact with its enviroment & pateitns, properties, contex of use.
fundamental requirement for any dental restoration.
The breakdown of mateirals int he oral enviroment
What are somethigns we look for when choosing dental materials?
- Long term testing & trials
- Internationall reconized spec & standards
- Maximun saftey, durable, effective
- Lower risk due to low knowledge
Whos responsibility is it toweigh the quality of evidence regarding manufacturers’ claims from an informed, intelligent perspective to ensure optimum treatment outcomes for the patients.
The dentist
Dentists are expected to acquire sufficient knowledge of the what 3 things?
of dental materials used in the rehabilitation of the edentulous patient.
- Properties
- Behavior
- Limitations
Of all mateirals
What is the goal of optimal impressions?
- Retention
- Support
- Stability
of denture!
Impression for complete dentures must what?
be capable of capturing and replicating all anatomical peripheral and denture-supporting structures
Just look lol
Just look
an imprint produced by ‘the pressure of one thing upon or into the surface of another
Active + making
an impression made for the purpose of diagnosis or for the construction of a custom tray.
Preliminary Impression
What mateirals do you need for a preliminary impression?
- Stock tray
- Alginate
An imprint that record the entire functional denture-bearing area to ensure maximum support, retention and stability for the denture during use.
Final Impression
What is the purpose of a final impression?
To record accurately the tissues of the denture bearing areas, in addition to recording the functional width and depth of the sulci.
Anatomy of mouth!
What are the 3 diffrent impression techniques?
- Mucostatic
- Mucocompressive
- Selective Pressure
impression is made with the mucosa in its normal resting position.
* lead to good fitting denture
* During chewing denture will pivot on incompressbale areas and dig into compressible areas
Mucostatic impression
**The impression is made when the mucosa is subject to compression. **
* Denture is most stable during function not at rest
* Hard tissue not compressed
Mucocompressive impression
What we do
The impression is made with stress bearing areas being compressed and stress relief areas being relieved.
Selective pressure impression
What are the 2 main categories of impression materials?
- Ridgid
- Elastics