Occlusal Scheme Flashcards
Disclusion of posterior teeth natrually
Anterior guidance
Natural occlsuion
In natural occlsuion, the teeth do what to each other?
Protect each other, Mutually Protective Scheme of Occlusion
In natural occlsuion what is the guidence?
Canine Guidence
stabilizing the denture and stress distribution during functioning
Complete denture occlusion
What type of denture occlusion?
Bilateral eccentric contacts to provide stability of the denture bases during function
Balance Occlusion
What type of denture occlusion?
Non-balanced monoplane occlsuion
Balance in all excursive movment to prevent tipping
Bilateral Balanced Denture Occlusion
The bilateral simultaneous** contact of opposing upper and lower posterior teeth** in ____ position with a smooth **bilateral gliding contact **to any eccentric position within the normal range of mandibular function
- Centric Postion
- Eccentric postion
Bilateral balanced occlsuion to decrease tipping or rotation
3 main characterisits of Bilateral Balanced Denture Occlusion
- Bilateral poserior centric contact
- centralized forces on mucosa
- balaced occlsion, minimize tipping
What kind of teeth go on a balanced occlsion denture?
Anatomic teeth
the anterior-posterior plane of occlusion should be parallel to the denture foundation area and not dictated by condylar inclination.
plane of occlsuion completely flat and level
* no curve of spee or wilson
* Compensating curve
Neurocentric Monoplane occlusion
flat post teeth
In Neurocentric Monoplane occlusion he is ____ of anterior teeth
No verticle overalap of anterior teeth
Cosmetically unfavorable,
in Neurocentric Monoplane occlusion pt ____ when eating does now chew or grind
in Neurocentric Monoplane occlusion an anterior overlap can be made for aethetic purposed BUT in balancing and protrusive positions this causes what?
this causes seperation of posterior teeth leading to tipping of denture.
How can Bilateral balanced occlusion can also be obtained with non-anatomic posterior teeth?
Employment of balance ramps
at least 3 points of contact