Posterior body wall and autonomics Flashcards
Median arcuate ligament of diaphragm
tendinous attachment b/w L and R crura
creates aortic hiatus at T12
Medial arcuate ligament
tendinous arch that goes b/w body and TP of LV1
arches over Psoas major
Lateral arcuate ligament
tenidnous arch spanning from the TP of LV1 to the 12th rib
arches of quadratus lumborum
Lumbocostal triangle
area of muscular weakness b/w the costal and lumbar portions of the diaphragm
common site where hernias occur
usually on L only, where pluroperitoneal membrane formed
Caval hiatus
w/in central tendon
hole for Vena Cava and R phrenic n.
Esophageal hiatus
thru R crus
hole for esophagus, vagal trunks, branches of L gastric
Aortic Hiatus
b/w L and R crus
hole for aorta and thoracic duct
Psoas major
O: Bodies and TPs of TV12-L5
I: Lesser trochanter
A: Flexion of the thigh and vertebral column
N: Ventral Rami of L1-L3
Psoas minor
O: TV12-L1
I: iliopectineal eminence
A: Flexion of vertebral column
N: ventral rami of L1
O: Iliac fossa
I: Lesser trochanter
A: flexion of thigh and LR of thigh
N: Femoral n.
Quadratus Lumborum
O:Iliac crest, iliolumbar ligament
I: 12th rib, TPs of Lumbar vertebrae
A: Extension and sidebending of trunk, also holds down 12th rib to assist diaphragm during inspiration
N: VR of T12-L4
Lumbar plexus
Ventral rami of L1-L5
provides sensory and motor innervation to the abdomen, pelvis, and lower limb
L1 forms posterior to the medial arcuate runs over QL suprapubic cutaneous branches lateral to psoas
runs thru the inguinal canal and provides anteiror scrotal/labial branches
lateral to psoas
runs over iliacus and then under inguinal ligament
motor and sensory to the lower limb