Posterior Abdominal Wall and Renal System Flashcards
Explain the three layers of the thoracolumbar fascia including what attaches to each
Anterior Layer
*Quadratus Lumborum
Middle Layer
*Erector Spinae
Posterior Layer
Psoas major attachment sites
*Originates from the transverse processes and vertebral bodies of T12 – L5.
*Moves inferiorly and laterally, running deep to the inguinal ligament
*Attaching to the lesser trochanter of the femur.
Psoas minor attachment sites
*Originates from the vertebral bodies of T12 and L1
*Attaches to a ridge on the superior ramus of the pubic bone, known as the pectineal line
Iliacus attachment sites
*Originates from the surface of the iliac fossa and anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS).
*Its fibres combine with the tendon of the psoas major
*Inserting into the lesser trochanter of the femur.
Quadratus Lumborum Attachment sites
*From 12th rib & transverse processes of L1-4
*To iliolumbar ligament & iliac crest
Name the openings in the diaphragm and the structures that pass through them
*Median arcuate lig. - Aortic hiatus
*Medial arcuate lig. - Psoas
*Lateral arcuate lig. - Quadratus lumborum
*Caval opening (T8) - Inferior vena cava
*Esophageal hiatus (T10) - Esophagus, Parasymp (vagal trunks)
*Aortic hiatus (T12) - Descending aorta, Thoracic duct
Summarize the lumbar plexus using a drawing
Describe the arterial supply of the posterior abdominal
Describe the venous drainage of the posterior abdominal
Review the retroperitoneal structures and their relation to the posterior abdominal wall
Adrenal Glands
Ascending and Descending Colon
Describe the external and internal features of the kidneys
- Surface features
a. Suprarenal gland
b. Upper pole
c. Inferior pole
d. Hilum [L. a small bit or trifle]
e. Capsule
f. Sinus - Internal features
a. Renal cortex [L. bark]
i. Renal columns
b. Renal medulla [L. marrow, middle]
i. Pyramid of medulla - Papillae
c. Pelvis
i. Major & minor calyces [L. cup of a flower] - Retroperitoneal features
a. Pararenal fat
b. Perirenal fat
c. Renal fascia
Identify A
Suprarenal gland
Identify B
Superior/upper pole
Identify C
Inferior pole
Identify D
Identify A
Renal Cortex
Identify B
Renal column
Identify C
Renal pyramid
Identify D
Identify E
Renal pelvis
Identify F
Minor calyx
Identify G
Major calyx
Explain the autonomic innervation of the kidneys
*Vagus (CN X) > esophageal plexus > post vagal trunk > celiac ganglion & plexus > renal nerve plexus > kidney (synapse)
*Lesser splanchnic (T10-11) or least splanchnic (T12) > aorticorenal ganglion (synapse) > renal nerve plexus > kidney
Explain the autonomic innervation of the urinary bladder
*T10-12, L1-2 > lumbar splanchnic > superior/inferior hypogastric plexus > inferior hypogastric plexus (synapse) > wall relaxation
*S2-4 > pelvic splanchnic > inferior hypogastric plexus > wall (synapse; contraction)
Explain the relation between the ureter and the testicular artery
Ureter passes posterior to the testicular artery
Define the trigone of the urinary bladder
Postero-inferior surface of the inside of the bladder.
Triangular surface between ureteric orifices and urethral orifice
Contrast the anatomy of the male and female urethra
Male = 20cm on average
Female = 4cm