Post WWII Flashcards
nazi criminals were taken to trial justice jackson 24 nazis went to trial 1 committed suicide 1 was medically unfit and died 3/22 were acquitted the rest were sentenced to death by hanging or prison time each was allowed to get their own attorneys
nuremberg trials
direct result of WWII
wanted to prevent future similar conflicts
promoted peace
united nations
many of the displaced people went here
united nations helped w this
modernized production in russia
factories owned by government
five year plans
round up peasants, put them on a huge piece of land to work and mass produce food together
wealthy farmer
killed their crops and livestock because they were not put in charge
stalin liquidates the class and people in it
major food crisis
stalin went after those who disagreed with his idea of communism
aka “stalin’s reign of terror”
millions were purged (old communist members, army members, industrial management, religious people)
many were sent to a labor camp or exiled to siberia
the great purge
labor camps
war on religion
the great purge
must serve for 4 years
lower loans on homes, medical insurance, payed tuition
G. I. bill
when communist uprising happens, we must get involved
containing communism
truman doctrine
wanted to get people involved in the rebuilding of europe
worked well
helped US because it was a loan, helping us economically
marshall plan
most powerful alliance on planet
needed to help citizens
north atlantic treaty organization
communist version of NATO
warsaw pact
civil war broke out in
dynasty was no longer, leading to a mess
communist uprisings
ruler of china, ultimately brought communism to china
totalitarian control
allied w russia
mao zedong
factories being built
people had to work hard and long
terrible products
over 50 million chinese starved to death
great leap forward
lead US troops in engagement
wanted to attack china but truman said no
began speaking out against truman, getting him fired
douglas macarthur
won by a landslide
both parties wanted him to run for their side
immediately seeking peace
wanted to end in stalemate, still following truman doctrine
election 1952
border still remains
most heavily guarded borders
worlds largest minefield surrounded by sniper posts
korea today
where did korea split
38” parallel
mutually assured destruction
“two scorpions in a bottle”
round ball soviets launched into space
first object placed in space
race to get to space first
space race
pushing eachother to the brink of war
so tense in situation that one move could lead to war
took oil companies away and gov became in charge
important for european trade
britain decided not to find, because communists were also helping fund
britain and israel v egypt
ex of brinkmanship
suez canal
US will protect middle eastern nations fighting communist nations
eisenhower doctrine
soviet’s decided to use violence to spread communism
US opened immigration quota, but would not enter battle
wisconsin senator said he had 200 names of communists serving in the gov went on for years ruined people’s lives went after important people high level of disrespect refused to produce his list senator voted to censor him alcoholic drank full bottle of whiskey per day
joseph macarthy
married couple
husband had ability to obtain nuclear secrets and sold them to soviets
wife was accomplice
found guilty and given electric chair
created major roads
transport military supplies and land planes
every 5 miles, 1 mike needs to be straight in case of emergency plane landings
federal highway act
separate crews for each task that needed to be accomplished
have to have standardization
everyone did what they were supposed to do
youth conformed
silent generation
people in suburbs made it a competition to have he best things
keeping up with the jones’
most products revolved around things you need
Items are significantly cheaper than before
biggest consumer item was baby products
countries within soviet union
communism forced upon them
satellite state/ nation
rachel carson
beginning of environmental movement
silent spring
C. I. A. got involved
overthrew gov
shah on iran
what was the first major decision UN made
taking over israel
code name for hydrogen bond
leader after stalin
first dog sent to space
round up peasants, put them on huge piece of land to work and mass produce food together
want people to give up economic freedoms for well-being of everyone