Final Flashcards
what type of market describes an upward trend in stocks
bull market
what are you doing while buying and selling stocks
playing the market
the day the stock market crashed
black tuesday
official date of the stock market crash
october 29, 1929
list one reason for the stock market crash
margin buying
easy credit
where did people wait for soup and bread
who was the president when the stock market crashed
president roosevelt closed all banks
bank holiday
gives benefits to people over 65, unemployment for workers who lost their jobs, and payments to the disabled
social security
leader of germany during WWII
leader of japan during WWII
leader of russia during WWII
what party did hitler belong to
nazi party
what did you join if you were a young man in nazi germany
hitler youth
hitlers secret police
hitlers attempt to kill europe’s jewish population
when did hitler test new weapons
during the spanish civil war
luftwaffe bombed london, england
battle of britain
hitlers plan to invade the soviet union
operation barbarossa
what did japan attack which caused the americans to get involved in WWII
pearl harbor
who was in charge of all concentration camps
who was i. charge of entire holocaust
name one concentration camp
largest battle between russia and germany
battle of stalingrad
the invasion of normandy france by allied nations
where was hitler when he committed suicide
bunker in berlin
name the two cities we dropped atomic bombs on
hiroshima and nagasaki
where were the nazi leaders found guilty
nuremberg trials
nation formed in 1947
have veterans benefits
GI bill
outlines truman’s policy on containment
truman doctrine
gave europe 12 billion dollars
marshall plan
what sent supplies to west berlin because of the berlin blockade
berlin airlift
who did we prevent from overrunning south korea in order to stop the spread of communism
north korea
accused many important americans of being communists
joseph mccarthy
where did many middle class families move in order to get away from the cities
president for most of the 1950s
dwight eisenhower
joseph stalins attempt to fix the industrial system of russia
5 year plan
where stalin sent his enemies during stalin’s reign of terror
wealthy farmers in russia
stalin started out 5-8 million ukrainians
terror famine
falls to communism when mao sedona takes power
we entered into this war when the north invaded the south
korean war
the korean war ends about where it started
along the 38th parallel
in 1952 the US tests this successfully
hydrogen bomb
name of the first satellite in space
leads a communist revolution in cuba in 1959
fidel castro
refused to give up her bus seat
rosa parks
nine children who were the first african americans to attend central high school in little rock arkansas
little rock 9
famous boxer who converted to islam and refused induction into vietnam
muhammad ali
where did MLK give his “i have a dream” speech
lincoln memorial
killed MLK
james earl ray
makes it illegal to discriminate in employment and enforced school desegregation
civil rights act of 1964
campaign to register african americans voters in the south
freedom summer
brutally beaten and killed in mississippi. pictures of his open casket were printed in many newspapers
emmett till
two of the largest riots in american history
detroit and watts (los anglers)
failed attempt to overthrow the leader of cuba
bay if pigs
nikita krushchev put this up in order to prevent east berlin citizens from fleeing to west berlin
berlin wall
began when a U2 spy plane took photos of nuclear mussels located in cuba
cuban middle crisis
claims that only one person was involved in the kennedy assassination
warren commission
where was JFK when he was shot
dallas texas
who was charged for the assassination of JFK
lee harvey oswald
who was lee harvey gunned down by while being moved between prisons
jack ruby
krushchev agree to remove the middles from cuba if we removed jupiter mussels from where
what did lyndon b johnson declare war on during his first year in office
johnson’s vision for america
great society
johnson amended the social security act and added what
medicare and medicaid
supreme court in the 1960s and is considered the most liberal in US history
warren court
leader of north vietnam
ho chi minh
secretary of state people blamed for starting the war
robert mcnamara
takes office after kennedy dies
lyndon b johnson
a massive bombing campaign against north vietnam
operation rolling thunder
who soldiers fought most of the time in the south
senator of arizona
was once a vietnam POW for 5 1/2 years
john mccain
once one country falls to communism, many will follow
domino theory
resolution essentially gave lyndon B johnson war making powers
gulf of tonkin
a network of supply lines and dead ends hidden throughout the jungles of laos, cambodia and vietnam
ho chi minh trail
occurred when north vietnamese and vietcong attacked during the vietnamese new year
tet offensive
leaked to the press, suggesting the government misled the public about vietnam
pentagon papers
peace with honor occurred after there was an agreement to cease fire by this president
richard nixon
in the early 60s many great bands came over from great britain
british invasion
one of the headliners of woodstock
jimi hendrix
tried to change mainstream america by doing drug, listening to protest music, and ultimately creating an alternative lifestyle
event that truly celebrated the counter culture movement
where was the hippie movement believed to have originated
san francisco, california
much of nixon’s support came from non shouters and non demonstrators
silent majority
group of arab countries that controls the price of oil
set air quality standards and tough emissions guidelines
clean air act
worst nuclear reactor spill in the US
three mile island
nixon’s foreign policy advisor
henry kissinger
who becomes president when nixon resigns
jimmy carter
what does carter give to vietnam draft dodgers
unconditional pardon
carter won a nobel peace price in 1978 by helping negotiate between egypt and israel
camp david accords
SDI was the nickname
star wars
october 1983
2000 US military personnel landed here and helped set up a new gov
ha promise mikhail gorbachev have to russians giving more freedom
gorbachevs plan to restructure the soviet economy and government by increasing foreign trade and cutting military spending
took most of the blame and responsibility for the iran contra affair
colonel oliver north
began because saddam hussein invaded kuwait
persian golf war
the american operation in the persian golf war
operation desert storm
what is timothy mcveigh known as
oklahoma city bomber
clinton lies under oath about a relationship with a young intern
monica lewinsky