Post War Germany (West) Flashcards
West Germany
When did the West license formation of democratic parties? What were they for?
1945 To control the development of the zones
What parties were re-established by the end of 1945?
How was the SPD re built?
Rebuilt the old structure before 1933. They were shaped by their history- improving working class conditions in context of parliamentary democracy- transferring key natural resources and industries to the state
Who was the leader of the SPD?
Dr Kurt Schumacher was the first party leader.
What was the Christian Democrats Party (CDU)?
Unified Christian Conservative Party, which roots were from the ZP. Appealed for the conservative middle class. Built of Christian Socialist ideas and Christian trade movement.
What happened to the CDU party in 1947 (what did it do)?
Adopted radical social policies like the Nien programme, demanding public ownership of industries and greater influence for workers union in political decision
Who were the Free Democrat Party (FDP)? When were they formed?
1945 Held for the right of private property and upheld advantages of a free market.
Who was the first president of the West?
Theodor Heuss
How strong were the KPD in the West?
It had limited chance of gaining political power.`
Who were the party leaders of the KPD?
Walter Ulbricht Wilhem Pieck
Who was the party leader of the CDU?
Konrad Adenaur
What was the party leader of the LDPD?
Theodor Heuss
What was the Truman Docterine ?
Containment to ‘ease’ the suffering of other countries. Soviets were purging anti-soviet leaders so American made $7 billion available over four years
What was the Marshall Aid?
Assessed economic state of post war Europe. It was discovered Europe owed $11.5 billion to the US, causing a shortage of housing, food, supplies. This was seen as a breeding ground for communism, so $17 billion was spent of Europe prosperity
When did the Berlin Blockade end?
What did the west do immediately after the blockade?
Immediately created the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) which became an advert for capitalism
How much was spent on Marshall Aid to the FRG in 1951?
$1.5 billion
When wast NATO set up and why?
1949 To protect members of the state against the USSR
What happened in the Berlin airlift?
275,000 planes delivered 2 million tons of supplies from the USSR. They landed every 3 minutes for 10 months
How was the Berlin blockade a self fulfilling prophesy for the big 3 leaders?
Yalta and Potsdam saw no solution to the ‘german problem’ and had ideological differences in the economy and policies Zonal disagreements over cost of the occupation, so military government acted on their own interests
How did the Truman Doctrine and US government contribute to the Berlin Blockade?
US perception of Soviet Policies were hostile in 1946-7. Containment aid to the FRG and US troops were in defence of West Germany from Soviet expansion
When was the FRG created?
What was the capital of FRG and who were the chancellor and president?
Capital= Bohn Chancellor= Konrad Adenaur (1949-63) President= Theodor Heuss (1949-59)
When and how was the Bonn Republic created?
The new constitution created at the Six Power Conference, London in 1948
What were the main factors of the Bonn Republic?
To remain under strict control of the West as an occupational state German state to be sovereign in 1955 Parliament council of 65 delegates from Lander- not by elected constituent assembly like Weimar Federal system each state had local responsibility
When did Germany become a Sovereign state?
1955 (taking 10 years to be trusted again)
What were the foundations of the Basic law?
Built on Weimar Constitutional framework Federal parliamentary democratic and republican Not a constitution or permanent- being cautiously flexible Federal structure, effective democracy and a constitutional
When was the Basic Law approved?
Approved in May 1949
What was successful about the Basic Law?
Politics and socio-economics were at best in the 50s. Growth overcame diplomatic isolations Found allies
How did the Basic Law restrict what had happened under the Weimar Republic?
5% rule Banned extremists
What were the rights of the Basic Law and FRG?
Emphasis on civil human rights standing above constitutional law. Rights built of constitutional frame was to be suspended/ abolished by 2/3 majority in parliament
Weimar vs Basic Law: difference in rights?
Weimar made it possible to suspend by constitutional legislation Basic Laws rights stood above the constitution
Weimar vs Basic Law: difference in the Head of State?
Weimar had article 48, being able to dissolve the Reichstag and dismiss the government. Could pass emergency decrees without parliament FRG had Bundespäsident= limited power during emergency, ceremonial functions were limited. Only one re election possible in 5 years
Weimar vs Basic Law: difference in Parliament?
Weimar had Reichstag- simple vote of no confidence ended chancellors making it unstable. Also had a Reichstrat which was only able to delay bills passed in Reichstag FRG had Bungestag- approved chancellors and took part in election. Could take control through constructive vote of no confidence. Bundestat used for legislations and electing federal court
Weimar vs Basic Law: difference in Government?
Weimar had a national government. The chancellor and ministers are dependent on the President of the Reichstag and the chancellor was easily removed FRG had a federal government (Bundesregierung). Had strong position and the chancellor was solely responsible for Bundestag. Chancellor could only constructively be removed and would guarantee stability
Weimar vs Basic Law: difference in the Electoral System
Weimar had right of existence for political position. pure proportional representation system as small parties were in Reichstag. This had weak coalitions and no majority for enough power FRG Party pluralism was defined in constitution as essential to democracy. Plebiscites and referendum was not allowed. 5% hurdle in Bundestag elections
Who was the head of state chosen by?
Bundestag- Federal parliament (lower house of parliament)
What was the Bundestrat?
Federal council, upper house, lander government members
How had the standard of opposition changed in parliament?
Effective opposition had to come from the majority, not just from one vote. This offered a stable positive majority for a new alternative government
What did pluralism mean for the electoral system?
Democratic parties cannot be abolished, which was essential to the constitution and the function of democracy. Partys were only banned if they went against the constitution and were anti-democratic.
How was the voting system handled in elections?
Mixed members for proportional representation and each voter had 2 votes. Half of the seats went to the Bundestag (who held the majority vote) and the other half were nominated by party list (PR)
When was the 5% hurdle introduced?
What were supreme and constitutional courts’ role?
To protect values and prevent any anti-democratic activities. Constitutional courts main task was to review judicial cases for this
How many parties did the constitutional court ban?
Socialist Reich Party 11 communist parties such as Free German Youth and Communist party which in 1953, only gained 2.2% (below the hurdle)
What is the significance of the Bizone merge for upholding tensions with Soviets?
Stopped paying reparations to the USSR
What was the successful significance of the Wests new Deutschmark?
Revalued wages, pensions, rents, property to the same level Collapse of the black market- protected industrialists, share owners and land owners.
What were the election results in Aug 1949?
CDU= 31% SPD=29% FDP=11.9% KPD= 5.7%
What were the election results in September 1953?
CDU= 45.2% SPD= 31.8% FDP= 9.5% KPD=2.2%
What were the election results in September 1957?
CDU= 50% SPD= 31.8% FDP=7.7%
What campaign did CDU show and how was it successful?
Campaign of ‘no experiments’ showed high stability and gained a majority of 50.2%. Campaign met interests
How was the 5% hurdle positive?
Removed the small extremist parties and big parties became more inclusive to gain votes from extreme ends of the spectrum.
What political standing was the Western German government by 1957 and what was public response?
Liberal conservative government Economy stabilised, balance in social security, impressed Germans and Wests restrictions were revised. Even opponents agreed with their decisions
How did the British Pathe describe Adenauers reforms?
‘Rescued Germany from being a heap of rubble to a powerful nation’
What is the significance of the 1949 election?
The high turn out meant that there was acceptance. However, the diverse results did not create a basis of an effective government.
What did Adenauer have to do after the 1949 election results?
He had to make coalitions with the FDP and smaller parties to avoid the SPD’s differences with economic and foreign policy
What majority did Adenauer have after the coalition in 1949
208/402 seats. This is an awkward stability. He was elected chancellor of a majority of just one vote.
What was the initial political instability for Adenauer?
Many had limited faith in the survival, making it harder to create a government alongside disagreements Initially was an occupational state and had no sovereignty. Allies had to approve everything so the political trade had a delicate power base
What initial weaknesses did the economy face?
Fledgling economy- suffering a recession, currency reform, unemployment at 2 million (13%) and prices were on the rise
What initial weaknesses did the German society face?
Urgent need to re build millions of homes from bombing to accommodate refugees and the expelled from the east.
What were Adenauer’s aims relating to Western integration?
Had to gain the West’s trusts from a place of mistrust and soviet fear. wanted to revise the restrictions of the occupational state and become a reliable ally and strong economic partner.
What were Adenauer’s aims in relating to the German question?
He needed to reassure that his aim was to reunite the FRG and the GDR. But as a west capitalist orientated state, he was determined to not make a concession with communism. Believed the only way to do this was to achieve a west partnership to attract east to join the west (‘magnet theory’)
How many eastern refugees left east to west before the Berlin Wall?
3 million
What were Adenauer’s economic policy ?
Economic stability ‘Social Market Policy’ - a free market but limited by social regulations from the state (originated from Erhard)
Who was the finance minister?
Ludwig Erhard
What was the significance of the Korean War for Germany in 1950-3?
Spurred Germany out of a recession and into a boom, described as a economic stimulus.
What were Adenauer’s social policies?
A degree of social unity to counter the threat of communism. More economic growth Needed social policy to overcome the hardship of the poor and refugees New social legislation of growing growth of living standards and industrial peace
What were the initial issues faced in Germany’s economy?
Erhard implementations didn’t launch an economic take off. Steep price rise didn’t match the rate of wage increase- causing hardship Shortage of resources that were required to rebuild industries. Caused a sharp increase in imports and balance of payment defector.
What economic crisis occurred in 1949-50?
‘Foundation crisis’ Where the economy faced a recession due to not enough demand to sustain growth and lack of foreign currency for investment
What percentage of the population were unemployed by 1950?
How much dis petrol cost rise in the 1950s?
Why was Erhard under pressure in 1950s?
Under pressure from many quarters by 1950 to change his economic policies and return to state control.
What economic issues occurred in 1954 and 1960s?
DM prices were undervalued in 1954 In 1960s required recruitment and immigration of foreign labour from Italy and turkey due to shortage of workers
What were the agricultural issues in 1950s?
Agricultural issues had difficulties since the 1920s as the economy was changing, the proportion of workforce employed in farming was nearly halved (23% to 13%)
How much aid did Britain gain from the Marshall aid compared to Germany?
Britain received twice as much aid
What issues arose when Erhard became vice chancellor in 1957?
Adenauer disagreed with as he saw Erhard as weak and not politically refined enough for the highest post
When did Erhard become chancellor and when did he step down?
Became chancellor in 1963 and stepped down in 1966 when facing a recession
What criticism do some people have towards Erhards policies in 1957?
Although Erhard wrote ‘Prosperity for All’ in 1957, pointing out economic success, many point out the country became obsessed with financial progress and economic miracle which became at the expense of other factors
What positive economic reform did Erhard do? Impact?
Abolished rationing Reduced taxation Opened up the market for industrial and consumer goods with dismantling price control form the nazis Social market economy Helped with currency reform.
It liberated the economy and stimulated production
What economic impact did the Korean War have on Germany?
FRG rate of growth rose to 12% in 1955 GNP doubles in 1950-55 More coal was being mined in FRG than the whole of Germany in 1936
How did production grow in Germany due to the Korean War?
Massive growth in motorisation- bicycles, motor scooters and cars. It became the dream to own a Volkswagen Beetle.
What impact did the creation of jobs have on the people?
Creation of jobs even managed to satisfy an influx on 3 million people who arrived from the GDR before 1961
How did the Farmers receive aid in the 1950s?
They received heavy subsidies, rationalisation by more mechanisation still brought about the substantial increase in production.
What was the significance of the Marshall plan for Germany’s economy?
Generous terms of the Marshall plan enabled the FRG to get off to a good start by building new factories and equipping them with modern machinery. This not only increased economic stability but also political morale
What was the OEEC?
To administer Marshall aid and open up the European market- working on a joint recovery programme through economic co-operation.
What was the significance of the ECSC (European Coal and Steal Community) and EEC (European Economic Community) in 1951?
Germany’a exports boomed in 1951
Who were members of the Treaty of Rome in 1957?
FRG, France, Italy and the Benelux states
What was the positive impact of the Refugees from the east?
Industries grew Influx of refugees from the GDR provided continuous supply of qualified, disciplined and highly motivated employees to labour market which easily satisfied with moderate income.
What happened in regards to industrial peace?
Trade unions Co-determination between employees and employers
What laws caused industrial peace?
Code termination Law of 1951 The Works Constitution Law of 1952
What was the impact of industrial peace for the country?
Number of strikes fell and the country enjoyed peace Confidence recovered Demands for consumer goods increased
What happened to the banks in 1948 onwards and what did they do?
Bank Deutscher Länder which was restructure do federal in 1957 to Bundesbank watched over stability
What impact did the early years of reform have on long term German economic stability?
Remarkable growth in 1951-66 laid long term foundations that enable the FRG to mature into an economic giant
/What position were the FRG in international trade?
3rd biggest trading power (behind Britain and USA)- especially in regards to tools, mechanics, electronics and chemical products. The label ‘Made in Germany’ stood for good quality and reasonable price.
How has German production increased in over the ten years of 1950 to 1960?
1950= 36.5% to 1960= 90.7%
How had German exports increased in 1950 and 1960?
1950= 8,360DM 1960= 47,900DM
What positive impact did the economic expansion have on the domestic economy?
Created jobs and decline in unemployment. Redistributed resources those who didn’t lose from the war to those who lost all
What was the Equalisation of Burdens Law in 1952?
Property levi on capital and real estates unaffected by war to give to who suffered heavy loss
What was the Law 131 in 1951?
Restored employment and pension rights of civil servants
How many worker unions were there?
16 workers unions (1 per industry)
How were the trade unions coordinated?
German Federation of Trade Unions. The professional sectors were under 21 umbrellas under the co-determination Law. Workers under this law represent managerial boards in coal, iron and steel.
What is the Work Constitution Law of 1952?
Work council for employee companies with other 500 workers.
What housing reforms did the FRG do for the welfare state?
Between 1959-1961, 6 million new flats built half of the new accommodation was social housing and council house State supported and subsided public and private housing and sectors made to alleviate shortages and create affordable accommodations House building increased
What work insurances was reformed for the welfare state?
Accident insurance and sickness insurance 1957 law increased sick pay
What pension reforms did the FRG do for the welfare state?
In 1957, reforms of pension insurance system. Raised to 60% of final year earnings (The UK was at 29%)
What was the initial state of the education system? Why was that an issue?
Selective system of grammar and vocational schools. It lacked school building, had shortages of appropriated teaching materials and large classes.
How had the education system changed in 1955 and 1958?
Abolition of fees in 1958 Düsseldorf agreement in 1955 covered exam subjects, study length, holidays, beginning of school years, A-level (equivalent) standards
What were the limitations of the new school system in 1958?
Economic prosperity disguised the value of education Education came from the conservative perspective Due to anti-communism, they had no desire to mimic the GDRInability of the Länders to overcome their differences for a more national educational policy
What changes to the education system occurred in 1959?
Draft report for a new school system by the länder. They made fierce discussions - causing a development of expansion and changes to the education system from the mid 60s?
What positive reforms were made for women in the FRG?
Article 3 of the 1949 Basic law gave women equal rights and superseded any old rules The Law of Equality of the Sexes in 1957- where wives could take up work independently to control the property after marriage Female workforce had expanded services and administration sectors offering new jobs
What changes were made that benefited housewives?
Growth in new household gadgets making chores manageable
What suggests that the reforms for women were limited?
Working women did not have equal pay, with the average wage being 40% less than men The proportion of women going into higher education only rose from 19% in 1950 to 30% in 1968 Social welfare was more for family than equality Still reflected the 3K’s (Children, Kitchen and Church)
What was the standard of working for the public in 1950s?
Modest living, people save and worked hard with long hours in memory of war and privation Average weekly working hours were 49 1/3 of workers had never been on holiday
What were the living standards for households up to 1955?
20% of households lived a little more than mere subsistence level. Over half the population had no more than 1 bedroom flat and only 11% households owned a fridge
How had things started to positively change for working standards i the second half of the 1950s?
Unions became self confident with demands for high pay rise Working hours were reduced to 40 hrs with longer holidays
How had things started to positively change for working standards i the second half of the 1950s?
Private owned houses increased Rising living standards, generating optimism and satisfaction
How had German culture changed?
Germany’s traditional culture and class divisions slowly declined US culture spread with the mass media (e.g. film and tv)- influencing especially the youth
How had the gaps between rich and poor changed?
Shift in structure of labour forces social mobility (movement between classes of society) Disparity of distribution of wealth and income, modernisation saw that it was no longer a class based society. Ideological gaps grew smaller and new bonds of common values
How had the work forces changed the FRG between industries and agricultures?
People moved to cities Agrarian workers declines as it lost its attraction to the youth- they started searching for work in light sectors (such as electronics and service industries).
How had the increase in electronic and service work impacted manufacturing ?
Expansions in transport manufacturing Cars went up from 2 million 1950 to 12.1 million 1965 with systematic expansion of road network
What are the general strengths of Adenauer’s foreign policy?
Assured west Germany’s acceptance of being an important partner in West European economic situation Active member of West Europe (e.g EEC, ECSE, NATO)
What are the general weaknesses of Adenauer’s foreign policy?
Rejection of the East- made limited attempts to reunify Germany as promised, refusing diplomatic relations Ignored GDR uprising in June 1953 Halestien Doctrine, Moscow negotiations Allowed the Berlin Wall
What was the significance of the Chinese Revolution (1949) and Korean War (1950) in terms of international political ideology?
It confirmed all fears about communist aggression and heightened the Red Scare- leading to change in attitudes between the US and West Europe politicians. The US urged Europeans to make greater efforts to contribute to their own defences
What were Adenauer’s foreign policy aims?
To establish sovereignty for the new states Exploiting the economic, political and military strength of the free Western world by fully integrating the FRG Unite with West Europe- gaining trust, especially with France To create a close network of multinational institution To create stability
What was the SPD’s response to Adenauer’s foreign policy?
The SPD was hostile to Adenauer’s aims- viewing him as a sell out and no chance of reunifying
How did Adenauer show economic cooperation to establish political trust with foreign countries?
Occupation Statute in April 1949- allowing powers such as France, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg to control distribution of area resources such as Coal and Steel. For example, the Status of the Saar (rich in coal) has been seen as a virtual puppet state controlled by France
What was the Petersberg agreement (April 1949) and what did it mean for the FRG?
FRG signed the agreement with allies to making FRG equal under Franco-German understanding High commission for the FRG to enter the International Ruhr Authority - gaining rights such as establishing diplomatic rations with other states
When did Germany join the European Council?
What was the Schuman Docterine under the ECSE?
To oversee German and French steel and coal production. They agreed common policies from prices, subsidies, investment and lifting restrictions on Imports and exports of Coal.
How successful was the EEC?
It had immediate success. Production of Coal and Steel within the community increased by 44% from 1952-7
How did the EEC impact West Germany’s agricultural production?
In 1964, 85% of West Germany agricultural produce was under the EEC trade, which was set out to harmonise measures of trade and prices for these areas.
What was the impact of the FRG being in the EEC?
The ‘common market’ was a turning point for the FRG and it extended their political and economic influence.
What were the objectives of the General Agreement of Tariff and Trades (GATT) and when did FRG join?
To reduce international trade barriers FRG joined in 1951
Why did Germany join the OEEC?
To speed up reintegration of German trade.
What was the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?
To stabilise rates and supervise the worlds international payment system to prevent financial imbalance
When did the FRG join the IMF and what was the impact of joining?
Joined in 1952 Played a crucial part of rehabilitation of Germany in the international community
Why did the FRG join so many international agencies?
To improve international economic cooperation and co-ordination
Why was the EDC created by the French PM in the 1950s?
To monitor Germany’s contingence in the international rearmament
When did Adenauer agree to sign the EDC treaty?
What was the FRG’s political response to the EDC?
Intense political opposition and resistance of German rearmament coming from the SPD elements of the CDU.
What was Adenauer’s response to the opposition of the EDC?
He renegotiated to overcome the doubts. New terms were later signed in October 1959 to settle all major disputes
What was the condition of having Sovereignty in May 1955?
West Powers kept rights and responsibilities over West Berlin- stationing troops to guarantee assured security.
What was the Defensive pact under the West European Union (WEU)
Allowed West Germany to create own national armed forces, the Bundeswehr
When did the FRG join NATO as a full member?
What were the agreements surrounding the Saar? How did it change the Franco-German relationship?
Made for its close economic connection with France Agreed to give population of the Saar a plebiscite of 68% Franco-German relationships improved
What was the responses over the Saar agreements?
Majority rejected its terms, which 2/3 of Parliament pushing to unify west Germany.
What happened to the Saar once Franco-German relationship improved?
Negotiations agreed to accept the return of the Saar to the FRG in 1957 as the 11th land
How was Adenauer’s eyes to the west policy successful?
Integration with the West was Adenauer’s triumph. His achievements are striking compared to Weimar post 1918. ‘Seldom in history has a defeated power recovered so quickly’
What is the significance of the 1963 german Treaty with Charles de Gaulle?
Secured a basis for lasting friendship and political co-operation between 2 national enemies. Set the foreign policy direction until 1989
What are the limitations of Adenauer’s eyes to the west policy?
Ratification of Paris Treaties showed political opposition over the offering of reunification in 1952. Adenauer sacrificed the national interest of reunification for west integration.
What was the FRG and Adenauer’s mentality towards the GDR?
Mistrust of communism meant relations between the FRG and GDR were strained. The FRG saw themselves as the only legal representation of the German nation, as the East was seen as the ‘Soviet occupation zone’
Adenauer wanted to discuss the German question from a position of strength- which was theorised in the magnet theory- to develop strength in contrast the failing communist
What evidence do we have that shows Adenauer’s little interest of having anything to do with the GDR?
The GDR signed a peace treaty with Poland in 1956 and accepted the Oder Neisse frontier. But this was not recognised by the FRG.
What did the USSR do to tempt the West Germany to reunify?
The USSR sent tempting offers through ‘stalin notes’, offering a final peace treaty for a united free democratic election, united with the oder-neisse as the east frontier, removal of all foreign troops staying neutral.
What was the FRG’s response to stalins note?
They rejected their offer as it was seen as dangerous to make Germany a weak neutral state press to communism- despite Soviets continued to renew offer in 1954-5
What happened during negotiations of the German Question in 1952-5?
It has been argued that Adenauer didn’t take it seriously. Adenauer’s supporters believed it was a tactic and that the later offers were motivated by propaganda.
How far did the FRG go to refuse any relations with the communist GDR?
His own Government would refuse diplomatic relations with any state that recognised the GDR as a state - this was generally successful.
What was the Halestein Docterine?
Adenauer visited Moscow in September and was prepared to establish diplomatic relations with the USSR in exchange for 10,000 prisoners of war and 20,000 civilians held at the soviet union since 1945
What was the chances of reunification by 1955?
Competing forces made reunification irreconcilable and after Stalins death (March 1953), led a gentle thraw into the Cold War- making reunification an idea of fantasy
What happened in the 1957 election?
CDU won majority- making it Adenauers third term in office with majority. But, he was starting to be known for having poor judgement and old convictions
Why was Adenauer losing sympathy?
Damaged the highest officials image for the sake of personal interests and strategy. Many CDU members thought he should leave his in prime (aged 83) as he lost political instinct and misjudged his terms consequences
What happened during the presidential elections in 1959?
In spring 1959, the president, Theodor Heuss, was not eligible for reelection as he was retiring. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer then initially declared his candidacy, but then withdrew for fearing Erhard becoming chancellor. (irritating)
How had Adenauer’s legal conflict hit his reputation over tv disputes in 1958-61?
Adenauer set up a TV company, controlled by the federal government for political potential value. The SPD said it was a threat to German federalism to freedom of media. It was declared unconstitutional in 1961 and dissolved.
What was Adenauer’s response to the Berlin wall?
Adenauer misjudged the situation. Adenauer continued to campaign and didn’t visit Berlin until a week later (despite the public mood). His response was reserved and continued to attack Willy Brandt (SPD leader and mayor of West Berlin)
What was the election results in 1961 (during the Berlin Wall)?
Polls suggested the CDU could win. The CDU won the election at 45.3% but no majority- obliged to enter negotiation with FDP who won 12.8% who publicly oppose Adenauer’s fourth period
What was the condition if FDP would join in coalition with CDU after the elections of 1961?
The FDP agreed to join on condition that Adenauer would step down before the end of the period (humiliating)
What did Der Spiegel do on the 10/10/1962?
Der Spiegel published an article with information about military NATO plans and manoeuvres incase Warsaw Pact attacks- questioning the CSU leader, Franz Joseph Strauss’ integrity
What happened as a result of Der Spiegels publications in 10/10/1962?
Chaos. Offices of magazines in Hamburg and Bonn over searched and closed, Augstein (the publisher) and journalists were arrested and the writer (on holiday in Spain) was seized by Spanish authorities and returned to Germany- charged with public treason and corruption of publishing highly secret informations
What was the response and criticisms from the Der Spiegel affair?
Freedom of the press and strauss was criticised for endorsing censorship methods reminiscent of Nazis. Adenauer defended Strauss and attacked Augustein in Bundestag.
What happened to Adenauer’s position after the Der Spiegel affair?
Governmental crisis was triggered, as the FDP demanded Strauss to resign. Adenauer sacked him to save the coalition and stepped down the next year - scandal
Why was Adenauer’s foreign policy towards the eastern bloc contributing to his downfall?
In the 1950s, the international context was changing, and he failed to adapt. So not recognising the GDR and having Strauss as defence minister was holding him back
How were the FDP starting make Adenauer’s position more difficult?
FPD were strongly pro american faction with the idea of the CDU being led by Erhard, therefore pushing for Erhard to replace Adenauer.
What happened in the Länder elections in early 1963, which suggested the CDU was losing support?
The CDU lost many votes in West Berlin and Rhinelands and voices within the party started calling for a grand coalition with the SPD
What did Adenauer do in October 1963?
At aged 87 he resigned as he promised. But he kept his seat in parliament and position and CDU leader until resigning in 1966 (a year before his death).
What was the main problem with Adenauer leading up to his downfall?
He could not accept the changing times, finding it very difficult to withdraw power.
How fair is it to say that Adenauers leadership was as a ‘chancellor democracy’?
It wasn’t a permanently institutional as the phrase was more of a transient phrase which isn’t necessarily negative. Adenauer always stayed within constitution limits and acted as a majority - keeping his morale and political integrity throughout.
To what extent did Adenauer play a major role in the Cold War?
Rapid integration of the FRG to the West made him into a strong opponent. He was proactive in snubbing Stalin and rejecting his notes. He even ignored the 1953 uprising, abandoning fellow country men to their fate
What was Willy Brandt doing in response to the Berlin Wall that Adenauer failed to do?
He put up a sterling appeal on behalf of freedom and democracy. Adenauer showed that he lost political grip as he ignored inhabitants of East Berlin were being arrested
What were the Western Europe powers response to the Berlin Wall?
Unwilling to precipitate a major international conflagration by intervening in the Cold war
What was the FRG’s response to the Berlin Wall’s construction?
It stunned the public- generating frustration towards the government Adenauer saw it as beyond control. His reluctance therefore received criticism
What was Kennedy’s response to the Berlin wall?
‘Ich Bin ein Berliner’ speech- making it clear that unification was no longer a major role in international politics