POST TEST 1 Flashcards
The primary constituents of normal
urine are:
a. Protein, sodium, and water
b. Urea, water, and protein
c. Urea, chloride, and water
d. Urea, bilirubin, and glucose
Urea, chloride, and water
Oliguria represents a daily urine volume of:
a. 200-400 mL
b. 1000-1500 mL
c. 600-1000 mL
d. Over 1500 mL
200-400 mL
The final concentration of the urine is determined within the:
a. Collecting ducts
b. Loops of Henle
c. Distal convoluted tubules
d. Proximal convoluted tubules
Collecting ducts
It is a proteolytic enzyme produced by the kidney that reacts with angiotensinogen to produce angiotensin to increase blood pressure.
a. Aldosterone
b. Renin
c. Erythropoietin
d. ADH
A 32-year old woman complains of painful urination and is suspected of having a urinary tract infection.
Which of the following specimens should be collected for a routine urinalysis and urine culture?
a. First morning specimen
b. Midstream “clean catch” specimen
c. Timed collection
d. Random specimen
Midstream “clean catch” specimen
Which of the following aids in the differentiation of hemoglobinuria and hematuria?
a. Urine pH
b. Urine color
c. Leukocyte esterase test
d. Microscopic examination
Microscopic examination
Microscopic examination of a urinesediment revealed an average of 2 to 5 white blood cells per high-power field, whereas the leukocyte esterase test by reagent strip was
negative. Which of the following statements best accounts for this discrepancy?
a. The urine is contaminated with vaginal fluid
b. Many white blood cells are lysed and their esterase has been inactivated
c. Ascorbic acid is interfering with the reaction on the reagent strip
d. Amount of esterase present is below the sensitivity of the
reagent strip
Amount of esterase present is below the sensitivity of the
reagent strip
Which of the following cells is most likely to be seen in the urine sediment following a catherterization procedure?
a. Squamous
b. Renal tubular
c. Urothelial
d. Transitional
Which of the following statements correctly describe osmotic diarrhea?
a. Decreased secretion of water and electrolytes in large
intestine caused by bacterial enterotoxin
b. Decreased secretion of water and solutes in large intestine
associated with malabsorption and maldigestion
c. Increased secretion of water and electrolytes in large intestine caused by bacterial enterotoxin
d. Increased retention of water and solutes in large intestine
associated with malabsorption and maldigestion
Increased retention of water and solutes in large intestine
associated with malabsorption and maldigestion
Ammonium sulfate was added to a red urine that had a positive reaction for blood but no RBCs were
seen on microscopic examination. After centrifugation, the
supernatant fluid is red. Which of the following causes the abnormal urine color?
a. Pyridium
b. Hemoglobin
c. Porphyrins
d. Myoglobin
A CSF was collected from a 5-year old with fever and 3 tubes were transported to the laboratory. Tube
1 had 50,000 RBC/mL and 48 WBC/mL. Tube 3 had 10. RBC/mL and 0 WBC/mL. What is the most likely explanation for this discrepancy?
a. Insufficient quantity of sample
b. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
c. Incorrect processing of sample
d. Traumatic tap
Traumatic tap
Which CSF results are most consistent with bacterial meningitis?
CSF A - Glucose: 20 mg/dL, Protein: 50 mg/dL, Lactate: Increased
CSF B - Glucose: 75 mg/dL, Protein: 20 mg/dL, Lactate: Increased
CSF C - Glucose: 20 mg/dL, Protein: 45 mg/dL, Lactate: Decreased
CSF D - Glucose: 75 mg/dL, Protein: 120 mg/dL, Lactate: Decreased
Sample A
A reagent test trip impregnated with impregnated with diisopropylbenzene dehydroperoxide tetramethylbenzidine may be used to detect which of the ff analyte?
a. Bilirubin
b. Nitrite
c. Blood
d. Urobilinogen
Liquefaction of a semen specimen should take place within:
a. 1 hour
b. 3 hours
c. 2 hours
d. 4 hours
1 hour
Microscopic examination of a clear urine that produce a white precipitate after refrigeration will show:
a. Amorphous urates
b. Porphyrins
c. Amorphous phosphates
d. Yeast
Amorphous phosphates
Which statement regarding urine pH
is true?
a. High-protein diets promote an alkaline urine pH
b. pH tends to decrease as urine is stored
c. Contamination should be suspected if urine pH is less than 4.5
d. Bacteriuria is most often associated with low urine pH
Contamination should be suspected if urine pH is less than 4.5
Primary cause of a false-negative bilirubin reaction is:
a. Highly pigmented urine
b. Specimen contamination
c. Specimen exposure to light
d. Excess conjugated bilirubin
Excess conjugated bilirubin
The CSF tube labeled 2 Is sent to:
a. Serology section
b. Microbiology section
c. Hematology section
d. Chemistry section
Microbiology section
The normal value of CSF protein is:
a. 15-45 g/dL
b. 6-8 g/dL
c. 15-45 mg/dL
d. 6-8 mg/dL
15-45 mg/dL
What is the normal pH range of the semen?
a. 7.3-9
b. 6-7
c. 5-6
d. 7.2-8.0
The most frequently performed chemical test on synovial fluid is:
a. Total protein
b. Uric acid
c. Calcium
d. Glucose
The most reliable way to differentiate transudate and
exudate is/are through determination of:
a. Fluid:Serum Protein Ratio
b. Fluid:Serum Lactose Dehydrogenase Ratio
c. Serum-ascites albumin gradient (SAAG)
d. Both A and B
e. Both A and C
Both A and C
Needle aspiration is done to collect synovial fluids from diarthroses. What is the term used to refer to this procedure?
a. Diarthrocentesis
b. Arthrocentesis
c. Joint puncture
d. Synovialcentesis
It caused by poor absorption that exerts osmotic pressure across the intestinal mucosa
a. Osmotic diarrhea
b. Secretory diarrhea
c. Altered motility
d. Steatorrhea
Osmotic diarrhea