post-partum haemorrhage Flashcards
aetiology of PPH
Tone - prolonged labour, IOL, multiparity etc
trauma - operative delivery, cervical/vaginal lacerations
tissue - retained placental tissue, abnomrla placentation
Thrombin - pre eclmpsia/HELLP, amniotic fluid, sepsis, bleeding disorders, drugs, medical disorders
management for trauma
clamp vessels and repair wounds
if excessive/severe - tranexamic acid and send to theatre
management for tissue
retained placenta - intitiial attempts for placental seperation including oxytocin
transfer to theatre for manual removal
retained tissue - trnsfer to theatre for manual removal
potential need for USS to locate tissues
management for tone
Ongoing massage/bimanual compression
Administer uterotonics
* Syntometrine IM 1 ampoule (if not already given for prophylaxis or contraindicated)
* Or syntocinon or ergometrine
* Commence syntocinon infusion in hartmans
Examine the placenta for completeness if delivered and the vagina to exclude uterine inversion
If ongoing uterine atony
* Carboprost 250microg IM = 1ml ampoule. Continue uterine massage as required.
* If uterus is still atonic after 15 minutes administer second same dose carboprost and arrange CAT1 transfer to theatre
* Consider tranexamic acid
to theatre for ongoing compression, carboprost, and TXA
management for thrombin
straight to theatre
massive transfusion protocol activation
risk factors for PPH
age >35
uterine overdistension - twins, polyhydramnios
uterine exhaustion - long labour, precipitate labour (extremely rapid labour)
grand multiparity
assisted delivery or operative delivery
abnormal placentation
history of APH
intra-amniotic infection
previous PPH
tocolytic drugs (MgSO4, nifedipine)
resus measures
assess cause
massage atonic fundus and apply pressure to the perineal trauma during resus (may be achieved by bimanual compression)
Iv access
take blood for: FBC, G+H, X-match, coags, d-dimer, ROTEM
insert IDC
monitor maternal observations
keep patient warm
critical bleeding protocol
used to identify low fibrinogen, low platelets, low coag factors, excess fibrinolysis
used to inform treatment with fibrinogen concentrate, cryoprecipitate, tranexamic acid, platelets etc
surgical measures
intrauterine balloon catheter
- B lynch suture
- pelvic vessel ligation
- hysterectomy
embolisation of uterine arteries
transfusion complications
renal failure
sheeehan’s syndrome - pituitary necrosis
risk of infection
loss of fertility