multiple pregnancy Flashcards
monozygotic = identical twins from the fertilisation and division of one egg
dizygotic = originating from the fertilisation and development of two eggs ie fraternal twins
monochorionic or dichorionic
dizygotic twins are always DCDA
monozygotic twins may be
DCDA if the fertilised egg splits in the first 3 days after fertilization
MCDA if the split occurs day 4-8
MCMA if the split occurs day 8+ (the chorion and amnion have already differentiated)
vanishing twin
one twin is lost or vanishes 10-40% of all IVF twin pregnancies
first trimester demise of DCD twin has no negative effect on the surviving twin
can affect NIPT result
2nd and 3rd trimester demine can have serious adverse effect
management of DCDA twins
antenatal visits
4 weekly until 28 weeks gestation
2 weekly until 34 weeks gestation
weekly from 34 weeks
offer referral to dietitian (increased caloric, protein, mineral, vitamin intake)
twice daily iron and folic acid (iron deficiency anaemia is associated with pre-term delivery)
what criteria do DCDA twins have to meet for vaginal delivery
twins must be diamniotic
twin 1 is cephalic
twin 2 is not >500g heavier than twin 1
neither twin has any evidence of fetal compromise requiring c/s
epidural use in delivery of twins
epidural is recommended due to increased risk of operative delivery in twin births and the possibility of intrauterine manipulation of twin two
intrapartum care during delivery of DCDA twins
alert senior staff
IVC (increased risk of intrapartum and PPH)
bloods: FBC, G+H, xmatch
continuous CTG
oxytocin infusion is available after birth of twin 1 in case uterine inertia occurs between twin births
delivery of the 2nd twin
perform abdominal palpation and vaginal examination immediately after the birth of twin one
monitor FHR continuously
confirm fetal presentation by portable US as required
external cephalic versionn or internal manipulation may be required for malpresentation
perform ARM once fetal presentation is confirmed
how quickly should twin 2 be delivered
an to deliver within 30 minutes of twin 1
MCDA twin complications
- twin-twin transfusion synrome TTTS
- selective intrauterine growth restriction
- death of one twin
- twin reversed arterial perfusion sequnece TRAPS
twin-twin transfusion syndrome
occurs as a result of many or large AV anastomoses deep in the placenta
cardinal prenatal finding is discordant amniotic fluid levels
two types of TTTS
- Twin oligohydramnios/polyhydramnios sequence TOPS
- Twin anaemia/polycythemia sequence TAPS
TTTS management
early referral to a tertiary centre
laser ablation of vascular connections
death of one twin in monochorionic pair
death of one twin in a monochorionic pair may result in the death or neurological disability in the survivor
twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence TRAPS
surviving twin continues to perfuse the deceased twins’ body via placental anastomoses following first trimester demise
rare complication
MCDA twins delivery
monochorionic twins have aa higher rate of still birth
recommend delivery by 37 weeks
vaginal delivery is not contraindicated