Post-Modern- 4th Wave Flashcards
Post-Modern Principles
Social Constructionism/ reality is constructed and there exists multiple truths
Client is the expert
Therapist supplies optimism and the process
Language very key
Solution-Focused Therapy
Insoo Kim Berg, Steve De Shazer
What are your best hopes from our working together?
Focused on Outcome not Process
Answers should include “in-life” difference: find myself more confident, NOT get things off my chest
“Great Instead”: instead of feeling depressed, what do you want to feel?
Tomorrow/Miracle Question: preferred futures
Measure progress toward goal
Key Names
Narrative: Michael White, David Epstein
SFBT: Insoo Kim Berg, Steve De Shazer
Feminist: Jean Baker Miller, Sandra Bem, Laura Brown
Multicultural: Dr. Sue.
Narrative Therapy
Reauthoring Client Story
Externalizations of Problems
Unique Outcomes
Re-membering Conversations
Feminist Therapy Key Names
Jean Baker Miller (Toward a New Psych of Women, Relational Cultural Theory)
Sandra Bem (Research in sex roles, sex typing, androgyny)
Laura Brown (Subversive Dialogues)
Feminist Therapy Key Concepts
- Psychological oppression of women and minorities acknowledged
- Traditional Assessment of psych health challenged.
- individual change will best occur through social change.