Behaviorism - 2nd Wave Flashcards
Key Names
John B Watson (Science of Observable Behavior)
Pavlov (Dog- Classical conditioning- involuntary response)
Skinner (Box- Operant conditioning- voluntary behavior)
Bandura (Social Learning Theory, Bobo doll)
Wolpe (Systematic Desensitization)
Meichenbaum (Stress Inoculation, Assertiveness Training)
Aaron Beck (Cognitive Therapy)
Behaviorism Key Concepts
Define/label behaviors
Action-oriented: give out HW
Don’t need insight to change
Exposure therapy
Extinction (remove food when bell is rung
Generalization(child scared of all white animals
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Goals of Behaviorism Therapy
Client actively involved in process of creating goals
Assessment- before, during and after
Increase personal choice
Create new conditions for learning
Behavior Therapy Techniques
- Token Economy
- Progressive Relaxation
- Systematic Desensitization (Wolpe)
CBT Blanket Term
-Focus in thinking and acting
Cognitive Therapy
REBT (Ellis)
CBM (Meichenbaum)
3 Musts:
Must be Winning approval of others, Must be treated fairly, Must get what I want
ABC Framework: Emotional Consequence (C) caused by individual’s Belief System (B) and not directly by the Activating Event (A)
People contribute to their own psychological problems by rigid and extreme beliefs
Clients encouraged to become less emotionally reactive
Learn to fully and unconditionally accept ourselves
REBT Techniques
- Disputing irrational beliefs
- Doing cognitive homework
- Bibliotherapy- assigned reading
- Changing one’s language
- Psycho-Ed
- Rational Emotive Imagery
- Humor
- Role Play
Cognitive Therapy Key Concepts
Aaron Beck
Collaborative Approach (undoing learning experiences to help client monitor automatic thoughts)
Collaborative Empiricism (look at data together vs therapist telling
Socratic Dialogue (using questions to have client find answers themselves)
Guided Discovery (figure out what’s happening together)
Cognitive Distortions
Phases of Cognitive Therapy
Phase 1: Self-observation
Phase 2: Starting new internal dialogue
Phase 3: learning new skills
DBT- Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Marsha Linehan
Emotion Regulation
Distress Tolerance
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Goal of therapy:
Use dialectical thinking to reduce black and white thinking: everything is interconnected, Reality is not static, Truth is always evolving