Post 1529 knowledge Flashcards
What were the 2 main factions
Conservative and Reformist
When was the act of succession and what was it?
1534, Stated that Elizabeth was the heir and that Mary was a bastard so was no longer the heir by stating that Henry’s marriage to COA was illegal.
What and when was the Mortuaries Act?
1529, ended mortuary fees
What and when was the probate act?
Ended church income from the income from the probate of wills
What was the statute of Annates?
Abolished traditional payments to the pope
What was the Collectarea Satis?
Published by Cranmer and Foxe, it was a collection of Anglo Saxon documents that dated back to Alfred the Great which shows the king of England was not within the jurisdiction of the pope.
What was the bible verse Henry used against the pope?
Leviticus 20:21 “If a man shall take his brother’s wife, it is an unclean thing…they shall be childless.”
What happened to the clergy in 1531?
They were charged with praemunire for supporting Wolseys policies and fined. They were later pardoned.
What happened in 1532?
Thomas More resigned, he was replaced by Thomas Audley, he was a reformer. Cranmer also declared that Henry - not the pope - spoke for God in England
When did Henry marry Anne Bolyn?
What and when was the act of restraint of appeals?
1533, meant that after Anne was crowned queen, COA could not go to the pope.
When was Henry excommunicated?
July 1533
When was Elizabeth born?
When did Cromwell replace Wolsey?
Who was Thomas Cromwell?
He was born of a low birth, was a mercenary in France, was a Florence banker, was respected by the pope and in 1523 entered the service of Wolsey as an underling
Who was Thomas Cromwell?
He was born of a low birth, was a mercenary in France, was a Florence banker, was respected by the pope and in 1523 entered the service of Wolsey as an underling.
Who was Eustace Chapys?
Was the HRE ambassador to England, he was loyal to COA and called Anne Boleyn a “goggled eye whore”.
When did Henry officially break from Rome?
What and when was the act of dispensation
1534, it stopped Peters Pence.
What and when was the Act of Succession?
1534, claimed Mary was a bastard.
What and when was the Act of Supremacy?
1534, declared Henry the head of the church of England.
What and when was the Treason Act 1534?
1534, if you talked or thought about the kings death you could be accused of treason.
What and when was the act of first fruits and tenths?
1534, A tax on goods and land income was now payable to the king.
Who was the pope during the sacking of Rome?
Clement 27
Who was Elizabeth Barton and why was she important?
Elizabeth Barton was a nun who had developed visions from God after recovering from a terminal illness. These visions were initally in good praise of Henry VIII, however after his marriage to Anne Boleyn, they became critical of the king and his new wife. As a result she was arrested with an act of attainder and then put to death without a trial in 1534
Who was Thomas More in terms of religious opposition and why was he important?
Thomas More was a famous and well known catholic and saw heresy as a really bad crime. When Henry decided to break from Rome, Thomas More resigned. Yet by the time Henry passed the oath of supremacy, Henry forced More to take it. He refused and was executed in 1535
Who was Bishop John Fischer?
Bishop who supported COA and refused to take the oath of succession, therefore was executed despite becoming cardinal before his death in 1535
When and what was the Heretico Comburrendo?
1401, Heresy is now a crime, it is punishable by burning at the stake.
When and what was the Annus Horribilis?
1536, the horrible year.
What happened in the Annus Horribilis?
- Henry was injured in a jousting accident
- Henry Turned 45
- Anne Boleyn suffered a miscarriage for their second son.
- Henry Fitzroy died of the sweat
- The POG
- Anne is charged with adultery with 5 men
When did Henry marry Jayne Seymour marry Henry?
30th May 1536
What were the reasons for the Pilgrimage of Grace?
- Socio-Economic factors and Religious reasons (Dissolution of the monastries)
What and when was the dissolution of the monasteries
It started in 1536 in which all smaller monasteries were closed down, then in 1539 this was extended to all the larger monasteries with the second suppression act of 1539
When and what was the valor ecclesiactus?
1535 by Thomas Cromwell, this was a survey of the finance of the clergy
What were Robert Askes demands?
- Northern Parliament
- People of low birth in Henrys council to be removed
- Reversal of the dissolution of the monasteries
What and when was the ten articles?
1536, People should only believe in 3 of the 7 sacraments, baptism, eucharist and penance.
What and when was the first set of royal injections issued to the clergy?
1536, this is where the clergy were ordered to speak in favour of the royal supremacy and ten articles, priests were ordered to discourage pilgramages and holy days were reduced.
What and when was the bishops book?
1537, the 4 sacraments ignored by the 10 articles were now valid.
but of lesser value.
What and when was the second set of royal injections?
1538, this was issued to the clergy by cromwell, and it stated that an english copy of the bible was to be placed in all churches within 2 years, religious icons and statues also removed.
What and when was the great bible?
1539, this was the first bible in English, written in the vernacular language.
When did the Anne of Cleves fiasco occur?
What was the reason for Thomas Cromwells fall
After Anne of Cleves marriage, he was promoted to Earl of Essex, this angered the Duke of Norfolk, sparking a noble plot which involved Thomas Howard using Katherine Howard to convince Henry that Cromwell was trying to make England full protestant
When did Thomas Cromwell get executed
What was the Court of Augmentation?
Where the money from the dissolution of monastries was handled, was headed by Richard Rich.
What were the reasons for the dissolutions of Monastries?
Economic and to use the land for enclosing.
When did Henry marry Katherine Parr
Who was apart of the Reformist faction?
Cromwell, Cranmer, Jayne Seymour Brothers
Who was apart of the conservative faction?
Duke of Norfolk and Bishop Stephen Gardener
What did the conservative faction oppose?
People of low birth and protestantism
When and what happened in the John Lambert affair?
In 1536 John Lambert was accused of heresy by the Duke of Norfolk, but escaped until 1538, when he was put on trial for denying the presence of Christ in transubstantiation.
How was Katherine Parr nearly accused of Treason?
She talked to Henry about Protestantism, he told Gardener, who tried to accuse her of treason. Henry gave permission for her to be arrested, but then told Katherines doctor that she was going to be arrested, therefore Katherine was able to destroy all evidence. When they tried to arrest her, Henry said no and started to throw hands with them.
When was the battle of Solway-Moss and what was it caused by?
1542, James V failed to show to peace talks in England over turning Scotland Reformist. James V done this as he was married to a french catholic woman. England Won.
Who was Cardinal Beaton
Scottish ambassador to France, he arranged the marriage between James V and Marie of Guise.
What was the treaty of Greenwich and when?
In 1543, after the battle of Solway Moss, England captured many Scottish nobles and agreed to release them if they betroth Mary Queen of Scots to Edward. The nobles agreed but never kept their word, as Mary was later married to Francis II of France.
What was the rough Wooing and when?
1544, in response to Scotland not holding up their end of the Treaty of Greenwich, Henry sent the Earl of Heartford to lay waste of Scotland. Edinburgh was attacked and burnt severely. However this was a failure as English troops became trapped in Edinburgh castle and was starved to death.