Explain the soul body composite?
Alignment of Aristotelian and Galenic phyiological soul / spirit with theological spiritualism.
What makes someone possessed in either a holy or demonic manner?
Nancy Caciola “Mystics, Demoniacs and the Physiology of Spirit Possession” 2000
The science of possession is a science of contextual interpretation.
When did Clare of Montefalco die?
August 1308
What was Clare of Montefalco’s most famous vision?
1294: Christ pushes his cross into her heart whilst Clare helps him to guide the cross into her chest.
The heart proved strong enough for him to rest inside and he accepted her invitation to lean on her and make her body his home.
Who dissected Clare of Montefalco’s body?
Sister Francesca
Used sharp knife approaching from the back.
Found miniature image of Christ crucified formed by miraculous intertwining of the cardiac nerves and muscles.
Crown of thorns.
3 stones found in gallbladder, physicians assured there was no natural explanation for this so believed to be the holy trinity.
Heart cured a man with a diseased leg and a woman who was blind.
Who suspected foul play on behalf of the nuns?
The Catholic Church
Bishop of Spoleto travelled to Montefalco summoning a commission of physicians, jurors and theologians to conduct scientific investigation.
Explain the process of canonisation in the Catholic Church?
Servant of God
Blessed (beatification)
Explain the process of canonisation for Clare of Montefalco?
1328 begins
1737 beatified by Pope Clement XII
1881 canonised by Pope Leo XIII
How did Ida of Louvain refuse to act in orderly ways?
Lived in small cell in parents home
Refused to marry
Wore dirty rags out in the street and spoke gibberish
‘strutted about as if mad or a fool, offering a monstrous spectacle of herself to the people’.
What vision of Ida’s was described in her vita by her hagiographer?
Pauper approached her cell, reached out and peeled back the skin of her chest to reveal her heart
Climbed inside and took up residence ‘enjoying her hospitality’.
How has Nancy Caciola compared Ida and Clare?
“Mystics, Demoniacs and the Physiology of Spirit Possession” 2000
Because Ida was not in the nunnery environment she is seen as a social disruption.
What is Aristotelian psychology?
Study of soul / psyche
Study of the nature of the soul which is the basis of all life
The soul is the essence of all living things that makes them behave in a way distinctive to living things
What are Aristotle’s 3 souls?
- Vegetative / Nutritive soul: nutrition, growth, reproduction
Found in the liver
Served by veins and auxiliary members such as bladder and genitals
Plants - Sensitive Soul: movement and emotion and 10 internal and external senses
Found in heart
Served by arteries
Sponges, worms, Bivalves - Intellective / Rational soul: rational powers of intellect, intellective memory and will.
Found in brain
Served by nerves, sense organs and muscles
Human beings
What is Galen’s pneuma?
Hot vapour fused in the blood which animates the different functions.
What is the Galenic spiritual system?
- Natural Spirit: Liver (nutrition and metabolism)
- Vital Spirit: Heart (Blood-flow regulation, heartbeat, respiration and body temperature)
- Animal Spirit: Brain (sensory perception and movement)