Positive Pressure Ventilation - 25 Flashcards
Describe VCV
- Tv pre-selected –> adjusts pressure to deliver volume
2. Rate of lung inflation CONSTANT
Describe PCV
- Inflation pressure pre-selected
- DURATION of inflation is adjusted to deliver desired Tv
- Rate HIGH @ onset –> decelerates
Describe End-Inspiratory Pressure during VCV
Ppeak = P(resistance) + P(elastic from lungs & chest wall)
Formula for P(peak)
Ppeak = P(resistance) + P(elastic from lungs & chest wall)
Formula for P(resistance)
P(res) = R x V
R = resistance to flow in airways V = insp flow rate
Formula for P(elastic)
P(el) = elastance x V
P(plateau) - PEEP = P(elastic)
Describe P(plateau)
Expiratory circuit occluded at vey end of lung inflation (inflation hold) –> pressure dec initially then is constant until pt is allowed to exhale (usually 1s)
P(plateau) = P(peak alveolar)
What does the difference b/w Peak and Plateau pressure represent?
Pressure needed to overcome resistance to airflow at any given insp rate
Describe relationship b/w airway pressure and alveolar pressure during PCV
P(airway end-insp) = P(alveolar peak)
There should be no airflow at end of insp (vs. VCV)
Describe ZEEP
No airflow at end expiration
P(alveoli) = atmospheric (0)
Describe applied PEEP
Valve in exp limb closes –> exhalation ceases at pre-selected PEEP level
Prevents collapse of distal airspaces + opens collapsed alveoli
Describe occult/auto PEEP
Airflow at end expiration but lungs do not empty completely –> hyperinflation (COPD, asthma)
Alveolar pressure + even though proximal airways are 0
Occlude expiratory circuit to equilibrate alveoli and proximal airway pressures
Typical values for mean airway pressure:
- Normal lungs
- Obstruction
- Non-compliant lungs
- 5-10 cmH2O
- 10-20
- 20-30
Describe thoracic compliance during VCV
C = Tv / [Pplateau - PEEP]
Normal = 50-80 ml/cmH2O
Pul edema, ARDS = <25 ml/cmH2O
Describe thoracic compliance during PCV
C = Exhaled Tv / [P(airway end-insp) - PEEP]