Discontinuing Mechanical Ventilation - 30 Flashcards
How can you help the preserve the strength of the diaphragm?
Allowing pt to trigger ventilator breaths
Describe the sedation recommendations for vent-dependent pts
- Maintain light sedation, can be easily aroused
2. Avoid or minimize benzos - use propofol and dexmedetomidine
Describe the readiness criteria for spontaneous breathing trial
- PaO2/FiO2 >150-200 w/ FiO2 13
No fever
No sig electrolyte abn
Measurements for successful spontaneous breathing during 1-2 minute trial
Tv 4-6ml/kg
RR 30-38
RR/Tv ratio 60-105 bpm/L
Max insp pressure -15 to -30 cmH2O
Describe a spontaneous breathing trial using the ventilator circuit
- Can monitor Tv and RR as shallow rapid breathing which commonly means failure is easy to spot
- Can, however, inc work of breathing - 5cm pressure support can help but level is insignificant and irrelevant
Describe spontaneous breathing trial with the vent disconnected
- T-piece circuit with high flow O2 improves O2 and carries away CO2 w/ low work of breathing
- Disadvantage is can’t monitor RR and Tv
- Closer to normal breathing conditions and better for pts w/ inc vent demands but NO proven advantage of one method over another
How do you know if a SBT fails?
- RDS - agitation, diaphoresis, rapid breathing
- Muscle weakness - paradoxical inward mvmt of abd during insp
- Poor O2 sat, PaO2/FiO2 ratio, rising PaCO2, gradient b/2 et and PaCO2
- Inadequate systemic oxygenation (central venous O2)
How do you distinguish b/w anxiety and ventilatory failure in rapid breathing?
Anxiety = inc Tv
How can rapid breathing during SBT be bad?
- Asthma, COPD –> hyperinflation/auto-PEEP –> dec CO, inc dead space, dec compliance, diaphragm dysfxn d/t flattening
- Infiltrative/ARDS –> red ventilation in diseased parts –> alveolar collapse, hypoxemia
- ARF –> inc whole body O2 consumption
How do you manage rapid breathing during a SBT?
Anxiety = opioid
Failure = vent
What are the cardiac sources of failed SBT?
- (-) intrathoracic pressures inc LV afterload
- Hyperinflation and auto-PEEP impair VR and resistance ventricular distensibility/filling
- Silent MI
How do you monitor or detect cardiac dysfxn following multiple SBT failures?
- Cardiac ultrasound - diastolic dysfxn = high failure rate
- Dec in central or mixed venous O2 saturation as a result of dec in CO
- Sig inc BNP
What are some potential source of respiratory muscle weakness in vented patients during SBT?
- Mechanical ventilation - esp when not triggering breaths BUT diaphragm weakness has NOT been demonstrated to prolong vent dependency
- Neuropathy - severe sepsis, MOF
- Mag and phosphorous depletion
- Max insp pressure -15 to -30
What are 2 factors you need to address and how do you address them prior to extubation?
- Airway protective reflexes - make paper 1-2cm away wet with cough
- Laryngeal edema - cuff-leak test (no leak = high risk for obstruction), methyl-prednisolone 20-40mg q4-6hrs for 12 to 24 hourse
How do you manage post-extubation stridor?
Most occur w/in 30 minutes but can be 2hrs
- Epinephrine neb 2.5ml 1% - unproven in adults
- Noninvasive ventilation when used as a preventative measure early after extubation NOT if they have resp failure