Positioning Test Flashcards
positional most desirable for lower abdominal procedures?
positional most desirable for lung?
lateral kidney
what are the effects of the trendelenburg position?
- heart is mechanically compressed
- viscera shift
position of choice for a necromeoplasty/or other shoulder procedure?
beach chair
position of choice for a colonoscopy?
what nerve can we injure by hyper-abduction of arm?
brachial plexus
what nerve can we damage by having patients arm supinated on arm board?
ulnar nerve damage
wilson frames for laminectomys (spinal) are for what position?
reasons why we lower legs slowly and simultaneously from stirrups?
another name for the cross bar is what?
kidney elevation bar/rest/brace
lithotomy position, put selector on the table for what setting?
lower legs
when returning to horizontal position from trendelenburg what do you do first?
raise feet
the most important principle in positioning the patient is?
maximum safety
position to improve circulation to the cerebral cortex?
best position for face/neck procedure?
fowlers position
safety strap is used on all positions except 1
given 4 positions give the one best used for pilonidal cyst surgery?
use of a sled protects what area of the body?
why is it we do not have patient cross legs or feet before surgery?
chest rolls are used in what position?