Positioning & Breathing Flashcards
How can the use of body position help breathing?
Maximise ventilation Maximise diaphragmatic function Optimise V/Q matching Decrease WOB Drain sputum
What are the different lung volumes?
Total lung capacity Vital capacity Residual volume Expiratory reserve volume Functional residual capacity Inspiratory reserve volume Tidal volume
What is abdominal/diaphragmatic breathing?
Breathing using abdominal movement, reducing the degree of chest wall movement as much as possible
What is breathing control?
Normal tidal breathing encouraging relaxation of the upper chest and shoulders
How can abdominal breathing/breathing control help patients?
Decrease airway turbulence
Decrease dead space
Favour dependent regions
Relaxes shoulder girdle
How do you do abdominal/diaphragmatic breathing?
Rest a hand on the abdomen Keep shoulders relaxed Breath in slowly so hand rises Sigh out Increase depth of breathing
What is deep breathing thought to do?
Increase long volume Increase ventilation Decrease airway resistance Increase surfactant secretion Decrease dead space Increase diffusion Increase O2 saturation’s
How do you do deep breathing?
Breath in deeply via nose
Sniff at full inspiration
Hold for 3
Breath out relaxed
How can body positioning help a patient?
Maximise ventilation
Maximise diaphragmatic function
Decrease WOB
Drain sputum