Positioning Flashcards
1st due engine at House, tow house and apt fires?
First due supply line
Pull past address if possible
Supply First attack lines
Leave room for the truck
2nd due engine at house, tow house, apt fires?
Secure water for first due engine
Spot the hydrant
Leave room for the truck
3rd due Engine house,townhouse or apt fire?
If ordered to do so lay second supply line, if not part out of the way
Leave room for second due truck
Supply trucks if needed
4th due Engine house, townhouse, apt fire
Spot the hydrant if secondary water supply is needed
Park out of the way if not needed to supply
leave room for additional truck companies
1st due engine at a strip shopping center
lay first due supply line or establish water supply
supply FDC
leave room for the truck
prepare to supply deployed hand lines
2nd due Enigne at Strip Shopping center
Spot the hydrant and secure water supply for 1st due
if not needed park out of the way and go with crew
leave room for additional truck
3rd due Engine at a strip shopping center
Lay a supply line or secure water supply to side Charlie
deploy attack lines to side Charlie
leave room for second due truck on side Charlie
4th due Engine at strip shopping center
Secure the water supply for 3rd due engine if needed, if not go with crew and become RIT
Leave room for trucks on side Charlie
1st due truck On a house or Townhouse fire
position on side alpha with turntable to maximize scrub area.
make sure to leave room to deploy ground ladders
try to be uphill/upwind if possible
work off the rear if on a hill
2nd due truck on a house or town house fire
Try to get to side Charlie if possible, if not take a corner opposite that of the first due truck to maximize scrub area
1st due truck on a strip shopping center
Side Alpha, position to use ladder pipe of defensive operations. If 2nd due is a tower ladder you may have to swap rolls.
2nd due truck strip shopping center
Side Charlie unless a tower ladder position out to the collapse zone
1st due engine on a high rise fire
- Park out of the way and go with your crew
- Leave room for the Trucks and other later arriving units to get around.
- Abandon the rig – all personnel proceed to the lobby to continue size-up. Ascertain as much information as possible, by gathering information from building occupants, building employees, and any fire control systems that may be present.
- The status of elevators and HVAC systems should be checked and communicated.
- Officer and crew proceed to the reported fire floor, along with the crew of the first due truck or rescue squad, to verify the location and extent of fire and commence firefighting operations
2nd Due engine on a high rise fire
- Upon arrival, the driver shall establish water supply and stretch 3” or larger lines into the FDC.
- Spot the hydrant and supply the building system(s)
- Leave room for the Trucks and other later arriving units to get around.
- Driver/operator must remain with the apparatus.
- Remaining crew reports to the fire floor to assist the first engine in placing the first hose line in service.
3rd due engine on a high rise fire
• Establish water supply to the secondary FDC (if one is present).
o If so, the driver/operator will have to remain with the apparatus.
o If no secondary FDCs are present then the entire crew can abandon the apparatus.
• View the opposite side of the structure from where the first due engine positioned. Take note of fire/smoke location, number of floors, conditions evident, and persons in distress and report via radio.
• View at least three sides of the structure and park out of the way
4th due on a high rise fire
• Park away from the building.
• The entire crew proceeds to the attack stairwell one floor below the fire floor as the RIT. If the fire floor is below grade, the RIT shall position outside the IDLH however in close proximity of the fire floor.
• If there is a second system spot a hydrant and supply the system
o Or park out of the way leaving room for the 2nd Truck
o Go with your crew.
5th Due Engine at a high rise fire
- The fifth due engine will report directly to the Command Post. Upon conferring with the Incident commander
- The entire engine crew will report to the lobby area of the building to assume Lobby Control.
- The crew should proceed to the lobby with their complement of tools.
1st due engine at an inside gas leak
- Lay a line for a water supply
- stop well short of the address
- Leave room for the Truck
- Supply an attack line when pulled
2nd due engine at and inside gas leak
- Spot the hydrant and supply the attack engine
* Leave room for later arriving units.
1st due engine at an outside gas leak
- Lay a supply line for a water supply
- Stop well short of where the leak is reported to be
- Leave room for the Rescue
- Supply an attack line when pulled.
1st Due engine at a MVA
- Approach slowly
- Protect the pump panel if you will be needing to supply a hand line;
- Turn the wheel to steer the vehicle away from the incident and chock tires
- Take as many lanes as necessary to allow a safe work area
- Leave room for the Rescue if they will be needed
- Make sure EMS units will be able to gain access to and egress from the incident
- Set out traffic cones and/or flares well before and slightly past the incident work area
- Be prepared to supply a protective hand line and/or foam for the extrication
1st due engine at a vehicle fire
- Approach slowly and do not get too close
- Protect the pump panel, chock tires and turn the wheels away from the incident work area
- Supply the bumper line or attack line that is pulled
- Place traffic cones and/or flares well before and just past the incident work area
- Be prepared to switch to foam operations if needed.
1st due engine at a hazmat
- If at all possible approach/ position up hill and up wind from the incident
- Approach very slowly and do not get too close
- Leave room for later arriving units
- Be prepared to establish a water supply and supply attack lines for decon
- Be prepared to use foam if necessary.
2nd due engine at a hazmat
• Establish a water supply for the first engine and/or prepare for mass gross decon