Portfolio Management Overview Flashcards
Regarding organizational maturity, What are major obstacles to portfolio management success
- Lack of organizational support for the concept and approach of portfolio management
- Not recognizing and formalizing the organization’s ability to handle change
Portfolio implementation principles regarding Organizational change
- Each portfolio component should consistently apply similar techniques to facilitate and handle organizational change
- The extent of organizational change that the organization is able to accept may be one of the factors used to determine the appropriate mix of portfolio components
Differences with Program/Project Management in Identifying Portfolio Stakeholders
Certain stakeholders may be specifically identified according to the goals and risk management strategies for the portfolio
PMO functions
- Managing portfolio components, supporting component proposals and evaluations, facilitating prioritization and authorization, and allocating resources in alignment with organizational strategy and objectives
- Developing and maintaining portfolio, program, and project frameworks and methodologies
- Developing and improving templates and checklists
- Providing project and program progress information and metric reporting to the portfolio governance process
- Coordinating communication across portfolio components
- Negotiating and coordinating resources between various portfolio components or between portfolios
- Assisting with risk identification and risk strategy development and communicating risks and issues related to portfolio components
- Monitoring compliance to policies
- Providing knowledge management including lessons learned
- Developing and conducting training and mentoring human resources in portfolio management skills, tools, and techniques
Aspects that the portfolio manager monitors, evaluates, and validates portfolio components
- Alignment with organizational strategy and objectives,
- Viability as part of the portfolio, based on key performance indicators and an acceptable level of risk,
- Value/benefit and relationship to other portfolio components,
- Available resources and portfolio priorities
- Additions and deletions of portfolio components
- Review the portfolio for balance (short-term versus long-term; risk versus return)
- Negotiate agreement(s) with relevant strategic stakeholders
- Sequence the portfolio components to account for portfolio component interdependencies, balancing of constrained resources, and other organizational considerations
Defining Process Group
4.1 Develop Portfolio Strategic Plan
4.2 Develop Portfolio Charter
4.3 Define Portfolio Roadmap
5.1 Develop Portfolio Management Plan
5.2 Define Portfolio
6.1 Develop Portfolio Performance Management Plan
7.1 Develop Portfolio Communication Management Plan
8.1 Develop Portfolio Risk Management Plan
Aligning Process Group
4.4 Manage Strategic Change
5.3 Optimize Portfolio
6.2 Manage Supply and Demand
6.3 Manage Portfolio Value
7.2 Manage Portfolio Information
8.2 Manage Portfolio Risks
Authorizing and Controlling Process Group
5.4 Authorize Portfolio
5.5 Provide Portfolio Oversight
When is the Defining Process Group most active?
At the time the organization identifies and updates its strategic
goals, near-term budgets, and plans.
* annual budgeting time
* business review meetings
* unscheduled changes in the organization (e.g., mergers, reorganization, changes in enterprise environment factors, etc.)
When is the Aligning Process Group is most active?
After the portfolio organization has defined and developed its strategic goals, near-term budgets, and plans (to manage ongoing portfolio activities)
When is the Authorizing and Controlling Process Group is most active?
Ongoing function of the organization’s governing body.
Importance of Establishing a PMO
- Setting up a PMO can highlight the need for a structured and formal governance process if none existed before.
- This governance body is responsible for establishing expectations and deriving benefits from portfolio management processes.
- The PMO ensures that the portfolio management processes align with the organization’s strategic objectives.
Categories of Inputs/Outputs
- Guiding: Provides the strategy or high-level direction for the portfolio
- Supporting: Provide processes, tools, and capabilities to facilitate the operation of the portfolio management processes
- Planning: Provides specific direction as to how these processes are executed
- Reporting: Provides information that is used both within the portfolio team and with stakeholders
Guiding Input/Output
- Organizational strategy and objectives
- Inventory of work
- Portfolio (updates)
- Portfolio roadmap (updates)
- Portfolio charter(updates)
Supporting Input/Output
- Enterprise environmental factors
- Organizational process assets (updates)
- Portfolio process assets (updates)
Planning Input/Output
- Portfolio strategic plan (updates)
- Portfolio management plan (updates)
Reporting Input/Output
- Portfolio reports
- Portfolio component reports
Categories of T&T
- Analyzing: Uses tools and techniques to analyze process inputs, resulting in additional information that becomes the process outputs
- Selection: Provides methods to facilitate selection of the appropriate portfolio components
- Meeting: Provides mechanisms to share information and make decisions in a group interaction style
- Information: Provide methods to obtain or share information relevant to the portfolio
Analyzing Tools/Techniques
- Strategic alignment analysis
- Prioritization analysis
- Scenario analysis
- Capability and capacity analysis
- Interdependency analysis
- Cost/benefit analysis
- Stakeholder analysis
- Readiness assessment
- Portfolio organizational structure analysis
- Graphical analytical methods
- Quantitative and qualitative analyses
- Value scoring and measurement analysis
- Benefit realization analysis
- Communication Requirements analysis
- Gap analysis
Selecting Tools/Techniques
- Portfolio component inventory
- Portfolio component categorization techniques
- Weighted ranking and scoring techniques
- Portfolio authorization
Meeting Tools/Techniques
Portfolio review meetings
Informing Tools/Techniques
- Communication methods
- Elicitation techniques
- Portfolio management information system
- Integration of portfolio management plans
Portfolio Strategic Management processes
4.1 Develop Portfolio Strategic Plan
4.2 Develop Portfolio Charter
4.3 Define Portfolio Roadmap
4.4 Manage Strategic Change
Portfolio Governance Management processes
5.1 Develop Portfolio Management Plan
5.2 Define Portfolio
5.3 Optimize Portfolio
5.4 Authorize Portfolio
5.5 Provide Portfolio Oversight
Portfolio Performance Management processes
6.1 Develop Portfolio Performance Management Plan
6.2 Manage Supply and Demand
6.3 Manage Portfolio Value
Portfolio Communication Management processes
7.1 Develop Portfolio Communication Management Plan
7.2 Manage Portfolio Information
Portfolio Risk Management processes
8.1 Develop Portfolio Risk Management Plan
8.2 Manage Portfolio Risks
Portfolio Management Information System is T&T of which processes?
5.4 Authorize Portfolio
6.1 Develop Portfolio Performance Management Plan
7.2 Manage Portfolio Information
Weighted Ranking and Scoring Techniques is T&T of which processes?
4.1 Develop Portfolio Strategic Plan (as part of Priorization Analysis)
5.2 Define Portfolio
5.3 Optimize Portfolio
8.1 Develop Portfolio Risk Management Plan
8.2 Manage Portfolio Risks
Scenario Analysis is T&T of which processes?
4.2 Develop Portfolio Charter
5.3 Optimize Portfolio (as part of Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis)
6.2 Manage Supply and Demand
Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis are T&T of which processes?
5.3 Optimize Portfolio
6.2 Manage Supply and Demand
8.1 Develop Portfolio Risk Management Plan
8.2 Manage Portfolio Risks
Elicitation Techniques are T&T of which processes?
5.1 Develop Portfolio Management Plan (management requirements)
5.5 Provide Portfolio Oversight (issues and risks)
6.1 Develop Portfolio Performance Management Plan (measures)
6.3 Manage Portfolio Value (criteria & benefit/outcome weights)
7.1 Develop Portfolio Communication Management Plan (information needs, plan feedback)
7.2 Manage Portfolio Information (data, information)
Capability and capacity analysis are T&T of which processes? *
4.2 Develop Portfolio Charter
5.3 Optimize Portfolio
6.1 Develop Portfolio Performance Management Plan
6.2 Manage Supply and Demand
Which process results to Portfolio Roadmap Updates?
4.3 Define Portfolio Roadmap
4.4 Manage Strategic Change
5.2 Define Portfolio
5.3 Optimize Portfolio
Which process results to Portfolio Updates?
4.1 Develop Portfolio Strategic Plan
4.4 Manage Strategic Change
5.2 Define Portfolio
5.3 Optimize Portfolio
5.4 Authorize Portfolio
5.5 Provide Portfolio Oversight
Which process results to Portfolio Strategic Plan Updates?
4.1 Develop Portfolio Strategic Plan
4.2 Develop Portfolio Charter
4.4 Manage Strategic Change
5.1 Develop Portfolio Management Plan
Prioritization Analysis is T&T of which processes?
4.1 Develop Portfolio Strategic Plan
4.3 Define Portfolio Roadmap
Graphical Analytical Methods are T&T of which processes?
5.3 Optimize Portfolio (monitor & balance)
8.1 Develop Portfolio Risk Management Plan (probability and impact matrix)
Portfolio Roadmap is input of which processes?
4.4 Manage Strategic Change
5.1 Develop Portfolio Management Plan
5.2 Define Portfolio
5.3 Optimize Portfolio
5.5 Provide Portfolio Oversight
6.3 Manage Portfolio Value
7.1 Develop Portfolio Communication Management Plan
Where can risk tolerance be found?
- EEF (Organizational)
- Portfolio Strategic Plan (Portfolio)
- Portfolio (Risk) Management Plan (Stakeholder)
Stakeholder Analysis is T&T of which processes?
4.4 Manage Strategic Change
7.1 Develop Portfolio Communication Management Plan
Benefit Realization Analysis
A technique to analyze portfolio component achievement of planned benefits
Capability and Capacity Analysis
A technique performed to understand the human, financial, and asset capacity and capability of the organization in order to select, fund, and execute portfolio components.
Communication Methods
Tools that share and distribute information among portfolio stakeholders, such as email, video conferencing, web portals, etc.
Communication Requirements Analysis
A technique to determine the information needs of portfolio stakeholders and define the information type and format for delivery to stakeholders
Cost/Benefit Analysis
A technique that weighs expected costs against expected financial and nonfinancial benefits (value) to determine the best (according to relevant criteria) course of action.
The process of scoring specific potential components using key indicators and their related weighted criteria for comparison purpose for further decision making.
Gap Analysis
A technique to evaluate the current portfolio mix of components and determine changes needed so components may be added, changed, or terminated to rebalance the portfolio.
Graphical Analytical Methods
Tools such as risk versus return charts, histograms, pie charts, and other methods to visualize portfolio information.
Identification of Components
A technique to identify the portfolio components from an inventory of work or proposed components based on prioritization, objectives, expected benefits, and performance criteria.
Investment Choice Assessment
Technique to align the portfolio based on new and changing strategic objectives, evaluate responses to threats and opportunities, and indicate portfolio investment gaps
Key Criteria
Predetermined measures, values, or conditions used in a scoring model to measure alignment with strategic goals.
Optimize Portfolio
Process of assessing the portfolio components based on the organization’s selection and ranking processes in order to create the component mix with the greatest potential to collectively support the organization’s strategy and goals.
Portfolio Balancing
The process of optimizing the mix of portfolio components to further the strategic objectives of the organization.
Portfolio Organizational Structure Analysis
A technique to determine the portfolio management organizational structure and determine roles and responsibilities
Portfolio Periodic Reporting and Review
The process of reporting on the portfolio components as a whole using key indicators and reviewing the performance of the component mix by comparing actual with anticipated evolution, value, risk level, spending, and strategic alignment.
Portfolio Risk
An uncertain event, set of events, or conditions that, if they occur, have one or more effects, either positive or negative, on at least one strategic business objective of the portfolio.
Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
Techniques that include analyses to optimize the portfolio, such as scenario analysis, probability analysis, and cost/benefit analysis.
Readiness Assessment
A tool to assess stakeholders’ willingness and ability to implement portfolio-related changes.
Rebalancing Assessments
A tool to assess the portfolio and consider rebalancing portfolio components, resource requirements, and the portfolio budget to realign the portfolio risks.
Scenario Analysis
A technique to evaluate scenarios in order to predict their effect on portfolio objectives
Scoring Model
A set of weighted criteria and corresponding key indicators to measure and score components for comparison and prioritization purposes
Stakeholder Analysis
A technique to identify stakeholders by individual or group and determine their concerns, interests, influence, expectations, and requirements.
Strategic Alignment Analysis
A technique that focuses on new or changing strategic objectives and goals to determine portfolio gaps.
Strategic Change
Any change in the strategic intentions and plans of the organization that can impact the contents of component definition, categories, filters, key indicators, and other decision-making parameters used for portfolio management.
Strategy and Objectives
The definition of an organization’s intended achievements in terms of business results interpreted from various perspectives, such as financial, customer, infrastructure, products and services, or by cultural outcomes that are measurable.
Weighted Ranking and Scoring Techniques
Techniques using a multiplication factor to rank and score portfolio components to convey the importance of criteria used.
How are Portfolio management processes started
Portfolio management processes are typically started in organizations at a department or business unit level as a response to issues, conflicts, constrained resources, and uncertainty in the group, often around what work is being done and should be done
Recurring processes
Define Portfolio
Optimize Portfolio
Authorize Portfolio
Provide Portfolio Oversight
Manage Portfolio Risks
Continuous process
Manage Portfolio Value
Manage Supply and Demand
Manage Portfolio Communications
Manage Strategic Change
How is the impact of the portfolio plan upon strategy attained
- Maintaining portfolio alignment. Each portfolio component should be aligned to one or more strategic objectives. Alignment cannot occur without a clear understanding of those objectives, and any proposal for a portfolio component should describe how it supports the attainment of the objectives.
- Allocating financial resources. The priority of each portfolio component guides financial allocation decisions, while at the same time each portfolio component requires an allocation if it is to be executed.
- Allocating human resources. The priority of each portfolio component guides resource planning, hiring efforts, scheduling, and capability allocations, including long-range talent development.
- Allocating material or equipment resources. The priority of each portfolio component should be informational material, equipment, or space allocations, including long-range capital investments and planning that may be needed to ensure portfolio component needs are accounted for at an organizational level, including any constraints.
- Measuring portfolio component performance. If the purpose of undertaking the portfolio component is to achieve a strategic goal, its contribution must be measured in the context of that goal.
- Managing risks. Each portfolio component should be evaluated for risks (positive/opportunities, negative/threats, internal, external) at the organizational level and how those risks may impact the achievement of the strategic plan and objectives.
Type of Governance Recommendations
- adding new portfolio components
- suspension or change of existing portfolio components
- reallocation of resources among portfolio components
What are PPA?
- Processes, guidelines, policies, and procedures (e.g., strategic alignment, governance, change management, information distribution, optimization, risk and performance management, etc.)
- Specifications, work instructions, proposal evaluation criteria, and performance measurement criteria
- Templates (e.g., component proposals, lessons learned, and performance and risk management)
- Portfolio communication requirements
- Procedures for portfolio component work authorizations
- Performance measurement databases (actual resources used and forecast of resources required)
- Portfolio component files (e.g., component proposals, investments, performance measurement baselines, calendars, risk registers)
- Historical information and lessons learned knowledge bases (e.g., portfolio records and documents, portfolio component closure information and documentation, information about both the results of previous portfolio selection decisions and previous portfolio performance information and information from the risk management effort).
Organizational Process Assets are input of which processes?
4.1 Develop Portfolio Strategic Plan
5.1 Develop Portfolio Management Plan
6.1 Develop Portfolio Performance Management Plan
8.1 Develop Portfolio Risk Management Plan
8.2 Manage Portfolio Risks
Organizational Process Assets Updates are output of which processes?
8.1 Develop Portfolio Risk Management Plan
8.2 Manage Portfolio Risks
Portfolio components’s common features?
- Be representative of investments made or planned by the organization
- Be aligned with the organization’s goals and objectives
- Typically have some common features that permit to be grouped for effective management
- Have the ability to be quantifiable and, therefore, can be measured, ranked, and prioritized
- Share and compete for organizational resources
Responsibilities of the portfolio manager (an individual, a group, or a governing body)
- Establishing and maintaining a framework (a conceptual and communicable structure of ideas) and methodology (a body of policies and procedures) for portfolio management
- Establishing and maintaining relevant portfolio management processes (strategic management, governance management, communication management, performance management, and risk management)
- Guiding the selection, prioritization, balancing, and termination of portfolio components to ensure the alignment with strategic goals and organizational priorities
- Establishing and maintaining appropriate infrastructure and systems to support portfolio management processes
- Continuously reviewing, reallocating, reprioritizing, and optimizing the portfolio to ensure ongoing alignment with evolving organizational goals and market opportunities and threats
- Providing key stakeholders with timely assessment of portfolio component selection, prioritization, and performance, as well as early identification of (and intervention in) portfolio-level issues and risks that are impacting performance
- Measuring and monitoring the value to the organization through portfolio performance metrics and targets, such as benefit ratios, return on investment (ROI), net present value (NPV), payback period (PP), internal rate of return (IRR), and scorecards
- Meeting legal and regulatory requirements
- Achieving the information needs of current or future stakeholders
- Supporting senior-level decision making by ensuring timely and consistent communication to stakeholders on progress, changes, and impact on portfolio components
- Influencing active executive sponsorship engagement for the portfolio and each portfolio component as it is initiated
- Participating in program and project reviews to reflect senior-level support, leadership, and involvement in key decisions
Organizational Finance functions in portfolio management
- Role: Provides financial information critical for managing the portfolio.
- Activities: Includes project proposal evaluation, budget monitoring, spending comparison, and benefit examination to Ensure financial plans are adjusted and financial benefits are delivered.
Organizational Marketing functions in portfolio management
- Role: Conducts market analysis, benchmarking, and research.
- Activities: Drive portfolio components based on market opportunities or competitive advantages.
Organizational Human Resources (HR) functions in portfolio management
- Role: Identifies necessary skills and qualifications for portfolio success.
- Activities: Ensures availability of skilled resources, facilitates resource realignment, and mitigates negative impacts on people due to organizational changes.
Organizational Information Technology (IT) functions in portfolio management
- Role: Supports IT operations affected by portfolio components.
- Activities: Includes process analysis, development, service, help desk support, infrastructure support, and application maintenance.
Organizational Quality Management functions in portfolio management
- Role: Ensures conformance with voluntary quality standards (e.g., ISO) and regulatory compliance.
- Activities: Involves following business practices or contractual obligations and managing regulatory compliance.
The steps for implementing a portfolio management process
- Assess the current state of the portfolio management process,
- Define the portfolio management vision and plan,
- Implement the portfolio management processes, and
- Improve the portfolio management processes
What are Portfolio Reports?
- Performance reports, including scorecards and dashboards
- Feedback report to organizational strategy planning
- Variance reports
- Resource capacity and capability reports
- Portfolio risks and issues
- Governance recommendations
- Governance decisions
- Portfolio component recommendations
Key Activities of Assessing the Current State of the Portfolio Management Process
- Identify and evaluate existing portfolio management knowledge (i.e., strategic management, governance, communications, risk management, and performance management)
- Assess the existing portfolio management processes to determine if they support organizational vision, mission, strategy, and objectives (i.e., processes that define, align, and authorize portfolio components)
- Assess the current portfolio management structure and resources for maturity and adequacy
- Identify gaps in knowledge, processes, structure, and resources
- Evaluate the existing portfolio components to determine if they are supportive of current organizational strategy and objectives
- Assess the current portfolio component resource availability and allocations against the integrated schedule
- Understand the stakeholders for each of the strategic objectives and portfolio components
- Review the existing portfolio reporting processes and procedures
Results of Assessing the Current State of the Portfolio Management Process
- Depth and breadth of board of directors, executives, and senior management commitment
- Level of satisfaction with the current practices
- Communication goals and requirements of the organization
- Misinformation that needs to be addressed
- Project, program, portfolio, and operations management practices in place
- Understanding of the organization’s vision, both long-term and short-term, for portfolio management.
Requirements of portfolio management vision in Defining the Portfolio Management Vision and Plan
- Alignment with the organizational vision
- Supportive of the strategy and objectives of the organization
- Reflective with the organization’s cultural values
- Meaningful and valid to stakeholders
What should the organizational portfolio management implementation plan address
- A planned approach to change organizational behavior that includes a balance of strong leadership and management, and a proficient management team commitment to the effort
- A planned approach for incrementally developing and implementing portfolio management processes, building on processes that already exist, and working towards the defined vision
Key first steps in Implementing the Portfolio Management Processes
- Define roles and responsibilities for portfolio management process implementation
- Communicate the portfolio management implementation plan
- Define and deploy detailed portfolio management processes and provide training to staff and stakeholders
Portfolio Process Assets Updates are output of which Governance processes?
Develop Portfolio Management Plan
Optimize Portfolio
Authorize Portfolio
Provide Portfolio Oversight
Processes don’t touch PPAs
Define Roadmap
Manage Supply and Demand
Processes don’t take PPAs?
Authorize Portfolio
Manage Portfolio Value
Processes don’t change PPAs?
Develop Portfolio Strategic Plan
Define Portfolio
Component status?
- Identified
- Categorized
- Evaluated/Recommended
- Selected/Rejected
- Prioritized/Reprioritized
- Approved/Rejected/Inactivated/Terminated/Pending
- Authorized
Which processes are portfolio performance reports outputs of?
- Optimize Portfolio
- Provide Portfolio Oversight
- Manage Portfolio Value
Which processes are portfolio performance reports inputs of?
- Optimize Portfolio
- Provide Portfolio Oversight
- Manage Portfolio Value
- Manage Portfolio Information
- Manage Portfolio Risks
Which processes are portfolio resource utilization reports outputs of?
Manage Supply and Demand
Which processes are portfolio resource utilization reports inputs of?
- Manage Supply and Demand
- Manage Portfolio Information
- Manage Portfolio Risks
Which processes are portfolio resource capability and capacity reports outputs of?
- Optimize Portfolio
- Provide Portfolio Oversight
Which processes are portfolio resource capability and capacity reports inputs of?
- Optimize Portfolio
- Provide Portfolio Oversight
Which processes are portfolio resource pool reports outputs of?
- Authorize Portfolio
Which processes are portfolio resource pool reports inputs of?
- Optimize Portfolio
- Authorize Portfolio
Which processes are portfolio risks/issues reports outputs of?
- Optimize Portfolio
- Provide Portfolio Oversight
- Manage Portfolio Risks
Which processes are portfolio risks/issues reports inputs of?
- Optimize Portfolio
- Provide Portfolio Oversight
- Manage Portfolio Information
Which processes are portfolio status reports outputs of?
- (Provide Portfolio oversight)
- Manage Portfolio Information
Which processes are portfolio status reports inputs of?
- Manage Portfolio Information
- Manage Portfolio Risks
Which processes are portfolio financial/funding reports outputs of?
- Optimize Portfolio
- Authorize Portfolio
- Provide Portfolio Oversight
Which processes are portfolio financial/funding reports inputs of?
- Optimize Portfolio
- Authorize Portfolio
- Provide Portfolio Oversight
- Manage Supply and Demand
- Manage Portfolio Risks
Which processes are portfolio value/benefits reports outputs of?
- Optimize Portfolio
- Manage Portfolio Value
Which processes are portfolio value/benefits reports inputs of?
- Optimize Portfolio