Portfolio Governance Management Flashcards
Purpose of Develop Portfolio Management Plan?
Defining portfolio components, developing the portfolio management organization structure, and creating the portfolio management plan
Purpose of Define Portfolio?
- The main goal is to create an up-to-date list of qualified portfolio components.
- This involves identifying, categorizing, scoring, and ranking these components to ensure an organized portfolio for ongoing evaluation, selection, and prioritization
Purpose of Optimize Portfolio?
To create the optimal balance to achieve the organizational strategy and objectives by Reviewing, analyzing, and changing portfolio components
Purpose of Authorize Portfolio?
- Allocating resources to develop component proposals
- Authorizing components to expend resources
- Communicating portfolio decisions
Purpose of Provide Portfolio Oversight?
- Monitoring the portfolio to ensure alignment with the organizational strategy and objectives
- Making governance decisions in response to portfolio performance, portfolio component changes, and issues and risks to ensure the delivery of the portfolio is in line with the portfolio roadmap, current progress, and conditions (including resources)
Develop Portfolio Management Plan Inputs?
1 Portfolio strategic plan
2 Portfolio charter
3 Portfolio roadmap
4 Portfolio process assets
5 Organizational process assets
6 Enterprise environmental factors
Develop Portfolio Management Plan T&Ts?
1 Elicitation techniques
2 Portfolio organizational structure analysis
3 Integration of portfolio management plans
Develop Portfolio Management Plan Outputs?
1 Portfolio strategic plan updates
2 Portfolio management plan
3 Portfolio process assets updates
Define Portfolio Inputs?
1 Portfolio strategic plan
2 Portfolio charter
3 Portfolio
4 Portfolio roadmap
5 Portfolio management plan
6 Portfolio process assets
Define Portfolio T&Ts?
1 Portfolio component inventory
2 Portfolio component categorization techniques
3 Weighted ranking and scoring techniques
Define Portfolio Outputs?
1 Portfolio updates
2 Portfolio roadmap updates
3 Portfolio management plan updates
Optimize Portfolio Inputs?
1 Portfolio
2 Portfolio roadmap
3 Portfolio management plan
4 Portfolio reports
5 Portfolio process assets
Optimize Portfolio T&Ts?
1 Capability and capacity analysis
2 Weighted ranking and scoring techniques
3 Quantitative and qualitative analysis
4 Graphical analytical methods
Optimize Portfolio Outputs?
1 Portfolio updates
2 Portfolio roadmap updates
3 Portfolio management plan updates
4 Portfolio reports
5 Portfolio process assets updates
Authorize Portfolio Inputs?
1 Portfolio
2 Portfolio management plan
3 Portfolio reports
Authorize Portfolio T&Ts?
1 Portfolio authorization techniques
2 Portfolio management information system
Authorize Portfolio Outputs?
1 Portfolio updates
2 Portfolio management plan updates
3 Portfolio reports
4 Portfolio process assets updates
Provide Portfolio Oversight Inputs?
1 Portfolio
2 Portfolio roadmap
3 Portfolio management plan
4 Portfolio reports
5 Portfolio process assets
Provide Portfolio Oversight T&Ts?
1 Portfolio review meetings
2 Elicitation techniques
Provide Portfolio Oversight Outputs?
1 Portfolio updates
2 Portfolio management plan updates
3 Portfolio reports
4 Portfolio process assets updates
Why is Portfolio Strategic Plan an Input of Develop Portfolio Management Plan?
It provides the organizational risk tolerance, the organizational communication strategy, and the organizational performance strategy, the portfolio objectives, portfolio management organizational structure, benefits, prioritization model, and resource information to guide developing the portfolio management plan
Why is Portfolio Charter an Input of Develop Portfolio Management Plan?
It provides the portfolio structure, portfolio scope, resources, timeline, stakeholder communication requirements, performance expectations, and key risks, dependencies, and constraints
Why is Portfolio Roadmap an Input of Develop Portfolio Management Plan?
- To define the low-level schedule and timelines for portfolio components
- To ensure the dependencies between portfolio components as defined in the portfolio roadmap are met
- To define methodologies or approaches which the organization applies to manage different classes or types of portfolio components
Why is Portfolio Process Assets an Input of Develop Portfolio Management Plan?
To establish portfolio management processes and define responsibilities with current information of
- Performance information from a portfolio’s past performance or history (for benchmarking purposes),
- Portfolio management decisions and open issues
- Information about ongoing and planned portfolio management tasks
Why is Organizational Process Assets an Input of Develop Portfolio Management Plan?
It provides organizational processes, procedures and knowledge base for reference & developing the portfolio management approach
Why is Enterprise Environmental Factors an Input of Develop Portfolio Management Plan?
- That corporate, environmental, and governmental variables can contribute to the determination of how to manage certain aspects of a portfolio
- To establish processes to monitor specific EEFs and their critical values which can switch on specific portfolio management processes (escalations, change requests, portfolio management process improvements, etc.)
How is the tool of Elicitation Techniques used in Develop Portfolio Management Plan?
To elicit requirements for the portfolio management plan and that is greatest in the portfolio development (discovery)
- Facilitation techniques (focus groups and brainstorming)
- Survey techniques (interview and observation survey techniques)
- Collaboration techniques (consensus or majority vote)
How is the tool of Portfolio Organizational Structure Analysis used in Develop Portfolio Management Plan?
- To assign decisions making authority regarding portfolio components
- To assign performance review and reporting roles and responsibilities across each program, project, or operational component
- To identify components resource staffing & releasing mechanisms
How is the tool of Integration of Portfolio Management Plans used in Develop Portfolio Management Plan?
- Analyzing and aligning subsidiary plans for consistency
- Communicating changes to those responsible in order to resolve issues and reconcile changes
Why is the Portfolio Strategic Plan Updates an Output of Develop Portfolio Management Plan?
It might be unable to implement the portfolio
Other developments warrant updates to portfolio strategy
Why is the Portfolio Process Assets Updates an Output of Develop Portfolio Management Plan?
To manage the portfolio in alignment with the organizational strategy and the portfolio strategic plan, various portfolio policies, processes, and guidelines as well as portfolio management knowledge bases may need to be updated
Content of Portfolio Management Plan?
1, Governance Model
2, Portfolio Oversight process
3, Managing Strategic Change process
4, Change Control and Management process
5, Balancing Portfolio and Managing Dependencies method
6, Performance Management Planning
7, Communication Planning
8, Risk Management Planning
9, Procurement Planning
10, Managing Compliance method
11, Portfolio Prioritization Model
What is defined by Governance Model in Portfolio Management Plan?
- Decision-Making Rights: Establishes who has the authority to make decisions, their responsibilities, rules, and protocols.
- Controls and Gate Reviews: Implements controls like gate reviews at various project stages to evaluate progress, forecasted value, and updated risks. Decisions are made on whether to continue, hold, or cancel projects.
- Organizational Governance: Defines how the organization directs and controls its operations and strategic activities, addressing stakeholders’ legitimate rights and expectations.
- Portfolio Governance: Outlines processes for selecting, prioritizing components, and allocating resources to meet strategic objectives.
- Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly defines roles for portfolio managers, sponsors, stakeholders, and project managers.
What is defined by Portfolio Oversight in Portfolio Management Plan?
A PMO’s structure, responsibilities, and implementation approach for
- Sharing and optimizing scarce or common resources
- Communicating governance decisions, changes in the portfolio, and stakeholder communication according to sponsor and stakeholder requirements
What is defined by Managing Strategic Change in Portfolio Management Plan?
- Change control structure
- Outline and Processes to manage the response to significant strategic change
What is defined by Change Control and Management in Portfolio Management Plan?
- The process of managing changes to approved scope and requirements, schedules, and funding, including review and approval by stakeholders and governing bodies
- A change structure facilitating impact analysis (often provided in component proposals), deliberate review and approval or disapproval, prioritization, and scheduling of proposed change activities
What is defined by Balancing Portfolio and Managing Dependencies in Portfolio Management Plan?
Process of optimizing the mix of portfolio components to further the strategic objectives of the organization
- To plan and allocate resources according to strategic direction
- To maximize portfolio return within the organization’s predefined desired risk profile
What is defined by Procurement Planning in Portfolio Management Plan?
- Portfolio level procurement directives or standards that will be leveraged
- Which should be considered when managing the portfolio
What is defined by Managing Compliance in Portfolio Management Plan?
Way to address compliance requirements
Why is Portfolio Strategic Plan an Input of Define Portfolio?
To align the portfolio with the organizational strategy and objectives
- To validate preexisting portfolios or inventory of work against strategy updates which could change the key descriptors, categorization, and organization of portfolio components
- To determine which portfolio component to include
Why is Portfolio Charter an Input of Define Portfolio?
It (portfolio structure) identify the portfolio and sub-portfolios based on organizational areas in scope, hierarchies, and portfolio goals
Why is Portfolio an Input of Define Portfolio?
Because the portfolio components are the basis for defining or redefining the portfolio
Why is Portfolio Roadmap an Input of Define Portfolio?
- Because it summarizes strategic objectives, evolving aspects of the strategy by organizational areas, portfolio milestones, dependencies, challenges, and risk
- The detailed identification, categorization, and ranking and scoring criteria may be derived from the portfolio roadmap (As a minimum, the defining criteria and categories should be in alignment with the portfolio roadmap)
Why is Portfolio Management Plan an Input of Define Portfolio?
It contains the guidance to evaluate portfolio components and make judgments to their alignment and priority (as the approach and intent of management in identifying,
approving, procuring, prioritizing, balancing, managing, and reporting a portfolio of portfolio components)
Why is Portfolio Process Assets an Input of Define Portfolio?
- Providing templates, tools, data, and information regarding the portfolio
- Providing guidance for defining the portfolio components
How is the T&T of Portfolio Component Inventory used in Define Portfolio?
To identify portfolio components that meet requirements for consideration by A preliminary comparison of all inventoried portfolio components against the portfolio component definition (a standard set of key descriptors)
Example of Key descriptors?
Portfolio component number,
Portfolio component code,
Portfolio component description,
Type of portfolio component,
Strategic goals supported,
Quantitative benefits,
Qualitative benefits,
Portfolio component customer,
Portfolio component sponsor,
Key stakeholders
Resources required.
How is the T&T of Portfolio Component Categorization Techniques used in Define Portfolio?
Each identified portfolio component is compared to the categorization criteria and is assigned to a given category for the purpose of scoring, ranking, evaluating, and selecting between similar portfolio components where address similar organizational needs and strategic concerns
Example of of Portfolio component categories (results by comparing components to the categorization criteria)?
- Increased profitability (revenue increase, generation, cost reduction and avoidance)
- Market share increase
- Risk reduction
- Regulatory/compliance
- Efficiency improvement
- Process improvement
- Continuous improvement
- Foundational (e.g., investments that build the infrastructure to grow the business)
- Business imperatives (e.g., internal toolkit, IT compatibility, or upgrades)
How is the T&T of Weighted Ranking and Scoring Techniques used in Define Portfolio?
They are used for ranking and scoring portfolio components within each category based on values assigned
How is Portfolio Updates as an Output of Define Portfolio?
The portfolio is updated with portfolio components that have been strategically aligned, evaluated, and prioritized for ongoing selection, authorization, and optimization
Why is Portfolio Roadmap Updates an Output of Define Portfolio?
Because the result of the Define Portfolio process requires a change in the portfolio components included or excluded or in the dependencies in the roadmap
Why is Portfolio Management Plan Updates an Output of Define Portfolio?
Because The result of the Define Portfolio process may indicate a change in the portfolio management approach is required
- the prioritization criteria is changed
- the categories or classification of portfolio components are revised
- the approach is changed on how a portfolio is optimized, authorized, and monitored
Examples of evaluation criteria (for component inclusion in the portfolio) used in Define Portfolio?
- Organizational strategy alignment
- Goals and objectives
- Benefits, financial and nonfinancial
- Market share, market growth, or new markets
- Costs (lost opportunity costs)
- Dependencies, internal and external
- Risks, internal and external
- Legal/regulatory compliance
- Human resources capabilities and capacities
- Technology capabilities and capacities
- Urgency
What does evaluation criteria (used in Define Portfolio) need to support?
- the achievement of organizational strategy and objectives
- measuring the benefits contribution of a portfolio component
Why is a Portfolio an Input of Optimize Portfolio?
The portfolio’s currently active and inactive portfolio components are evaluated for optimization to ensure that resources are allocated to achieve organizational strategy and objectives that deliver the most value to the organization
Why is a Portfolio Roadmap an Input of Optimize Portfolio?
Because it provides the organizational strategy “to-be” vision for the portfolio that will guide the portfolio optimization, including the dependencies, timing, and sequencing of portfolio components
Why is a Portfolio Management Plan an Input of Optimize Portfolio?
Because it provides
- The approach for defining, optimizing, and authorizing portfolio components
- The intended approach to managing the portfolio, subportfolios, and portfolio components
Why is a Portfolio Reports an Input of Optimize Portfolio?
Various portfolio reports are reviewed and analyzed to optimize the portfolio
- Portfolio risk reports help to understand major risks associated with existing portfolio components and any potential issues which may arise from implementing the portfolio
- Resource pool reports help to understand resource allocation, availability, and capability
- Portfolio capability and capacity reports provide the maximum capability of the organization to meet resource demand or requirements
- Additional portfolio reports that assist in portfolio optimization are performance, financial, and value or benefits
Why is a Portfolio Process Assets an Input of Optimize Portfolio?
Because it provides relevant data, tools, templates, and information regarding the portfolio and guidance on optimizing the portfolio
How is the T&T of Capability and Capacity Analysis used in Optimize Portfolio?
It enables the organization to achieve maximum portfolio benefits given current resource constraints
- Human resource capability and capacity analysis: limiting factors for the number of portfolio components the organization can execute
- Financial capability and capacity analysis: constraining factors for the number of portfolio components or the size of portfolio components the organization can execute
- Asset capacity and capability analysis: limiting factor for the number of portfolio components and the size of portfolio components the organization can execute
How is the T&T of Weighted Ranking and Scoring Techniques used in Optimize Portfolio?
To weight and rank portfolio components within each category based on values assigned
How is the T&T of Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses used in Optimize Portfolio?
- Cost-Benefit Analysis: To determine the financial analytical value preferred by the organization
- Quantitative Analysis: To examine factors of interest, such as resource loading requirements over time or cash flow
- Scenario Analysis: To create a variety of portfolio scenarios and evaluate their possible outcomes based on various assumptions
- Probability Analysis: To evaluate portfolio components using success and failure probabilities and ranges of impacts if they occur for the estimated cost, time, anticipated revenues, risk, and other criteria
- SWOT Analysis: To determine the value of portfolio components in the marketplace and how portfolio components may affect (or be affected by) competitors
- Market/Competitor Analysis: To determine the value of portfolio components in the marketplace and how portfolio components may affect or be affected by competitors
- Business Value Analysis: To predetermine the values to improve the market value or organizational improvement and then apply those values to the portfolio components
How is the T&T of Graphical Analytical Methods used in Optimize Portfolio?
To visualize the portfolio that helps compare, balance, and monitor portfolio components
Why is Portfolio Updates an Output of Optimize Portfolio?
Because the following may change
* component relationships
* ranking criteria
* priorities
* dependencies
* goals
* portfolio component information (including the rationale for the decision to remove a portfolio component or include a portfolio component)
* portfolio component budget and resource approvals/exceptions (iterative to take into account both internal and external factors that change the costs, risks, or values of the portfolio components)
Why is Portfolio Roadmap Updates an Output of Optimize Portfolio?
Because The organizational areas, portfolio components, and high-level timeline may be changed due to optimization
Why is Portfolio Management Plan Updates an Output of Optimize Portfolio?
Because the optimizing approach, criteria, and other information about maintaining a balanced portfolio may need to be updated in the portfolio management plan
Why is Portfolio Reports an Output of Optimize Portfolio?
Because various portfolio reports may be updated, such as
- resources (capability and capacity may be updated)
- risks (risks ratings and types of response may be created or changed as existing portfolio components or newly selected portfolio components are evaluated)
- issues
- value/benefits
- performance
- financials
Why is Portfolio Process Asset Updates an Output of Optimize Portfolio?
Because The optimize portfolio procedures and guidelines information may need to be updated and stored
Why is Portfolio an Input of Authorize Portfolio?
- The portfolio includes a list of portfolio components having been approved that need to be authorized with their respective funding and resource requirements
- The portfolio contains a list of portfolio components for deactivation with remaining funding and resources that need to be returned to the organization’s funding and resource pools
Why is Portfolio Management Plan an Input of Authorize Portfolio?
Because it describes the process to authorize the portfolio components to allocate and reallocate resources and funding and to define the key communication needs associated with the portfolio management process
Why is Portfolio Reports an Input of Authorize Portfolio?
Because various portfolio reports are reviewed and analyzed to authorize portfolio components: financials/funding, resources, and governance decisions (authorize components and provide detailed information on the authorization justification).
How is the T&T of Portfolio Authorization Technique used in Authorize Portfolio?
To formally authorize a new portfolio or portfolio components
To effect funding allocations and transfers
To report and communicate the results
How is the T&T of Portfolio Management Information System used in Authorize Portfolio?
- To indicate which portfolio components have been assigned resources
- All changes and updates made to the authorized portfolio components are communicated by means of the updated PMIS and other communication methods
Why is Portfolio Updates an Output of Authorize Portfolio?
Because The portfolio is updated with the status of newly authorized portfolio components, their respective funding and allocated resources, and any other related information that is applicable
Why is Portfolio Management Plan Updates an Output of Authorize Portfolio?
- Updates for budget/funding or resource allocation
- Updates to the process for evaluating portfolio component authorization if the current established process does not meet the portfolio management requirements
- …
Why is Portfolio Reports an Output of Authorize Portfolio?
Because various portfolio reports may be updated
- Governance decisions
- Resources, assets (updated resource pool): the resources allocated to the authorized portfolio components; the resources reallocated from terminated or cancelled portfolio components
- Portfolio funding (changes in the funding and resource pools): the funding allocated to the authorized portfolio components, the funding, which is reallocated from terminated or canceled portfolio components and ready for use in funding new approved portfolio components, the funding that is transferred to the funding pool)
Why is Portfolio Process Asset Updates an Output of Authorize Portfolio?
Because the Authorize Portfolio component procedures and guidelines information may need to be updated
- Human resource assignment procedures
- Transferring funding among components to and from the funding pool
Why is Portfolio an Input of Provide Portfolio Oversight?
The portfolio provides critical information on portfolio components in order to consider portfolio component proposals and changes and funding allocations to make sure that the portfolio’s current portfolio components and planned or future initiatives will address organizational strategy and objectives
Why is Portfolio Roadmap an Input of Provide Portfolio Oversight?
Because it provides an integrated view of the portfolio strategy and is a useful tool for portfolio communication (high-level strategic direction and dependencies within the portfolio)
Why is Portfolio Management Plan an Input of Provide Portfolio Oversight?
It provides the portfolio management approach and establishes how a portfolio is defined, organized, optimized, and controlled
Why is Portfolio Reports an Input of Provide Portfolio Oversight?
Report on portfolio performance, resource capability and capacity, risks/issues, and financial information
- To evaluate the portfolio and its individual components to decide what actions should be taken in order to minimize risk and maximize the benefits that the portfolio delivers to the organization
- To determine whether the portfolio is performing as expected
- To evaluate whether the portfolio benefits align with organizational strategy
Why is Portfolio Process Assets an Input of Provide Portfolio Oversight?
Because it provides
- portfolio policies, processes and procedures
- portfolio knowledge bases, historical performance information
- governance decisions
- open issues
How is the T&T of Portfolio Review Meetings used in Provide Portfolio Oversight?
To review the current status of the portfolio and to determine if any decisions need to be made regarding the portfolio and its portfolio components by
- Recurring scheduled around significant portfolio milestones
- Triggered by external events such as financial drivers, regulatory changes, and completion of significant portfolio components or deliverables
How is the T&T of Elicitation Techniques used in Provide Portfolio Oversight?
To provide portfolio oversight and gather potential issues and risks (compiling status reporting, facilitating meetings, and conducting questionnaires and surveys)
What will be reviewed during Portfolio Review Meetings to make governance decisions in Provide Portfolio Oversight?
- Portfolio performance
- Portfolio component proposals and changes
- Risks and issues
- Availability of resource (human, technology, and other assets) capability and capacity
- Funding allocations and future investment requirements
- Organizational standards compliance
Why is Portfolio Updates an Output of Provide Portfolio Oversight?
Because it results from governance decisions: a portfolio component needs to be added, terminated, or changed in some fashion
(The method for documenting and communicating the governance decisions may be a spreadsheet, a text document, or found within the portfolio management information)
Why is Portfolio Management Plan Updates an Output of Provide Portfolio Oversight?
Because it may be revised as the result of a governing body decision regarding
* the portfolio oversight approach
* decision tracking
* other types of status reporting
Why is Portfolio Reports an Output of Provide Portfolio Oversight?
Because reports (portfolio performance, resource capability and capacity, risks/issues, and financial information) may be updated based on determined risks/issues, actions, and decisions made to change the portfolio or to maximize the benefits that the portfolio delivers to the organization
Why is Portfolio Process Assets Updates an Output of Provide Portfolio Oversight?
- PPAs may require updating, such as portfolio policies, processes and procedures, and portfolio knowledge bases
- PPAs need to be updated with governance decisions and open issues
What is a Governance Model?
A framework that defines how organizational assets and resources are managed within the portfolio
Key Objectives of Define Portfolio
- Ensure resources are allocated to portfolio components that provide the most significant value for the investment.
- Align portfolio components with the organization’s strategy and objectives.
Key Objectives of categorization of (Organizing) portfolio components in Define Portfolio?
- To Ensure that all portfolio components are comparable.
- To Ensure that components with a common goal are measured on the same basis, regardless of their origin in the organization
- To Allow the organization to balance its investment and its risks between all strategic categories and goals
What are the key descriptors?
A common set of decision filters and criteria used for categorizing, evaluating, and selecting portfolio components in the portfolio
Purposes of categorization of (Organizing) portfolio components in Define Portfolio?
Groups of components having a common goal
How does Define Portfolio process help Alignment with Organizational Strategy?
- To ensure that only components aligning with the organizational strategy and meeting defined criteria are selected
- To prevents the inclusion of unnecessary or poorly planned components, which could increase workload and reduce benefits from truly important and strategically aligned portfolio components
Key Activities in Optimize Portfolio process
- Assigning or Reassigning Criteria for Ranking Portfolio Components
- (Planning and allocating resources) Determining Resource (Human, Assets, and Technology) Capability, Resource Capacity Available, and Constraints for Portfolio Components
- Performing Risk Analysis on Portfolio Components Based on the Organization’s Risk Profile
- Consider trade-offs between different portfolio objectives (Managing risk versus return, Balancing short-term goals against long-term goals, Balancing different types of projects to align with the organizational strategy)
- Evaluating and determining performance and expected value and benefits (financial and nonfinancial) of portfolio components
- Determining which portfolio components should receive the highest priority within the portfolio
- Identifying portfolio components to be suspended, reprioritized, or terminated based on the balancing or rebalancing activities (maximizing portfolio return within the organization’s predefined risk profile and tolerances)
- Incorporating groupings of portfolio components to ensure that portfolio components include all component dependencies, including cost and benefit dependencies for the entire group
Criteria used to balance portfolio components?
- predefined portfolio management criteria
- the organization’s desired risk profile
- portfolio performance metrics
- capacity constraints
Key Activities in Authorize Portfolio process
- Authorizing portfolio component proposal development or portfolio component execution
- Allocating resources to authorized portfolio components
- Reallocating funding and resources from deactivated and terminated portfolio components to activated portfolio components or the resource pools
- Update relevant portfolio reports (funding updates, resource assignments, and allocations) and document governance decisions
- Communicating changes and decisions for the authorized portfolio components.
Key Activities in Provide Portfolio Oversight process
Conducting recurring and nonrecurring governance meetings for reviews and decision making
* Reviewing information on portfolio resources, risks, performance, and financial information
* Ensuring compliance with organizational standards
* Make governance decisions
* Reporting portfolio changes and information on resources, risks, performance, and financials
* Communicating governance decisions.
Which financial analytical method could be used in Optimize Portfolio as a (Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses) Cost-Benefit Analysis
- net present value (NPV)
- discounted cash flow (DCF)
- internal rate of return (IRR)
- cost benefit ratio
- payback
- options analysis
Which method could be used in Optimize Portfolio as a (Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses) Quantitative Analysis
- resource loading requirements over time
- cash flow
Which method could be used in Optimize Portfolio as a (Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses) Probability Analysis
- decision trees
- flowcharts
- Monte Carlo simulation
Which method could be used in Optimize Portfolio as Graphical Analytical Methods
- risk vs. return charts
- histograms
- pie charts
- buble charts
Key activities of Define Portfolio process
- Identifying qualified portfolio components through the evaluation and assignment of key descriptors,
- Categorizing portfolio components to which a common set of decision filters and criteria may be applied
- Evaluating portfolio components with a ranking and scoring model comprising weighted key criteria.
- Select the most valuable and aligned components to include in the portfolio while ensuring a balanced mix of short-term and long-term goals, risks, and resource demands.
- Document the portfolio structure, including selected components, categorization, and rationale for inclusion.
- Update relevant governance documents to reflect the defined portfolio.
What is ROI?
ROI (Return on Investment): A measure of the profitability or efficiency of an investment, calculating the ratio of net profit to the cost of the investment. A higher ROI generally indicates a more favorable investment.
What is IRR?
IRR (Internal Rate of Return): The discount rate at which the net present value (NPV) of an investment becomes zero. A higher IRR typically suggests a more attractive investment.
What is PBP?
PBP (Payback Period): The time it takes for an investment to generate enough cash flow to cover its initial cost. A shorter payback period is generally preferred, indicating a faster return on investment.
What is DCF?
DCF (Discounted Cash Flow): A valuation method used to estimate the value of an investment based on its expected future cash flows, discounted to their present value. This method helps assess the profitability of an investment over time
What is NPV?
NPV (Net Present Value) is a financial metric used to determine the present value of an investment’s future cash flows, minus its initial cost. It accounts for the time value of money, recognizing that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future.
To calculate NPV, subtract the present values of cash outflows (costs) from the present values of cash inflows (revenues or benefits) over a specific period.
A positive NPV generally indicates a potentially profitable investment.
Factors to consisider when judge NPV
- Discount Rate: This reflects the cost of capital and the investment’s inherent risk. A higher discount rate lowers the NPV, as it emphasizes the present value of future cash flows more heavily.
- Time Horizon: Longer horizons may lead to higher NPVs by capturing more future cash flows, but they also introduce greater uncertainty.
- Cash Flow Projections: Accurate cash flow projections are crucial for reliable NPV calculations. These projections must account for factors like market conditions, competition, and operational efficiency.
- Sensitivity Analysis: This analysis helps understand how changes in key assumptions or variables (e.g., revenue growth or discount rate) can affect NPV outcomes.
- Comparison with Alternatives: NPV should be compared with that of other investment opportunities to identify the most attractive option.
How is the portfolio funding divided between the different portfolio components in Authorize Portfolio?
According to the contractual milestones of each of the portfolio components.
Which reports are taken by Optimize Portfolio?
- Resources
- Risks and issues
- Value/benefits
- Performance
- Financial
Which reports are updated by Optimize Portfolio?
- Resources
- Risks and issues
- Value/benefits
- Performance
- Financial
Which reports are taken by Authorize Portfolio?
- Funding/financial
- Resources
Which reports are updated by Authorize Portfolio?
- Funding/financial
- Resources
- Governance decicions
Which reports are taken by Provide Portfolio Oversight?
- Resources
- Risks and issues
- Performance
- Financial
Which reports are updated by Provide Portfolio Oversight?
- Resources
- Risks and issues
- Performance
- Financial
- Governance decisions