Port Phillip Heads & Southern PP Flashcards
Q1. What precautions /actions should be taken on approaching the Heads? (Note: completion of these items does not need to be broadcast to Lonsdale VTS).
- Confirm the following:
▪ VHF on channel 12
▪ Anchors clear and ready
▪ Steering system tested
▪ Navigation equipment and aids available
▪ Engine tested astern
▪ Master/Pilot information exchange completed
▪ Passage plan presented and discussed
▪ Any other items / actions required by the Safety Management System you are operating under. - Prior to entering port limits (3nm from entrance) contact Lonsdale VTS and provide / receive the following information:
▪ Deepest draft
▪ Name of pilot, and if applicable, name of trainee pilot. (May be provided via Pilot Office)
▪ Name of Exempt Master
▪ The vessels intended route, including the channel to be used to transit the heads.
▪ If vessel is constrained to the Great Ship Channel
▪ If the vessel requires ‘One way passage through the Heads’
▪ Clearance to proceed
(NB: Vessel type should have been given by ship 2 hours prior to arrival at the PBG). - On or before arrival at Port Phillip Heads contact Lonsdale VTS and advise ETA at:
Melbourne bound:
▪ Hovell Pile and Fawkner Beacon
▪ Tug requirements
Anchorage bound:
▪ Hovell Pile and Fawkner Beacon (A1 –A3) / Outer Anchorage (S1 –S13, G1 – G4)
▪ Nominated Anchorage
▪ Intended route around the northern Spoil Ground
Q2. Where is the Pilot Boarding Ground?
▪ 5 nm south-west of Point Lonsdale for boat operations
Q3. Describe the information lights shown from Point Lonsdale Light House
Tide Stream
Flood stream is denoted by:
▪ First half – one green light
▪ Second half – two green lights
Ebb stream is denoted by:
▪ First half – one red light
▪ Second half – two red lights
ROW (Right Of Way)
Flashing Green.
▪ Entrance closed * to all inward bound vessels to allow the departure of an outward bound tanker /cruise vessel and a vessel constrained to the Great Ship Channel.
▪ Entrance closed to all inward bound vessels to allow the departure of a Hampered vessel and a vessel that has requested one-way transit.
▪ An inward bound vessel must not enter the fairway through Port Phillip Heads while the flashing green light is displayed.
*Certain coastal vessels can pass the named vessel types in point 1 when the coastal vessel can remain to the east of the Great Ship Channel and there is a three way agreement between the ships and Lonsdale VTS. (Not all coastal vessels are named, i.e. the Goliath, John Duigan, Siem Topaz, Siem Amethyst and Siem Aquamarine are not named).
Flashing Red.
▪ Entrance closed to all outward traffic to allow the entry of an arriving tanker, cruise or hampered vessel.
▪ An outward vessel must not proceed west of an imaginary line joining Popes Eye bcn and South Channel Entrance bcn.
Fixed Red-Green-Red.
Entrance closed to all inward and outward traffic.
▪ Tide height information can be obtained by contacting Lonsdale VTS.
▪ There are no tidal stream or right-of-way (ROW) lights displayed from the lighthouse during daylight.
▪ There are no tide stream lights displayed when ROW lights displayed.
Q4. Describe Port Phillip Heads and the Fairway through Port Phillip Heads.
▪ Port Phillip Heads (PPH) means an imaginary line joining Point Lonsdale and Point Nepean.
▪ The Fairway through PPH means the fairway north of PPH marked by the eastern boundary of the High Light White sector extending to Point Nepean, and the fairway south of PPH between the eastern boundary of the Outer Eastern Channel and the western boundary of the Outer Western Channel extending 2 nm to seaward.
Q5. Where is the deepest water in the Rip Area?
▪ Deepest water is 88m in the Entrance Deep.
▪ This is an area marked generally by the intersection of the transit of High Light & Murray Tower and the line joining Lonsdale light house and Point Nepean.
Q6. Define the ‘Great Ship Channel’.
▪ 17.0m deep
▪ 245m wide
▪ Leading line defined by the transit of the High Light and the Low Light (042.5°).
▪ A central fairway 120 metres wide (60 metres each side of the main leads) is marked by two sectored PEL’s (Port Entry Lights)
▪ The first PEL, located on Fort West Bcn, is to the west of the main leads. The western red/white boundary (042.5) is 60 metres inside the western toeline of the Great Ship Channel.
▪ The second PEL, located on the Queenscliff Harbour Observation Tower, is to the northeast of the main leads. The eastern green/white boundary (042.5°) is 65 metres inside the eastern toeline of the Great Ship Channel.
Q7. Define the ‘Western Ship Channel’
▪ Lies to the western side of the Great Ship Channel.
▪ Depth of 11.4m
▪ Width of 95m.
▪ Western limit has no marks along its entire length but it is parallel to the main leading line and 215m from that line.
▪ Eastern limit is marked by Queenscliff High Light in line with Fort Flagstaff on a transit of 043.9. (Note: Fort Flagstaff whilst lit is hard to distinguish at night).
Q8. Define the ‘Outer Western Channel’
▪ Leading on the western side of the Western Ship Channel.
▪ Depth of 10.3m.
▪ The western limit is marked by Hume Tower light in transit with Queenscliff High Light (046°).
▪ Clears Lonsdale Rock by 152m.
Q9. Define the ‘Eastern Shipping Channel’
▪ Lies to the eastern side of the Great Ship Channel.
▪ Depth of 11.9m
▪ Width of about 185m.
▪ Eastern limit is marked by Murray Tower light in transit with Queenscliff High Light (038.7°)
Q10. Define the ‘Outer Eastern Channel’
- Leading on the eastern side of the Eastern Channel.
- Depth of 10.1m.
- Eastern limit is marked by Murray Tower Light in line with Lookout House close west of Queenscliff High Light bearing (034.8°).
- Clears Corsair Rock by 335m.
Q11. Where is Lonsdale Rock, what depth of water is over it and what are the clearing marks
• Lonsdale Rock lays 133° x 0.625 nm from Pt. Lonsdale Lt.
• 6.1m of water over it.
This danger is cleared by:
▪ Hume Tr. on with High Lt. (046°), clears by 152m
▪ It is in the red sector of Lonsdale Lt. (272° – 325°)
Q12. Where is Corsair Rock, what depth of water is over it and what are the clearing marks
- The reef off Pt. Nepean extends for 0.5nm in a westerly direction to Corsair Rock, drying for the first 0.35nm from land.
- Corsair Rock has 1.8m over it.
This danger is cleared by:
▪ Murray Tr. on with Lookout House (034.8°) clears by 335m in 10.1m of water (Outer Eastern Channel)
▪ Murray Tr. on with High lt. (038.7°) clears by 560m in 11.9m of water (Eastern Shipping Channel)
▪ Low Lt white/red blend (032°) clears by 210m
▪ Lonsdale red sector (272°-325°) clears 0.4nm to the north and 0.75nm to the south.
Q13. Decsribe the ‘Boat Channel’ and what are the marks for entering between Lonsdale Rock and the reef off Point Lonsdale
▪ Channel 0.2nm wide
▪ Depth 4.9m.
▪ Axis is (052°/232°).
▪ Provides clearer water than is present in the Rip and can be used to advantage after SW-ly gales and strong ebb tides.
The leading marks for the channel are:
4-fingers west
▪ Fort West Bcn. on with High Lt (052°) clears Lonsdale Reefs by 230m
▪ Fort West Bcn W/R blend (052.7°) clears Lonsdale Reefs by 135m
▪ Fort West Bcn. eastern edge of white sector (048.7°) clears Lonsdale Rk. by 85m.
Q14. How does the Flood and Ebb tide set in the vicinity of the Heads?
▪ Tide does not turn at times of high and low water.
▪ Slack water occurs when water levels inside and outside of the Rip are approximately the same.
▪ The force of the tide depends on the relative water levels inside and outside of the bay.
▪ Force is greatest at times of high and low water.
▪ Stream can run up to 9 knots, with 6 knot being normal. Anecdotally, stronger streams than predicted can be experienced for short periods.
▪ The ebb sets through the channels and strongly into Lonsdale Bight and then out through the Heads heading SE at Lonsdale, and then along the coast towards Cape Schank. This sets a vessel to the east when abeam of Lonsdale.
▪ The flood flows through the Heads from the SE into Lonsdale Bight and then through the channels. It sets vessels to the west when abeam of Lonsdale.
▪ Water levels within Port Phillip is much affected by winds blowing for a long period in one direction. Northerly gales cause the tidal levels in Port Phillip to remain low while southerly gales can cause tidal levels to remain high.
▪ Water levels are also affected by extremes of barometric pressure – low air pressures uplifting the water levels and high air pressures having the opposite effect.
Q15. Describe Point Lonsdale Lt., its sectors and their purpose.
Characteristic is L.Fl(2).WRG.15s 37m 12/10M.
▪ Fog signal: Horn (2) 30s
266° - 272°
(266° cuts 0.1nm north of Pope’s Eye Bcn; 272° cuts over #2Bcn South Channel) (272o marks the start of the CRT)
272° - 325°
(325° cuts 0.75nm south of Corsair Rock and clears south of the shoal patches off the Point)
325° - 342.75°
Deep draught vessels are clear to turn to the west.
342.75° - 069°
(069° Red/White blend cuts 2.0nm south of Barwon Heads and clears the dangers inshore)
069° - 110°
Covers Barwon Head
Q16. Describe Queenscliff High Light, the sectors and their purpose
Characteristic is F&Occ.15s 40m 14M.
244° - 059°
(visible outside Heads (014°-059°), clearing Victory Shoal)
029° - 053°
(029° cuts over Corsair Rock; 053° clears 10m contour off Victory Shoal)
224° - 228°
(over Coles Bcn & No.8 Bcn forms the West Channel leading line 226°/046°)
Q17. Describe Queenscliff Low Lt., the sectors and their purpose.
The light characteristic is Oc.WRG.15s 28m 12/6M
241° - 252°
(covers Tuckey Reef and shoals to Swan Spit)
252° - 260°
260° - 267°
(267° cuts north of Pope’s Eye Bank)
267° - 316
(covers Popes Eye Bank)
316° - 356°
(356o marks the start of the CRT) (316o marks the Western edge of the 13.1m area south of Popes Eye Bcn)
356° - 032°
(032° cuts 210m west of Corsair Rock)
032° - 046°
(046° cuts 152m east of Lonsdale Rock.)
Q18. Describe Hume Tower, its sector and their purpose.
- Situated 20m NW of Low Light.
- Characteristic is Oc.R.15s 28m 11M, synchronized with Low Lt.
- Sector: Red(032° - 046°)
- Hume Tr. on with High Lt. (046°) marks the western limit of the navigable channels through the Heads. This line clears Lonsdale Rock by 152m.
Q19. Describe Murray Tower, its sectors and their purpose
- Situated 28m east of Low Light.
- Characteristic is Oc. G, 15s, 25m, 5M synchronized with Low Lt.
- Sector: Green (032°-046°)
- Murray Tr. on High Lt. (038.7°) marks the eastern limit of the Eastern Shipping Channel (11.9m) through the Heads. cw addition clears Lonsdale rock by 560m??
- Murray Tr. on Lookout House (034.8°) marks the eastern limit of the Outer Eastern Channel (10.1m) by day and this clears Corsair Rock by 335m
Q20. Describe Fort West Beacon, its lights, sectors and uses.
This beacon has two broad functions, firstly as small boat (pilot and fishing vessels) leads and since the Channel Deepening Project, projects the PEL for the Great Ship Channel.
Beacon is 8m high with a white day mark 5m high and 2.5m wide on the upper southwestern face of the structure.
It exhibits an Dir Iso.WR.2s 19m 12/10M & Dir.F.WR. 6/4M light.
Small boat leads; Sectors: Red058.7° - 052.7° 10M White052.7° - 048.7° 12M The (052.7°) Red/White blend clears Lonsdale Reefs by 135m and clears Victory Shoal. The eastern edge of the white sector (048.7°) cuts inside Lonsdale Rock by 85m. Fort West Beacon on with High Light 052° clears the reef by 230 m.
PEL light: Sectors: Red 042.5- 044.25 (042.5boundary is 60 metres from the western toe line) White 040.75 - 042.5
Q21. Describe the Queenscliff Harbour PEL Light
Dir.F.WG 28m 11/8M
Green 040.75° - 042.5°(042.5° boundary is 65 metres from the eastern toe line)
White 042.5° - 044.25
Q22. Describe “The Narrows” PEL Light
Dir.F.RWG 21m 6/4M
016.5 - 017.5
017.5- 024.5
- 5- 025.5
(025. 5o marks the edge of the 17.0m ‘bell mouth’ on rip bank)
Q23. Describe “Rocky Point” PEL Light
Dir F.Al WR.3s 12m 6/4M
Red284.25° - 284.5°
Al White/Red284.5° - 285.25°
White285.25° - 286.75°(285.25o clears Goorangai wreck by 0.03nm)
Al means that the colour of the light alternates sharply between the colours of the adjacent sectors (white/red). The duration of one colour before switching to the other varies in proportion to lateral movement.
Q23A. From west to east, what are the main transits through Port Phillip Heads and what do they signify?
- Fort West Beacon with High Light
Brg. 052
For passage between Lonsdale reefs and Lonsdale Rock
Clears Lonsdale Rock by 135m - Hume Tower with High Light
Brg. 046
Indicates the western limit of the Outer Western Channel
Clears Lonsdale Rock by 152m - Fort Flagstaff with High Light
Brg. 043.9
Indicates approximate eastern limit of Western ship channel - Low Light with High Light
Brg. 042.5
Leading line of the Great Ship Channel - Murray Tower with High Light
Brg. 038.7
Indicates eastern limit of Eastern Ship Channel and western limit of the Outer Eastern channel. **clears Corsair rock by 560m - Murray Tower with Lookout House
Brg. 034.8
Indicates the eastern limit of the Outer Eastern Channel
Clears Corsair Rock by 335m
Q24. Describe Quarantine Light and the anchorage.
Fl.WG.3s 2M Sectors: Green115o - 129o White129° - 199° Green199° - 293° The Quarantine Anchorage (QA) is located south west of Nicholson Knoll to the west of Portsea. Vessels should anchor in the white sector of Quarantine Light bearing 180° and in the Point Lonsdale Light red sector bearing 278°. Depth 15.0 metres (refer to Aus 144, Aus 158).
Q25. What are the clearance depths of the wrecks in the Western approaches to the South Channel?
▪ Eliza Ramsden. 10.9 m.
▪ Goorangai 13.5 m.
Q26. Discuss the General Traffic Rules detailed in the Harbour Master’s Directions
NOTE: Candidates will be expected to have a full understanding of the General Traffic Rules.
Q27. Describe Shortland Bluff Anchorage
- Position is in the red sector of Low light, with the High light brg. 285 T x 0.5nm
- Good holding ground in 10.5m of water
- Used in emergency situations.
Q28. Where is Draper’s Reef and how is it marked
- The reef extends east from the shore below High Lt. for 0.2nm
- Depth of 1m
- Bcn. is a red spar beacon with red triangular top-mark and a Q.R light
- Bcn. is located in 6m of water, 0.05nm SE of the reef.
- Bcn. lies in the (252°-260°) White sector of Low Lt.
Q29. Describe Pope’s Eye Bank and how is it marked.
- Separates the southern entrance to the West and Symonds Channels.
- It is marked at its southern extremity by Pope’s Eye Bcn (south cardinal mark) VQ(6)+L.Fl.10s 8M.
- This beacon is in position 214° x 0.9nm from the Annulus and is 0.2nm clear of the Bank’s 10m contour.
- Bcn is in 15m of water.
Q30. Describe #1 Beacon in the West Channel (Annulus).
• The stone, horse shoe shaped annulus lies in the crown of Pope’s Eye Bank, in a position 100° x 1.75nm from High Lt.
• It is open to the NE, 90m in diameter, 2.5m high with 1m of water inside.
• #1Bcn West Ch. is sited at the NW end of the Annulus showing Fl.WR.6s 7/5M.
White 034°-164° Over the Entrance, (034°) cuts over Pope’s Eye Bcn,
Red 164°-034° covering the banks to the east.
Q31. Where is Nicholson Knoll? What are the clearing marks?
- Nicholson Knoll is an area of shallow water located to the west and south of #1 bcn of the South Channel.
- Depths range from 5.3m to 9.2m.
- The bank extends almost to the South Channel toeline.
- Navigating within the confines of the South Channel at all times will ensure clearance.
Q32. Where is the deepest water in the South Channel, the Seal platform and the Mud Islands?
- The deepest water lies between #3-7Bcns South Ch. where depths of 18m to 36m exist in the “Schnapper Deep”.
- The Seal platform is a conspicuous structure, at the SW end of the Great Sand, 1.8nm east of the Pope’s Eye Bcn.
- The Mud Islands are located in the middle of the Great Sand and consists of three islands with a total area of approximately 400 acres.
Q33. What is the maximum draught for the South Channel and Port Phillip Heads?
Location Declared Depth Max Draught
Great Ship Channel 17.0m **nil restriction **
Plus tide (Min ukc 2.4m) : Outer west channel 10.3m 7.9m Western Ship Channel 11.4m 9.0m Eastern ship channel 11.9m 9.5m Outer Eastern channel 10.1m 7.7m
South Channel
- 5m
- 0m
South Channel (Western end)
- 5m
- 0m ***
South Channel (Eastern end)
- 0m
- 0m ***
- 13.1m areas exist to the south of Popes Eye Bcn, between #4 and #6 Bcns.
- The use of the DUKC (Dynamic under Keel Clearance) is mandatory for all vessels with draught 11.60m or more intending to transit the Port waters of Melbourne.
Q34. Describe the South Channel, its beacons and their characteristics
- The South Channel width varies between 850m and 350m.
- It is delineated by lit, single pile navigational beacons primarily positioned as gated pairs.
- The beacons indicate the channel toe-lines at a nominal 25m offset outside the channel.
- No’s 1, 2, 3 and 4 Bcns are 50.0m outside the toe-line.
- The beacons are configured in accordance with the IALA System A.
Starboard Hand Beacons:
SC Entrance Bcn
Q 9M
North cardinal
# 1 Bcn South Ch Fl.G.3s 3M
# 3 Bcn South Ch Fl(2)G.5s 3M
# 7 Bcn South Ch Fl(4)G.12s 3M
# 9 Bcn South Ch Fl.G.3s 3M
#11 Bcn South Ch VQ 5M
#13 Bcn South Ch Fl(3).G.10s
#15 Bcn South Ch Fl(4).G.12s 3M
#19 Bcn South Ch Fl(2).G.5s 9m 8M
#21 Bcn South Ch Fl(2).G.5s.3M
#23 Bcn South Ch Fl (3).G.10s 5M
#25 Bcn South Ch Fl (4).G. 12s 8M
Port Hand Beacons:
Pope’s Eye Beacon
VQ(6)+LFl.10s 8M
South cardinal
# 2 Bcn South Ch Fl.R.3s 3M
# 4 Bcn South Ch Fl(2)R.5s 3M
# 6 Bcn South Ch. Fl(3)R.10s 3M
# 8 Bcn South Ch Fl(4)R.12s 3M
#10 Bcn South Ch Fl.R.3s 3M
#12 Bcn South Ch. Fl(2)R.5s 3M
#14 Bcn South Ch. Fl(3)R.10s 3M
#16 Bcn South Ch. Fl(4)R.12s 3M
#18 Bcn South Ch. Fl.R.3s 3M
#20 Bcn South Ch Fl(2)R.5s 3M
#22 Bcn South Ch. Fl(3)R.10s 8M Marks the western edge of the secondary channel 400m west of the dredged area. The dredged area is marked with a virtual buoy (SC East). #24 Bcn South Ch. Fl W 5s 11M
Hovell Pile Beacon
Fl.(1)W 3s and F. Bu 3M
Q35. Describe the Dredged Cut.
- Eastern end of the Channel.
- 2.2 km long
- 350m wide
- Declared depth of 15.5m.
- Axis is (108°/288°).
- It is marked on the port hand by #12 & #14 Bcns South Ch. and on the starboard hand by #11 & #13 Bcns South Ch.
- # 11 and #12 Bcns are fitted with high visibility day and night top marks.
Q36. What are the distances from Lonsdale to # 1, 6, 11 Bcns South Channel and the Hovell Pile Beacon?
Lonsdale to: ▪ #1 South Ch. 4.50nm ▪ #6 South Ch. 6.50nm ▪ #11 South Ch. 10.75nm ▪ Hovell Pile 13.50nm
Q37. What line does #19 Bcn South Channel provide
• #19Bcn South Ch. is on the alignment between Rosebud Jetty and Fawkner Bcn. (182°).
• In the absence of any traffic it provides a good approach or rounding line for the Hovell and may be used as a separation line for inward and outward traffic subject to draught.
• Deep draft outward vessels will approach the Hovell turn from a position east of this leading line. In these circumstances communication between vessels is important.
Refer to HMD 2.4.2.
Q38. Describe Rosebud Jetty Light
- Situated at the head of the Rosebud jetty
- 182° x 0.9nm from #19 South Ch.
- It exhibits Fl.R.5s 7m 5M and F.Bu 5M fitted to an orange triangular day mark apex down.
- Synchronised with beacon No. 19 South Channel.
Q39. Describe Capel Sound and the obstructions.
- Capel Sound is an expanse of deep water at the SE end of the South Channel.
- Can be used as an emergency anchorage only – spoil ground and the repositioning of the 10m contour has made normal anchoring unsuitable.
Q40. In which parts of the South Channel and Port Philip Heads is overtaking prohibited?
Overtaking is prohibited in the Fairway through Port Phillip Heads.
Q42. (A) Navigate a vessel from sea to the north of the Hovell Pile. (draught less than 11.6m)
- Be lined up for the entrance at a minimum of 2.0nm from Point Lonsdale on the main leads (042.5°).
- Enter on the main leads unless light draught in which case enter in the eastern triangle continuing into the bight until:
a. Barwon Heads shuts in with Point Lonsdale (270°).
b. Point King opens clear of Observatory Point (112°).
c. Petriana rocks opens to the north of Rock Bcn (150°).
d. By night the vessel passes through Point Lonsdale’s red sector and into the white sector. (266° – 272°). - Then commence a constant radius turn (0.5nm) to 091° and allowing for flood or ebb tide continue on this course until #1 and #3 Bcns are in line then commence a constant radius turn (1.0nm) to 108° to pass between the north and south cardinal marks #1 – 2 and #3 - 4 Bcns.
- When abeam #3 and #4 Bcns alter course to 104° for the South Ch. cut.
- When abeam #11 Bcn alter course to 108° to pass through the cut.
- When abeam #13 Bcn alter course to 101° to put #15 Bcn South Ch. fine on the starboard bow.
- When abeam #15 Bcn South Ch. alter course to 094° to bring #19 on to the starboard bow.
- When abeam #20 Bcn commence a constant radius turn (0.5nm) to 002º and monitor the track to stay east of the line between Fawkner Bcn and #19 Bcn. Adjust course as necessary to enter the Transit Zone.
Q42. (B) Navigate a vessel from sea to north of the Hovell Pile using DUKC. (draught 11.6m to 14.0m)
- From the Pilot boarding ground steer 050o until Point Lonsdale Lt is distant 2.0nm then alter course to 080 o to intersect the main leads (042o) ensuring that the vessel is clear of the outer banks.
- Stay on the main leads and within the Great Ship Channel until Shortland Bluff is distant 1.4nm then commence constant radius turn (1.0nm) to 106o in the white sector of Rocky Point Lt.
- When abeam #3 and #4 Bcns alter course to 104o for the South Channel Cut.
- When abeam #11 Bcn alter course to 108o to pass through the Cut.
- When abeam #13 Bcn alter course to 101o to put #15 Bcn fine on the starboard bow.
- When abeam #16 Bcn alter course to 094o to bring #19 Bcn onto the starboard bow.
- When abeam #20 Bcn commence constant radius turn (1.0nm) to north keeping clear of the 13.1m area west of the Rosebud Jetty/#19 Bcn transit.
- Adjust course as necessary to enter the Transit Zone
Q43. (A) Navigate a vessel from north of the Hovell to sea. (draught less than 11.6m)
- Shape a course to arrive north of the Hovell Pile Bcn steering 182° with #19 Bcn South Ch. fine on the port bow.
- When 1.6nm north of Rosebud jetty commence a constant radius turn (0.5nm) to 273°.
- Pass over the line of #12 and #14 Bcns in transit, then alter course to 288° to pass through the South Channel cut.
- Once clear of the cut steer 284° to pass between #1 and #2 Bcns.
- When #2 Bcn South Ch. is abeam alter course to 290° to pass 0.5nm off Shortland Bluff.
- When Drapers Reef Bcn (QR) is in line with the F.Bu(vert) light on Queenscliff pier and the low light changes white to red (356°) commence a constant radius turn (1.0nm) to port onto the main leads (222°) or the nominated channel.
- Alternatively when Drapers Reef and Queenscliff pier are in line, alter course to 258° to bring Point Lonsdale tide or traffic signals ahead. Note that Lonsdale flashing light is obscured. Keep on this course until “four fingers east” or low light changes from red to white (032°) then alter course to port onto the main leads (222°) or the nominated channel.
- Keeping well north as directed enables inward vessels to direct a safe course on flood and ebb tides which might otherwise be endangered in giving way to outward vessels. This does not apply to tankers and hampered vessels because these are required to be one way into the heads.
(B) Navigate a vessel from north of the Hovell to sea using DUKC. (draught 11.6m to 14.0m)
- Shape a course to arrive north of the Hovell Pile Bcn and east of the transit of Rosebud Jetty and #19 Bcn steering south with #21 Bcn fine on the port bow.
- When 0.5nm north of #21 Bcn commence a constant radius turn (1.0nm) to 274o.
- Pass over the line of #12 and #14 Bcns in transit then alter course to 288o to pass through the South Channel cut.
- Adjust course to enter the white sector of Rocky Point Lt.
- When Drapers Reef Bcn (QR) is in line with the F.Bu (vert) light on Queenscliff Pier and the low light changes white to red (356o) commences a constant radius turn (1.0nm) to 222o and enter the Great Ship Channel.
- After passing through the green sector of Point Lonsdale Lt (342.75o) alter course to the westward to avoid Flathead bank if necessary.
Q44. Navigate a Vessel through the Heads in Restricted Visibility
- Parallel index off Lonsdale Jetty 042°x0.76nm with a second parallel index 090°x1.4nm.
- When Shortland Bluff is ahead 1.4nm the index line will contact Shortland Bluff and course can be altered for the South Channel.
- From between the Entrance Beacons parallel index to pass 0.5nm off Shortland Bluff.
- When Queenscliff Jetty is in line with Drapers Reef alter course to bring Lonsdale Jetty ahead.
- When Lonsdale Cliffs are 1.6nm off then alter course to 222°and parallel index 0.76nm off Lonsdale Jetty.