Population Unit Flashcards
What are some Social Indicators?
Health Life Expectancy Education Food Birth Rate Death Rate Infant Mortality Rate
What is an Indicator of Health and what does it show?
Indicator - Number of people per doctor
It shows the state of the health service in that Country
It shows the education system within the country
What is an Indicator of Life Expectancy and what does it show?
Indicator - Average age people are expected to live to at birth
It shows the state of the health service in that country
It shows the education system within the country.
It shows the diet consumed by the population
What is an indicator of Education and What does it show?
Indicator - Percentage of adults who are literate
It shows the education system within the country
It shows the stability of the government
What is an indicator of Food and what does it show?
Indicator - Number of Calories consumed per person per day
It shows the diet consumed by the population
It shows the GDP
It shows if a country suffers from Natural Disasters
What is an Indicator of Birth Rate and what does it show?
Indicator - Number of babies born per 1000 women per year
It shows The state of the health service in that country
It shows the status of women in that country
What is an Indicator of Death Rate and what does it show?
Indicator - Number of Deaths per 1000 people per year
It shows the state of the health service in that country
It shows the education system within the country
It shows the diet consumed by the population
What is an Indicator of Infant Mortality rate and what does it show?
Indicator - Number of babies born per 1000 who die before the age of one
It shows the state of the health service in that country
It shows the diet consumed by the population
What is GNP?
Gross National Product - is an estimate of total value of all the final products and services turned out in a given period by the means of production owned by a country’s residents.
What is GDP?
Gross Domestic Product - is the total monetary or market value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a specific time period.
Describe how Energy Used per person can Indicate a countries development
Countries with a lot of industries producing much wealth will use a lot of energy
People with a high standard of living will use a lot of petrol in their cars and lots of electricity in their homes
Describe how People employed in Agriculture can indicate a countries development
A country with a high proportion of it’s people working in agriculture will have little industry to produce wealth
Farms will likely be small and unprofitable
So a high percentage of people in agriculture is a good indicator of a less developed country and vice versa
What is the Birth rate like in a developing country?
The Birth Rate is high
Give Reasons for a developing country having a high birth rate
- Many children as extra workers are needed on the farm (many poor people are farmers in developing countries)
- Lack of Contraception e.g ,condoms. Even if condoms are available they do not know how to use them
- Religious reasons may stop people using contraception e.g Roman Catholics
- Families have a large amount of children to enhance the status of the male, i.e show that he is virile
- Couples have lots of children so that they can be looked after when they are old -> no pension or old folks home
- Women have a low status in society and are seen as baby producers and objects.
What is the death rate like in a developing country?
The Death rate is high
Give reasons for a developing country having a high Death rate
- Lack of both basic and advanced healthcare
- Overcrowding leads to Infectious disease spreading rapidly
- Lack basic sanitation which causes disease to spread i.e Cholera
- Rats are abundant in Shanty Towns. These rats spread diseases
- People can become malnourished due to a poor diet and this means their immune system is weak
- Lack of Basic amenities
- War e.g Afghanistan
What is the Birth Rate like in a developed country?
The Birth rate in a developed country is Low
Give reasons for a developed country having a low birth rate
- Widespread use of contraception, e.g condoms. ( Use of contraception is acceptable in developed countries)
- Women pursue careers before thinking about having a family
- Women have a much higher status in Society
- Women now leave it later in life before they get married (technically have a shorter ‘fertile’ period)
- Low Infant Mortality Rates means the majority of children born will grow to adulthood ( no need to put babies in the ‘bank’)
What is the death rate like in a developed country?
The death rate in a developed country is Low
Give reasons for a developed country having a low death rate
- Better healthcare services, can also be free healthcare, e.g UK
- Mass Immunisation Programmes reduce childhood disease and resultant death
- Good sanitation and access to clean drinking water means disease is not spread
- Good diet means the population is well nourished and therefore fit to fight off disease
- The elderly are well looked after via healthcare, old folk’s homes, meals on wheels.
What are some of the problems of using only one indicator to measure the development of a Country?
- Average figures are unreliable if the population has been counted incorrectly
- The wealth of a country does not take into account how the money is used - it could be misspent by a corrupt government
- GNP is an average, therefore the total can be easily skewed by very wealthy families e.g In Kuwait, a few wealthy oil barons hold the majority of the wealth
- One indicator does not give a true picture of development of a country. It is much better to examine both social and economic indicators
- Indicators of development are averages so they do not take into account differences between rural and urban areas, or, e.g, the differences between poor shanty towns and richer inner city areas in Mumbai in India
- GDP does not take into account the the cost of goods in a country as affects what people can buy with their wages
What are the Physical factors that affect global population distribution?
Climate Relief Soils Natural Resources Availability of Water
What are the human factors that affect global population distribution?
Job Opportunities Transport and Communication Government Aid Services Technology Migration
How does Climate Affect Population distribution ?
People prefer to live in temperate climates where there is enough rainfall and no temperature extremes.
How does relief affect Population Distribution?
People favour living on flat, low lying land as they are easier to build on and grow crops on.
Few people live in mountains as it is difficult to farm and upland areas are too wet to grow crops
How does Soils affect Population distribution?
People prefer to live in areas with fertile soils so that crops can be grown to supply food.
How does Natural Resources affect Population Distribution?
People tend to live in areas where there are natural minerals such as gold and raw materials such as timber to exploit and sell.
Natural landscapes attract tourists which creates jobs
How does Availability of Water affect Population Distribution?
People are likely to live in areas where there is a supply of drinking water. Water is needed for human survival and without it crops won’t grow and animals won’t survive
How does Job opportunities affect Population Distribution?
Jobs in different Industries encourage people to move to find work
How does Transport and Communication affect Population Distribution?
Areas which are accessible tend to have higher population densities. Places with good transport attracts Industry and this in turn provides job opportunities
How does Government Aid affect population Distribution?
Industries locate where there is Government Funding Available. In turn people move to these areas for work
How does Services affect Population Distribution?
Many urban areas are crowded and people
move to ‘big cities’ such as Paris and London for
a variety of amenities and services such as
education, health care, a variety of jobs and
How does Technology affect Population Distribution?
Advances in farming technology, eg irrigation
and fertilisers, allow people to move to areas
and farm where it had previously not been
possible. Developments such as bridges and
tunnels give people easy access to areas
previously cut off.
How does Migration affect Population Distribution?
People move from one place to another for a
variety of reasons and can change the
population distribution and density, eg migrant
workers going from Mexico to USA or Syrian
refugees moving to Turkey