Population medicine and epidemiology Flashcards
5 objectives of epidemiology
- determination of the origin of a disease whose cause is unknown
- investigation and control of a disease whose cause is initially unknown
- acquisition of information on the ecology and natural history of a disease
- planning an monitoring of disease control programmes
- assessment of the economic effects of a disease and of its control
Evans postulates
- the proportion of individuals with the disease should be significantly higher in those exposed to the supposed cause than those who are not
- exposure to supposed cause should be more commonly seen in those with than without the disease
- number of new cases of disease should be significantly higher in those exposed to the supposed cause
- disease should follow exposure to the supposed cause with a distribution of incubation periods on bell shaped curve
- spectrum of host responses
- measurable host response
- experimental reproduction of disease
- elimination or modification of supposed cause should decrease frequency
- prevention or modification of the hosts response should decrease/eliminate disease
- all relationships and associations should be biologically and epidemiologically credible
Prevalence equation
P = number of individuals having a disease at a particular point in time / number of individuals in the population at risk at that point in time
Cumulative incidence equation
CI = number of individuals that become diseases during a particular period / number of healthy individuals in the population at the beginning of that period