PMI of red meat species Flashcards
What different parts are there to look at during a PMI?
- carcase and kidneys
- head and tongue
- abdominal and thoracic contents (pluck - red offal, and other - green offal)
When does regulation require carcase splitting?
Soliped, bovine over 8mo
Pig over 5 weeks, sometimes not split for traditional products (cuts)
Ovine over a year (spinal cord)
Acute conditions
Lesion developed over a period of some days (or less)
Inflammation of different organs or tissue
Enlarged haemorrhagic LNs
Often petechial haemorrhages of the mucosal and serous membranes and different organs such as heart, kidney, liver
Chronic lesions
Development of lesions over a period of some weeks, months, or years
Inflammation replaced by adhesions, necrotic, and fibrotic tissue or abscesses
What makes fresh meat unfit for human consumption?
Animals: dead before slaughter (except wild), still-born or <7days old, EU Directives 2002/99/EC on animal diseases, meat from sticking point
Infectious disease (EU Directives) and Notifiable diseases
Generalised disease: sepsis, pyaemia, toxaemia, viraemia
Not in conformity with Food safety criteria and containing residues of banned/unauthorised substances
Pathophysiological or organoleptic abnormalities: odour, bleeding, oedema
Shows soiling or faecal or other contamination or contains SRM
Other animal or health risk in OV opinion
Specific hazards
Judgement on abscesses
Affected part rejected
If multiple or evidence of pyaemic spread, entire carcase is unfit
Judgement on TB
Where lesions only in one organ - part rejected
Where multiple areas affected - entire carcase and offal rejected
Judgement of caseous lymphadenitis
○ If generalised- total rejection
○ Otherwise reject the affected parts only
Judgement of Enzootic Bovine Leukosis (EBL)
Most tumours suspicious (causes lymphosarcomas and leukaemia)
Carcase and offal rejected
Contact APHA of suspicion
Judgement of trauma
Bruising and haemorrhage if before slaughter
Affected areas rejected
Possible welfare implications
Judgement of jaundice
Needs differentiating from carotene pigment
Jaundice unfit for human consumption
Judgement of melanosis
Affected parts rejected
Judgement of emaciation
Carcases do not set and become wetter if detained overnight
Unfit for human consumption
Decision may need to be delayed
Judgement of oedema (may be associated with emaciation)
If generalised carcase unfit
If localised, affected area rejected
Judgement of pale soft exudative (PSE) pork
Would have been subjected to severe/acute stress before slaughter
Meat is unfit for human consumption
Judgement of dark firm dry (DFD) condition
Due to more chronic stress
Depends on severity but usually fit for human consumption
Judgement of septicaemia/toxaemia
Entire carcase and offal unfit
Judgement of erysipelas
Zoonotic - through skin contact
In urticarial (mild) type - reject affected parts
In acute or septicaemia type - entire carcases and offal rejected
In chronic type - often only affected organs and arthritic joints are rejected
Judgement of glassers disease
Depends on severity
Stripping of pleura and peritoneum is all thats necessary in many cases
Judgement of Coenurosis (Gid, Sturdy)
Reject head of affected sheep
Heads (skull) of sheep over 1 year are SRM
Zoonotic - food borne
Judgement of cysticercus ovis
If localised - affected areas rejected
If generalised - entire carcase and offal rejected
Not zoonotic
Judgement of cysticercus bovis
If generalised entire carcase and offal are rejected
If one viable or caseous cyst, affected part is rejected and remaining carcase undergoes cold treatment
Zoonotic - undercooked meat
Judgement of cysticercus cellulosae
Whole carcase rejected
Not present in UK
Judgement of cysticercus tenuicollis
Areas with attached cysts rejected as unfit
If serpentine tracts are evident liver rejected
Judgement of Hydatidosis
Offal containing cysts are rejected as unfit
Zoonotic, from dog faeces
Problems that can occur at slaughter
Blood inhalation in combination with electrical stunning
Back bleeding
Blood splashing - High V and Amp used for stun