Population Ecology Flashcards
What to add for more complexity in log models
Different forms of density dependence
* e.g., Allee effects (next slide)
* Time lags
* Incorporate species interactions (e.g., effects
of competitors, predators, mutualists, etc.)
Allele Effects
Allee effects are negative
effects of low density,
arising from social benefits
such as mate finding, group
living, group defence
Age-structured populations
adding in factors such as fecundity, survivorship, life history strategies
Life History
Start life at small size
* Grow for a period without reproducing
* This period is for resource accumulation
* When have enough resources, become mature,
start spending resources on reproduction
* Organisms show various lifestyles after sexual
* Some expend all resources at once, some spread them
* Need to consider age structure of populations to
better predict population trajectories
Age-structured population growth
Still considering a single population
* But now, fecundity and survivorship vary with
* Variation summarized by life tables of age-
specific rates
* Important implications for:
* Evolution of life histories
* Conservation of populations
* Understanding the changing structure of human
populations (human demography)
Arbitrary units of time chosen to give a
reasonable number of age classes for the
organism in question
* For microbes, minutes to hours;
* Most insects, weeks;
* Most mammals and birds, years;
* Humans, typically 5-year intervals, therefore
about 20 age classes
Life tables
Data that summarize the life events that are
statistically expected for the average
individual of a specified age in a population
* Age of death
* Age and timing of reproduction
* For modeling, these are treated as constants
* Usually consider females only
Survivorship schedules
Age classes denoted by subscript x
* lx = probability of being alive at age x
* l0 = 1.0 by definition
* “Survivorship curve” = a graph of lx vs. x
* lx necessarily declines with x
* Shape of lx curve is characteristic of species
Fecundity schedules
Age classes denoted by subscript x
* mx (or b x ) = # daughters born to a female of
age x during the interval x to x + 1
* Shape of m x curve characteristic of species
* Reproductive period usually preceded by
resource-accumulation phase
* Fecundity-survivorship trade-offs = cost of
Net reproductive rate, R 0
Average (“expected”) # of daughters a
female has in her lifetime = net reproductive
rate = R 0
* R0 = Σ l x mx
* Why does it work? Σ m x would be the total #
daughters produced by a mother who doesn’t
die early; multiplying by l x discounts
expected production by the probability that
some mothers do die early
* R0 is like λ, but in time units of one generation
rather than one time interval
Generation time, T (Average age
at which a female gives birth)
T = Σ x l x mx / R0
* Why does it work? This is a formula for a
weighted average. x is a female’s age;
multiplying x by lx mx weights x by how many
offspring are produced at that age; dividing
the sum of the weighted x’s by the total
lifetime production of daughters (R0) gives a
weighted average that specifies when a
female gives birth, on average
Relationships among R 0 , λ, r
These parameters indicate the factor by
which a population changes during a discrete
interval of time, but those intervals are
* As you would expect, these parameters can
be related mathematically
r=ln(r0)/T = ln(lambda)
reproduces quick, many at once, then dies “big bang” ex. salmon
Takes at least 2 years before it reproduces, does not immediately die after reproduction, no “big bang”
Plant life history categories
Seasons of
1. One
2. 2
3. More than 2
Semelparous = “monocarpic”
1. annual
2. annual
3. monocarpic perennial
Iteroparous =
1. not applicable
2. not applicable
3. perennial
When does natural selection favour
When reproductive output is increased by
accumulating resources for longer, for
example if:
* Reproductive output depends strongly on size
* In plants, if:
* Massive flower/fruit displays attract more beneficial
animals (pollinators or seed dispersers)
* Massive seed crops satiate seed predator populations,
allowing more seeds to go uneaten
Synchronized semelparity
all adults disappear from populations in a particular season. Thus, only a single cohort composes each population in discontinuous generation
Advantage of synchrony
Predator satiation tactic- infrequent pulses of reproduction
K strategy
Slower growth
* Longer generation time
* Larger body size
* More investment in somatic
* Lower reproductive rate
* Better competitive ability
* Poor at dispersal
* More investment in individual
offspring (e.g., heavier
* Iteroparity more likely
* Shade tolerant (plants)
Faster growth
* Shorter generation time
* Smaller body size
* More investment in gonad
* Higher reproductive rate
* Poor competitors
* Good at dispersal
* Produce more but lighter
* Semelparity more likely
* Shade intolerant; seed
* Born to run
Other statistics you can calculate
from life tables
Life expectancy, ex: expected years of life
left to an individual of age x
* Important for selling life insurance!
* Reproductive value, v x: expected number
of future daughters left to an individual of
age x
* Important for how selection acts on
* Also important in captive
breeding/release programs for
conservation: should release animals
with highest reproductive value