Population Ecology Flashcards
Why do we care about N
Natural resource management
* Size of fish stocks in the ocean
* Abundance of outbreaking insect pests in forests
* Conservation
* Population declines of species
* Health
* Monitoring populations of viruses or bacteria in
* Understanding and predicting human
population growth
* Basic science question of what limits
population growth
that the human
population cannot
grow faster than
food production
Paul Ehrlich
arguing that explosive growth in the human
population would have catastrophic social and
environmental consequences
goal of most population models
Predict the trajectory of population growth
through time, i.e., N as a function of t
* How many individuals are in the population
now? N t
* (Time advances one step) t t + 1
* How many individuals are in the population one
step later? N t + 1
* So, the general model is N t + 1 = f ( N t )
* Challenge: choosing simple but realistic
parameters for f
what are the time steps?
When using differential equations, time steps are
infinitesimally small: use concept of limits and
calculus; growth is smooth; best suited for species
with continuous reproduction
* When using difference equations, time steps are
discrete units (days, years, etc.): use iterated
recursion equations; growth is stepwise and
bumpy; best suited for episodic reproduction
* Also called “continuous-time” and “discrete-time”
* Different organisms might be better fit by one or
the other
Factor by which a population changes over one time unit. Finite rate of increase. no species has ever maintained lambda > r or lambda < r
continuous time
exponential growth, instantaneous, per capita rate of population change
dN/dt = rN
intrinsic rate of increase
When is geometric, when is it expongential
geometric - lambda > 1
exponential - r > 0
lambda and r
growth rate (lambda or r) are constants that simply reflect the biology…
Density dependent growth
Logistic model - logistic braking model - simplest form of density dependence
sigmoid growth curve
N - population size
K - carrying capacity
r - intrinsic growth rate
t - time